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Her legs were wobblier than a newborn mooncalf as she came to the top of the crooked steps. Queenie, half holding her up as the first few bars of the wedding march drifted over them. Then her eyes met Newts and those electric sparks that had been shooting through her erupted into fireworks.  Sparking over her head and leaving a sort of floating feeling in its wake. Oddly freeing but beginning to intensify into pure undiluted joy. She felt a large smile break out onto her face and she watched as his face split into that lopsided grin of his, still tinged with the same bewilderment it had been when she apparated him to the alley behind the hot dog stand. He was crying, gentle tears starting to fall down his face and she knew she was on the brink if her slightly blurring vision was a sign of anything but with every step towards the makeshift altar, consisting of Theseus grinning wildly and some entwined roses, she cared less and less. They had survived. The odds had been stacked so high against them yet they had won. She was marrying him. She got to love him for the rest of her life. Travel the world. Start a family. All of it.

Queenie kissed her on the cheek, whispered something to Newt which caused him to flush pink along the tops of his cheekbones then took her position behind her with a wink to Jacob. Unable to stop herself she lifted a slightly shaky hand to wipe away the few tears staining his cheeks with her thumb causing him to remove his arms up to rest on her wrists, they locked eyes and Theseus began.
"Good Afternoon everyone, If this was a more official gathering I would begin with a lot of rambling about the merging of two lines but as we all know this marriage has nothing to do with forging alliances and everything to do with a love that spawned from utter chaos. As well as a love of respect, adoration and most of all patience." He looked pointedly at Newt who drew her hands away from his face and held them tightly between his own.
"Now, apart from saying it's about bloody time, I believe we can move onto the vows." He glanced around for confirmation then nodded towards her
"Tina, if you would"
"Newt, When I first saw you I can't say that it was love at first sight. I thought you were a major threat to society, One mystery I just couldn't figure out, but over those few days I began to see more of you, discover more and the mystery suddenly was even more thrilling. Even when you left I felt this pull, this need to figure you out, and I still do. I want to spend the rest of our lives figuring out the mystery that is you, Newt. I want to love you until I'm old and grey then for even longer after that. So whether it's fighting evil or wandering the deserts for a creature I want to be with you, and I promise I'll never stop trying to figure you out"
She was practically sobbing as she finished, her smile cutting through the tears slightly so that she could see Newt take a shuddering breath. Glancing at Theseus she saw he was wearing a wide grin as he said
"And Newton?" Newts grin didn't falter as he fiddled slightly with her fingers then began
"Tina, I've never been good with words but I'd happily spend until the end of time trying to find the words to describe you. You have so much passion, so much fire in your eyes, that it has completely changed the way I look at the world. Even in the darkest moments when- when I wasn't certain I would survive you gave me something to live for, something to dream about. And-" His voice was cracking slightly so he cleared his throat and began minutely steadier "and now that we're going off on our next great adventure I look at you and know that even if I spend the next century looking for that word it will not matter. Because I have spent a century being able to love, admire and be in awe of you" 
There was a beat where the only noise was the usual cacophony of creature calls as they just gazed at one another, utterly lost in the others' eyes.
"You've always had a way with words Mr Scamander" Tina whispered and he bowed his head slightly but still maintained eye contact whispering in return
"Only because I have such lovely inspiration"
Theseus looked between them with mild exasperation then coughed pointedly before continuing.
"Porpentina Esther, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health until death do you part?"
She smiled impossibly wider and stated as clearly as her tear strained voice could manage
"I do"
"And Newton Artemis Fido do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health until death do you part?"
"I do. Of course, I do" Newt murmured, his voice solid but still softly lilting.

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