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A/N FYI Credence in this story is about 17/18. I know in the films he's not that much younger than Tina but for similar reasons I tweaked Newt and Theseus' age gap I have.

"Miss Tina?"
The voice was as tired as the rest of them and she steadied herself with a deep inhale before letting a laugh of relief escape her features.
"Hello Aurelius" Newt supplied with a similar weak smile as he watched the dark-haired boy skirt awkwardly around the edge.
"I um I- No one's come to get me"
"For what?" Theseus asked on his feet once again.
"Everyone else on his side is over there" he gestured vaguely to where the tied up and handcuffed acolytes were sulking in the corner while Aurors paced in front of them.
"Yes, but they are bad people. You aren't Aurelius. Desperate and mislead but not bad"
Newt soothed before attempting to get to his feet, scooping up the velvet shroud with utmost reverence as he stumbled. He gave her another weak smile as if to try and dismiss her growing fears then straightened to look Aurelius more firmly in the eye.
"Aurelius I'm not going to arrest you. No matter the ministry's protests. I have just almost lost my brother yet again, four of my Aurors are dead and honestly, I've had enough of them. I am however going to put magic monitor cuffs on you-"
"Don't worry Honey I had 'em for six months and Teen had 'em as well. They don't even really register"
Aurelius gave a small nod and Theseus waved his wand over his wrists, the metal bands appearing seamlessly over the no longer bony wrists.
"It's um Credence. I-I'm Credence Barebone "
Tina found her eyes once again aligned with Newts and his confirming smile seemed even more solid, more present.
"Welcome to the family Credence" Theseus stated, sticking out his hand which Credence shook hesitantly. There was another beat of silence then Tina found, quite startlingly, that all eyes were on her.
"Should we- head home?" Newt nodded, adrenaline potion clearly wearing off and Queenie grasped her hand. The ballroom had practically been wiped clean. The acolytes were all being dragged to the lift by Aurors to be shoved in holding cells and the dead had all been removed. The enchanted sky glittered above them and the lack of any sign there had been any battle at all made it seem overly surreal, as if nothing had happened at all.

"Apparition barriers are gone, we can leave from here" Theseus explained, grabbing his brother's hand who offered his arm limply, apparently falling asleep standing up and still holding the shroud in his hand. Queenie got up and supported his other side leaving Tina to offer up her hand to Credence. He still seemed hesitant.
He still hasn't been shown affection
Throwing caution to the wind she strode up to him and pulled him into the hug she had so desperately wanted to give him since she saw his disguise fall away. He seized up against her and she let yet another singular sob escape from her lips.
"I'm so sorry" she whispered "I'm so so sorry"
She pulled away and looked him directly in his eyes. She knew she was playing fast and loose with time and that Newt was on the verge of collapsing so she merely said.
"I broke my promise but it's the final time. Never again"
Credence just nodded and they disappeared with a crack.

They reappeared directly in the middle of the living room to which Newt keeled over and narrowly missed Jacob, who was sitting on the sofa, falling onto the collapsing couch instead.
"Woah! What's happened?" Jacob exclaimed, apparently taking each of them in individually before freezing in Credence. Parts of what was obliviated visibly trying to knit together in his mind. Those not involved in the meeting had stayed at Sherringford Square to chat and play board games but as Tina's eyes travelled to a startled looking Leta and a downright awestruck looking Nagini it was clear they had broken the harmonious atmosphere.
"Grindelwald has been captured and imprisoned" Theseus explained to resounding silence. That was until Nagini stood up from her seat nearest the fire and stood in front of Credence, apparently considering him, before taking him in a tight embrace to which he responded with such fervour he lifted her off the floor. Now that Credence was occupied she let all the fear at Newts situation flow back through her, he was still awake but he seemed to be fading.
"Newt. Bed."
"Just um give me a second"
He was still face down on the couch and Jacob gave him a single poke while giving her a strange look.
"How on earth..." Leta began, leaving her post of rocking Cepheus' bassinet with her foot to kiss Theseus while running her hands through his hair as if checking for damage.
"He and his followers came disguised as the ICW. It all kicked off during the first speech. They killed the two Aurors taking in wands and the only ones armed were Aurors so we had upwards of two hundred civilians in there and I don't quite know how they all got out...."
"That was me. I turned junk into portkeys and sent them downstairs" She only said it over her shoulder as she pulled Newt into more of a sitting position.
At this rate, I'm gonna have to levitate him up the stairs
But Theseus seemed to have more to say.
"Tina you must have saved around two hundred lives"
"I don't know how you British Aurors are trained but that's kinda my job- Come on Newt"
"Merlin's Beard..."
"Theseus stop being a prat. She's always wonderful no need to be surprised" Newts voice was substantially muffled by the pillow he'd face-planted but it still made her blush before she tugged him onto his feet.
"You can barely stand Mr Scamander. Flattery can wait for tomorrow"
He staggered slightly to give her a sweet kiss to the lips whispering
"I love you" as they parted (more due to the fact he was falling backwards than anything.) Then he began to shuffle to the door, only stopping to deposit the velvet shroud with utmost reverence on the coffee table then pausing before stepping into the hallway. He heaved a deep breath then looked at them all with a tight smile
"I'm glad we're all still alive"
He then went inching up the stairs, swearing lightly under his breath when he inevitably missed his step.

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