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The start of this chapter is happening at the same time as the previous one then it catches up with it.

It wasn't long after he had seen a disgruntled Tina disappear in a lick of green flames when a bell rang deep in the house to signify that someone had come through the wards. Hopping up from his quite comfortable seat (the sofa in their lounge was now practically melting into the floor) he began the long walk to Theseus' front door, silently marvelling how much bigger it was than anything Newt had stayed in since he left home (he lived in a case for a year for merlin's sake) but this was his brother all over. Large hallways, fireplaces in every room and that kind of low key showing off that only came to light of you looked and saw that the gilded clocks were really gold. However, his slightly grumpy murmurings were erased at the sight of his mother and father standing on the doorstep and both looking rather frazzled. His mothers still gingery hair was pulled into a loose bun so more streaks of grey were visible and she was wearing a dark blue wrap around cardigan over her usual spring dress while his father's hair, even darker than Theseus', was stuck up slightly with its lack of wax and his waistcoat was buttoned unevenly. The moment the door was open far enough though his mother launched herself at him, still managing to wind him despite being half his height, and exclaimed
"Oh Newton we came as soon as we got the Patronus, I can't believe it! We're going to be grandparents!" She sounded slightly tearful now so he extracted himself from her embrace and stepped aside to let them in. As he began to lead them to the bedroom he said
"Tina has just left for work and I don't know when Nagini, Queenie and Jacob are getting here because I suspect they're at the bakery now"
"Oh, well that's alright I'm sure we'll see them later! Besides, we young man have not had a very good chat for a while"
"Mother, I talked to you days ago"
"Yes but that was with everyone, we should have a proper talk"
Trying to hide the feeling of dread at his mother words which coiled quite certainly in his stomach he looked at his father who gave him an empathetic smile then shook his head.

They entered the bedroom after some knocking and proprietary and then Newt stood to the side so his mother could fuss and his father could shake hands. To his surprise, the midwife was in the room as well and his confusion must have been evident on his face as Theseus said
"Newton she came via floo, you twerp"
"I-I knew that" He muttered back and then he hovered with his father at the back of the room. Eventually, his mother had finished fussing and providing tea from thin air so they walked across to the oddly neat living area and Newt retook his seat in front of the fire, hoping his mother had forgotten all about the threat of a 'proper talk'. However, to his abject horror, she hadn't and sat down primly beside him.
"So... I can either ask questions and you answer or you start telling me everything on your own"
"Questions it is."
"Dad can you please-" His father had unravelled the prophet from somewhere and was reading it with feigned interest. He looked over his wire spectacles and said
"Sorry son, you're on your own" before returning to the front page articles. Newt reluctantly returned his gaze to the woman in front of him then sighed and muttered
"Good. Now, first of all- When am I going to get grandbabies from you and Tina?" Choking on air at the question, he spluttered as his cheeks and ears went red.
"What? It's an innocent question dear. I want lots of Grandchildren and Leta is going to have some recovery time"
"That- What- I- After we're married that's for sure!" He settled on, sounding slightly shrill in his attempts to sound calm.
"Ah, that brings me to my next question. When are you going to get a grip and propose?"
Slightly complicated question, I can hardly answer honestly because I do not believe my mother can keep her mouth shut.
"I um don't know" He felt his mothers gaze on him as he stared at her shoulder then she conceded
"Well, get thinking then!"
He wanted to mutter 'I already have' but he felt if he mentioned that he certainly wouldn't be able to leave without sharing everything. It was a new concept to him as well which had vaguely entered his mind as he was travelling then hit him with the force of a charging Erumpent on the first morning home.
"Now, do you know how to do everything properly? It's obviously still for a little while and I'm sure Theseus has told you a little but....we can't have unfamiliarity slowing you down"
Merlin's beard please let the earth swallow me whole.
"Um, pardon?"
"You heard me Newton" Trying to buy himself some time as his cheeks flamed even hotter he checked the clock while his father exclaimed in surprise
"Helena! You can't ask the poor boy that"
Merlin, it's only 8 o'clock

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