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It was a reasonably good morning for Auror Goldstein. The sunny June Tuesday had brought just enough work to keep her occupied without the feeling of being drowned in paperwork under the unimpressed gaze of a criminal. They, as a rule, weren't the most appealing witnesses to her greatest cases. Often only reacting when she dropped her parchment or knocked over her inkwell. However, the holding cells only had one wizard held within their charmed walls who had consumed far too much alcohol, apparated to the centre of Trafalgar Square and started belting out Ald Lang Syne while dancing with a shoddily enchanted mannequin, thankfully only witnessed by three Muggles who were all promptly obliviated. She had dealt with the inebriated wizard when she had first arrived and now as the minute hand steadily approached eleven she was quite content to quietly add the suspected ministry spies for Grindelwald so further investigation could occur.

Just as she was about to add Abraxas Malfoy to the list there were the sounds of apparition then the interrogation doors being thrown open while an auror talked over feeble English protests. A small part of her recognised the softly protesting voice but she squashed any train of thought born from it. Since their meeting, bar a few incidents while travelling he didn't know she knew about and was waiting to bring up in an argument, Newt hadn't done anything illegal a 'Bloody good influence' Theseus had told her just the other day but he was trying to beat her in wizarding chess at Sunday dinner so she wasn't entirely sure if he was trying to distract her or not.
Probably some illegal trader operating on Diagon Alley
Shaking the idea from her head she returned to her parchment, writing the Malfoy name with an additional satisfaction with the knowledge that the moment it was written the poisonous toad would be under review.

"Auror Scamander!" Looking up from her work she saw Theseus turn from discussing some lead in a case with the other American Aurors to the newest qualified auror, Evans. He and Becket had only been out on a few cases unsupervised so she only partially listened in, assuming them to be in need of aid in interrogation.
"Yes, Evans?"
"There's this man we picked up from a Jewellery shop in Ottery St Catchpole. He was causing chaos there and eight muggles had to be obliviated because of this thing he calls a Niffler-"
Oh, Mercy Lewis!
She bolted upright in her chair and she noticed Theseus make a similar motion.
"But- he keeps claiming he's your brother and demanding we don't get Auror Goldstein?"
Unable to stay still or out of it she stood up abruptly pushing her chair backwards and asked
"He doesn't want me in there then?" Seeing Evans shrink away slightly and shake his head she sharply straightened her blouse with her jaw clenched.
"Well, he is about to get a BIG surprise."
She then began to march up to the interrogation room with the heels of her boots clicking sharply on the tiled floors. As she approached the door she faintly heard Theseus sigh
"Anyone who wants to see my brother be torn to shreds by Goldstein please adjourn to the observation room" then the clatter of chairs being pushed back. Pretending she didn't hear any of Theseus' jibes she pushed the interrogation room door open with such force it rebounded off the wall and collided with her awaiting arm. And sat attached to the table and wiggling his fingers was a very guilty looking Newt Scamander.

At the sound of the door flying open he had bolted upright and was now looking wide-eyed at her. Across from where he was chained to the table was his case and Becket was attempting to pry it open. In as steely a voice she could muster she said
"Becket. Take the case and hand it to Auror Scamander-"
"Tina-" Newt cried and she ignored him resolutely, keeping eye contact with the scared looking new recruit as she continued.
"He's in the observation room"
"Whatever you do don't open it" She spat at the rookie who shrank away slightly at her glare
"Tina!" Rounding on Newt she glared at him and stated crisply
"Mr Scamander if you want to avoid a substantial fine I suggest you shut up"
Trying not to show the satisfaction she got from his grimace at the use of his surname she nodded at Becket to leave who hurried out shutting the door behind him.

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