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"TEEN I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY!" Queenie bellowed from the adjacent bed and Tina let out a happy murmur as she stretched while reaching blindly for the clock.
"Little more left Tee,you're tryna grab your toiletry bag"
"No problemo"
Finally reaching the cool metal she saw that the dials were pointing firmly at ten past six and in response she hauled herself so she was sat up in bed. Looking blearily around the crisply decorated room.They had spent the previous night in the room with the two beds at Scamander Manor for the first time despite the room being allocated to them from the first visit. The evening had been incredibly enjoyable but had involved slightly more alcohol than expected as Helena and Henry had taken the three week old Cepheus for the evening so Leta had enjoyed the freedom.Nagini had also been invited but she had quite a fascination with the new baby and wanted to spend some time with him ,Helena and Henry. This left just Tina,Queenie and Leta to enjoy the night as the men had gone to spend the night at Theseus' house (once Newt had been bribed to leave the less convincingly friendly creatures at home no matter how much they might 'enjoy some socialising'.) They had mostly drank wine and chatted about a range of topics which had began as entirely polite and innocent then steadily descended as the bottles went down. Henry had gone to Scamander manor late in the evening and Helena had appeared while they were giggling over the time Queenie was chased by a group of swans,well Tina and Queenie were giggling and Leta let out a loud snore.Helena took one look at the group,then a long look at the clock and sighed fondly before handing Queenie and herself a bottle of sobering potion she had brewed in preparation then hurried them to bed while levitating Leta up the stairs. Tina assumed the potion must have worked quite quickly as they were dressed properly and hadn't broken anything, a rare occurrence when both sisters were drunk.

Bless that woman Tina thought, eternally grateful for her clear head as she moved to get out of the cocoon of blankets.
"I can't believe you're getting married" she murmured "My baby sister...". Suddenly Queenie had leapt onto the bed and enclosed her in a hug.
"Shucks Teen" her sister whispered and already feeling her cheeks dampen she let out a wet giggle.
"Oh I am gonna be so pathetic today"
"Nah, you're being sweet. But I know yous just gonna have a few tears whereas Newts more likely to all out sob"
This time she sniggered and said
"Yeah,he does that" They shared a sigh then Queenie leapt to her feet and called over her shoulder
"Helena said last night that I can have the bath upstairs so you can have the shower by where Leta's sleeping. She's still asleep by the way,so is Nagini and I know your gonna get all fidgety because you ain't got no creatures or auror work to do"
"Thanks Queen"

Queenie then hopped off the bed and left with a flourish of her pink nightgown and an excited grin as she brandished her toiletry bag in glee. Stretching again she slid out of bed and into the hall,donned in her favourite zebra pyjamas as she tiptoed towards the elaborately carved bathroom door with her dressing gown clutched firmly in her grasp. The room still astounded her with its grandeur. The flooring was a crisp white tile and the walls were blue with bubbles that floated serenely along,occasionally morphing into some wonky creature-esc shapes that Newt explained he had made Theseus do before he was even at Hogwarts. The sinks had Hippogriff taps and as she shrugged off her pyjamas she was surprised to note the bath already filled with bubbles and a bowl of fruit on the table beside the massive claw foot bathtub in the centre of the room. Beside the fruit bowl was a note in an elegant and loopy script which read.
Good Morning Dear,
I remembered you were a rather early riser and had Mitsy set you a nice little treat,especially as Leta is probably hungover and won't move for a little while as we've got our little grandson. I wanted to make sure all my girls had a good morning as well as a nice breakfast. Under the fruit is a waffle which I shan't judge if you choose to consume in the bath. The men are meeting us at the church so don't worry about hurrying. See you in a bit
Love Helena
Grinning at the sentiment she took the bowl and slipped under the bubbles,letting out a content sigh. She had to admit that a warm bath smelling of roses was much better than a hasty shower. Her usual showers were taken early in the morning with the space of five minutes (apart from a particular surprisingly enjoyable time a week ago after a snallygaster with a cold caused her and Newt to have to hose each other off in the case.) So after another languid stretch of her toes she began to happily eat the fruit prepared for her.
"I definitely could get used to this" Tina sighed and reached for the soap just as the door burst open and a figure ran in then began to throw up into the toilet bowl. Double checking she was fully covered by the bubbles she called
"Um Leta?" To receive a groan in response
"Leta?" Leta raised her head from where it was resting then visibly jumped at the sight of her.
"Tina!" She shrieked then looked down at the floor
"Yes,um. There's some anti nausea potion under the sink" She grasped blindly for it then hurried unsteadily out of the room shouting
Giggling as she finished washing,suddenly reminded quite starkly of her dorm at Ilvermorny, she then finally got out of the warm water. Once dry she pulled on her robe and began the search for where everyone had chosen to settle. It didn't take long as she walked up the second set of stairs to see Nagini sat on the floor wittering away as Leta braided her hair. Queenie was sat a few feet away in a similar position as Helena combed through her hair,mumbling spells as she delicately curled each strand.There was a collection of 'good mornings' and Tina responded as chipper as possible
"Sorry about earlier Teen" Leta murmured as she narrowed her eyes at the braid in front of her
"Don't worry 'bout it. Did the potion work?"
"Yes. I suppose nine months of not drinking affected me more than I thought"The other brunette looked down at the bassinet beside her where a tiny flailing chubby fist appeared and gave a rueful smile.
"I s'pose it does" Tina murmured as she moved towards the ornately carved bassinet.
"Hey Honey" she cooed as she scooped Cepheus up,causing his darkening eyes to fly open and watch her curiously. Hearing him let out a happy gurgle she began to bounce him slightly.
"Have you got a nice new bed Cephy?" Helena suddenly let out a chuckle as she waved her wand solidifying Queenies waves.
"It's just while we're staying here" Leta explained and Helena added
"More like a nice old bed. That was Newtons when he was the same size as that little one. Theseus' crib is already at there's, but we've still got that one"

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