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This is technically part one of two as the newest Scamander is finally on their way.

The Patronous came scampering into their shared bedroom at 4 am on Thursday the 20th of April over two weeks earlier than expected. Newt sat upright immediately but he wasn't as spring-loaded as Tina who was immediately on her feet with her wand in hand in a way that only came from honed Auror skills. As his eyes focused he saw his brothers usually proud and regal lion looking skittish and more cat-like than he had ever seen. The odd hour and terrified Patronous only meant one thing which was quickly confirmed by Theseus' voice coming through.
"Baby is on the way. The Healer is not available until seven unless it's an emergency. Please for the love of Merlin come quickly" then the lion faded into nothingness. They both remained staring at where the lion had stood before Tina cleared her throat and replaced her wand on her bedside table.
"Two weeks?"
"Two weeks."
"Mercy Lewis"
"It's going to be a rather interesting day nonetheless"
"We need to get going" Tina murmured and she strode over to the chest of drawers while Newt turned on the light and followed suit.

Once he was rather haphazardly dressed he left Tina who was entering the bathroom for a quick shower and ran down the stairs. Once he had reached the final concrete paths of his basement he left a note for Bunty containing all she needed to know about what was occurring. Then he hurtled back up the stairs and grabbed his coat where Pickett was sleeping (as was Pepper who over the course of three days had begun incredibly fond of the Bowtruckle much to Pickett's dismay.) As he pulled the teal coat on he saw Tina hurtle down the stairs with her hair still being dried with a drying charm from the impromptu shower she had just taken.
"Ready to go?" Newt asked as she began to pull on her boots.
"Always" She ground out while hopping around fruitlessly
"Tina-" she continued to tug the boot on with no avail and Newt rested his hand on her tense shoulder
"Tina Love-"
"What is it, Mr Scamander?" She spat, still tugging on her boots
"You're trying to put the Left boot on your right foot"
"Oh." She murmured then swapped the shoes around "Thanks"
"No problem Darling"
Tina narrowed her eyes slightly but her lips were now in a small smile as she straightened up.
"Let's go" they walked out the door and crept down the steps to the alley before apparating with a resounding crack.

He had hardly ever been to his brother's estate knowing it was rather large, rather oppressive and incredibly show-offish so since his brother had bought the fine country manor he kept a safe distance from it at all times. That would end now as they landed with a resounding crack in front of the white-pillared house.
"Mercy Lewis! And he stayed with us for three months in a house where shower order was decided by rock, paper, scissors!"
"I must confess I've only been here once or twice and had partially forgotten about that-" He gestured to the house with its trimmed front lawn, tall windows even larger than his parents home and the roses that seemed to sprout everywhere.
"I will remind him of this next time he invites himself and Leta to dinner" Tina ground out before apparently remembering why they were in such a rush and hurried up the drive with Newt lengthening his stride to catch up.

They knocked on the door and found it unlocked so pushed it open to see a pretentious hallway the width of their home with a large staircase branching off into two directions at the top.
"Theseus? We're here!" Newt called, wincing slightly at the echo of his voice. There was the sound of hurried footsteps then Theseus came sliding in on the polished floors still in his pyjamas and bed socks. He would comment if his brother didn't look the most terrified he had ever seen him and that he wasn't almost certain that they looked ten times more bedraggled.
"Thank Merlin! The bloody midwife isn't coming until seven-thirty and she's hurting and has been for hours but she didn't tell me and I-"
"How in parcelsus' name have women been the ones to get the title of flighty?" Tina stated in her 'take charge' voice then she grabbed Theseus by the shoulders
"Theseus your wife is about to have to push somethin' the size of a bludger out of a sickle sized hole. All you have to do is not have a breakdown. You are a war hero, head auror of the auror office and a trained professional in stopping Newt from being imprisoned by foreign dignitaries. So for the love of Merlin, it is 4 am. I have got to go to work in three hours and I will not spend those three hours holding your hand so PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!" Newt watched his brother blink several times at Tina's glare then he took a deep shuddering breath as he waved his wand over himself changing his pyjamas into a slightly more relaxed version of his usual crisp waistcoat and ironed black trousers.
"Quite right Auror Goldstein. I've um we're in the downstairs bedroom because our own wasn't listed as viable by the midwife due to the distance from the floo and such."Tina nodded and smiled before gesturing for him to lead the way. Theseus took off down the dark oak hallway and Newt whispered a quick
"You wonderful woman" before he followed and Tina murmured back
"What can I say. Sometimes the best way to get Scamander men to calm down is to-"
"-Put the fear of God in them"
"I was gonna say tell it to 'em straight but that works as well" They shared a chuckle and they had finally reached an ornately carved door where muffled swearing could be heard from behind it.
"Opposite is the living room so that's why it was Healer Merrilee approved" Theseus muttered then knocked and asked
"Come in" Came a reply that sounded an awful lot like it came through gritted teeth and Theseus pushed the door open to reveal Leta in a pale blue nightgown, sat on an end of the bed storage box breathing slightly heavy.

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