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After a week of auror meetings and Defence stratagems, Tina was bored and desperately in need of seeing Newt. They had parted the evening after the first full day full of worry and sadness. This would be the first time they were separated not by a massive accident since Paris and neither had been looking forward to it. They had said goodbye in the atrium then Newt was gone with a kiss and a promise not to get too burned up by Dragons. He had sent an owl every day describing his day and it sounded like the department was in complete disarray but he seemed to be enjoying himself. The whole letter sending ordeal reminded her a lot of their correspondence before the whole article problem. Him sending her anecdotes and her asking questions about what it was actually like working with dragons. However her favourite letter by far had been the last one he sent with a rather hyper young owl called Jinx.
Dear Tina,
I must confess I'm missing you rather astronomically,even the most foolish things are reminding me of you. For example today one of the female dragons was acting up and someone said something rather unkind in reference to women. He is a right idiot and I got a lot of joy about imagining you breaking his nose as you lectured him on women's capabilities. Pickett is sat with me as I write this and is insisting I write that he says hello and apparently I'm being annoying at the moment. To be fair I can't disagree with him,I haven't exactly been patient this week. Ive also spent a lot of this evening drawing. It started with me drawing the dragons (and I have several sketches for a newly improved dragon section of my second edition)but then well- I started to draw you. I sent my favourite with the letter and I hope it shows how much I'm thinking of you. I've enjoyed working with the dragons but I'm not going to lament going back to England. The reserve is constantly intensely hot and I'm sleeping on the camp bed in my shed which although functional doesn't compare to our bed back home. Do you mind if we meet at the docks? We are going back by Magical Steam as there's some cargo that needs to be shipped back to the ministry which is unable to be brought by portkey. I love you, as does Pickett and the rest of the creatures.
Always yours,
Newt x
P.s the ship is called 'Merry Archers Grand Iron Conquerer' rather wordy but it's known by its acronym M.A.G.I.C.

She had unfolded the second piece of paper to reveal a sketch of her and Newt sat in the case. She was holding an occamy in her arms and had several baby nifflers on her head as Newt held another occamy in his arms. She had a gentle look of wonderment and Newt looked enthralled. The drawing had been tucked gently into her top pocket and the minute they were to return she was going to create a frame and put it on her bedside beside a photo Queenie had snapped one morning of her and Newt sat sipping hot drinks at the table. Newt says something she can no longer recall and she laughs as he shoots her one of his lopsided grins. She was pulled out of her thoughts as the empty dock was suddenly partially filled with the arrival of the M.A.G.I.C and Tina was practically bouncing on her heels as the boat pulled into the dock.
This is how it would have been if he had never had a travel ban
The boards came down and some slightly singed and tired people started walking off the boat and onto dry land with relief evident in their faces.There also appeared to be a lot of normal witches and wizards also disembarking and soon the platform was full of people all bustling to get to there own destinations. However, nothing could distract Tina from the messy tuft of ginger hair that had just walked down the plank and was a shy inch above the mostly dark-haired crowd. He seemed to also be scanning the mass of people,bluey green eyes moving side to side,when suddenly his eyes locked with hers and he started to stride purposely towards her as the dock started to empty. In seconds he was stood in front of her and he placed his case on the floor just in time for Tina to pounce on him and draw him into an eager kiss. He responded with equal fervour and straightened so she was actually being lifted by him slightly.
Mercy Lewis 
She thought as she let out a content sigh.From the angle she was at she could easily deepen the kiss, and then did so causing him to groan slightly and grace his teeth across her lip as she let her arms snake up his back to the shorter curls at the bottom of his skull. Eventually, oxygen became too much of a necessity and they slowly pulled away, Newt pressing one last peck to her lips as they separated but remaining wrapped in each other's arms. They were both slightly breathless but Tina had a quick look over him as they both regained their breath enough to talk. He seemed to have even more freckles and had an even tan, apart from some sunburn on his nose. The case seemed to be slightly more bashed up but then again it always had a slight rugged charm, but currently, its owner's hands weren't knotted around its worn handle but instead the small of her back as he murmured.
"Merlins Beard I missed you" She giggled and removed one of her hands from the nape of his neck to brush aside some of his more unruly curls.
"I missed you too" He pulled her in again but this time just into a warm embrace. She buried her head in his neck, content to revel in the smell she had missed so much. Straw, Freshly fallen rain and something earthy she had never been able to distinguish had all been mixed with a distinct smell of sunshine and ash. She knew they probably should start moving. They had a portkey to catch. But she couldn't bring herself to remove herself from his arms.
Mercy what is it going to be like when I haven't seen him for two months?
Feeling a laugh emanate from his throat she cocked her head and he answered
"I was just wondering if this would have been what our reuniting would have been like if I had never got that travel ban" She chuckled as well and murmured
"I can guarantee there would have at least been some conversation before I stuck my tongue down your throat, Mr Scamander"
"Hmmm I don't think I would've minded either way I must confess" She gave him a light shove and he just continued to chuckle
"Someones all confident"
"You bring it out in me"
They finally relinquished their grip on one another and Newt picked up his case with his left hand making his right hand free for her to tuck hers in his. They started to walk towards the apparition safe zone nearby but there was no way their thoughts could be formed into words at first so they walked in content silence, eager to absorb every little bit of company they could. However, after a few minutes with only the sound of their footsteps, Newt spoke up.
"It's going to be even harder when I travel next, isn't it?"
"I believe so. It's gonna be interesting" Her response came out as sort of flat and she caught Newts worried glance out of the corner of her eye.
"Don't worry about me. The auror departments going to be the most organised it has ever been though." She swallowed and kept her gaze straight ahead as she continued "I suppose we'll just have to make when you come back even more special" He started and looked at her in surprise then stammered with slightly pink cheeks
"O-Oh th-that would be- yes um, a rather nice thing to come back to. But I hardly need anything else to come back to"
"Thats good to know" Tina mumbled with a shy smile which was easily reciprocated.
"Let's get going then. England awaits" Newt grasped her arm and she leaned into him as they apparated away. They appeared in the portkey office where Theseus was holding two bags and looking frustrated the moment they arrived he flicked his head up and exclaimed
"There you are! I haven't seen my wife in over a week and a half and you two are killing time snogging-"
"Theseus we didn't-"
"Newton, don't even try her lipstick is all over your face"
"Maybe we just so happen to wear the same shade" The brothers locked eyes then both started laughing,Theseus engulfing him in a hug that Newt barely reciprocated before he was dragged by his brother to the tin can that was taking them home.
"Good to see you weren't burnt to a crisp by the dragons Fido"
That was almost an 'I missed you. They're learning. Tina thought as she watched Newt try and wriggle out of his brothers grip.
"They gave it a good try" Newt murmured and Tina gave him a quick once over. Despite his eagerness of their reunion he did seem to be carrying himself slightly awkwardly with his chest,his arm tucked to the side. She narrowed her eyes at him but he didn't notice,instead looking oddly at Theseus.
"I want to have my hello kiss so Porpentina for the love of Merlin stop leering at my brother and touch the can" Her cheeks heated up but she tried to keep her cool as she rolled her eyes and took her bag off Theseus before touching the tin can. It ignited with blue light and America disappeared in a cerulean haze.

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