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"Hey, Bud? Can we go for a walk?" Jacob asked one afternoon in late January and Newt was happy to indulge. Sometimes life got in the way but Newt could never turn down a leisurely chat with his first best friend. He no longer classed Leta under that title. Their relationship when they were young was soured and both had agreed to essentially forget all those years of- whatever it was. He called out to Bunty that he was going out for a little while then grinned at Jacob and gestured to the stairs. Once they got out into the cold, damp street he noticed that the usually jovial and loud muggle was notably quiet.
"Jacob, Is everything all right?"
"Newt, have you ever had that moment when ya just know something? Like everything just makes sense?" Newt started for a second at such a deep question on a Tuesday but a quick think made him realise he had experienced several feelings of utmost clarity. When he had ridden his first Hippogriff and felt the wonder of the creature underneath him he knew he wanted to be a magizoologist. When Leta's terrified eyes had met his own, scared of the repercussions of what she had done, when he was just seventeen he knew he was going to take the fall. When he was told that 'No one understands, No one cares about your creatures' by his own brother in the midst of a row he knew he had to find a way to make people understand and when he had heard Tina's sincere apology in the holding cell he knew that this woman was more than the stern and formidable person she showed the world.
"Intermittently" Newt settled on as a reply before his curiosity got the better of him at the odd statement.
"Because Buddy I just had the one of my life. But I need your help because boy has this got to be perfect." They had stopped on the corner of the street and Jacob took a deep breath before letting a grin escape on his face and stating.
"I'm going to marry Queenie".There was a moment of silence then he continued
"Rules and Grindelwald can go take a hike. She's just too perfect. A blind guy'd see it and I just want t'be happy while we can y'know '' The gravity of his friend's admission sunk in and he looked the Muggle baker in the eye.
"Oh this is just wonderful" Newt exclaimed and slightly tentatively pulled Jacob into a hug which the man returned strongly.
"Thanks, man" Jacob sniffed and patted his back before they separated and continued to walk down the rather empty street.
"No offence Jacob but why did you come to me? I'm hardly any good at romance."
He laughed then his voice became that worried grimace again.
"I don't know nothing about what's different when it comes to yous guys. I didn't know whether there was something I needed to do and I wanted some help finding a nice ring. It's because of you and that case of yours we met and I thought?" He had gotten used to the Americans not finishing their sentences and answered
"Jacob it would be an honour" Jacob got teary-eyed again but just sniffed and patted his shoulder.
"And- Well I have an acquaintance who runs a Jewellery shop in Ottery St Catchpole. He'll take Muggle money because he's like Bryan but he has some magical workers who make the more special rings"
"Can we go there?" Newt flicked his eyes around and saw an alley just over the road. He led Jacob over to the alley and after another check, he apparated them to the Devonshire village. Jacob only wobbled slightly before stretching slightly and looking around excitedly.

"You're getting better at that" Newt remarked and Jacob shrugged off the compliment while looking quite proud. Newt pointed out of the gap between the houses to a village centre consisting of a War Memorial and some benches in the middle of a market square and they walked onwards.
"I was sort of thinkin' of doing it tonight? I thought of something else whenever I've been by her but I want it to be a surprise and I can't be that airtight for too long but is it too quick?" Newt pondered it for a second before choosing his next words carefully.
"I don't think there's really a time frame for these things just what feels right" Jacob nodded carefully then Newt continued.
"Would you like Tina and me to make ourselves scarce tonight then?"
"Wouldja? I didn't want to go do it in front of people with all the stuff with being a no maj but it didn't feel right bootin' you out of your own house"
"Honestly Jacob I'm sure Tina and I can find something to occupy ourselves with" Newt replied earnestly but came up blank on ideas for the time being.
"You're a gem Mr Scamander"
"Please call me Newt" Newt joked back and Jacob let out a chuckle
"Damn do you remember that first dinner we had?" Jacob asked as they continued through the village.
"The one where you were poisoned and I kept trying to escape you mean?"
"Yeah. We were with these two Ladies. Both are really amazing but I didn't even think it was real. I thought I was dreaming. Still do sometimes-" Newt shot him an imploring look and Jacob smiled as he continued
"Yeah, sometimes I worry I'm gonna wake up back in that apartment and it was all nonsense. Just something I cooked up y'know"
"I thought you didn't have the brains to make it up?" Jacobs grin widened
"Nah, I don't. Besides out of everything my brain could have come up with I can't imagine an awkward English guy with a case full of crazy creatures would be its first stop"
Newt chuckled as they approached a simple-looking,glass-fronted store with a dark blue sign reading 'Mitchell and Sons Jewellers' in silver paint. He gestured to the door and Jacob took the lead, pushing the dark blue door open causing a bell to jingle cheerily. It wasn't as large a shop as the one in Diagon alley that was full of quite gaudy jewellery but there was still glass cases on all sides filled with necklaces and earrings. However, the rings were stored in a glass counter where a blonde-haired and lanky man stood.
"Mr Scamander? I didn't think your mothers birthday was for a few months" The man was soft-spoken but had a tremendous memory despite Newt only ever seeing him once a year to buy his mother something.
"Hello, George. My friend here is looking for an engagement ring" George nodded then pulled out the trays of rings
"Pick whichever, prices are on the rings. They'll change to the witches size the moment it's on her finger" He then returned to polishing a rather glittery bracelet and Jacob froze in uncertainty at the rows of silver and gold bands.
"That's more than I expected" He heard him mutter from beside him and Newt nodded in silence. This was going to be an interesting hour.

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