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The next day Newt was stood in the hotel lobby scuffing the eye wateringly burgundy carpet. He hadn't slept well at all, not enjoying the space and not having the blankets tugged off him in the middle of the night, because Tina was in the room next door. They decided that due to there being a lot of high profile people here they wouldn't take too nicely to an unmarried couple sharing a room. After tending to the creatures alone he had walked downstairs to the lobby where tantalising smells of breakfast were drifting from one of the doors. Theseus was always a late riser but Newt hoped Tina would be down in a few minutes so they could eat then get this meeting out of the way (he had a portkey at 5 pm to South Dakota.) Another few minutes passed until the worn carpeted stairs (also burgundy) started to squeak under someone's descent

What is it with all the burgundy? However, he was quickly distracted by Tina's cheerful voice emanating down the stairs.

"Good Morning"

"Good Morning Tina" he murmured looking at her with most likely a dopey smile on his face. She was wearing black slacks and a blouse with tiny flower details and was carrying her heavy leather coat on one arm as her boots tapped the floor. She too looked slightly tired but her hair had been slicked down into a sharper bob than the slightly fluffier style she had been wearing more recently. It was quite clear that today, Tina meant business.

"What?" She asked softly

"You're going to terrify several officials aren't you" it was less of a question and more of a statement and Tina smiled proudly and replied

"It can't hurt"

"You're wonderful" Her smile widened to a grin and she chuckled lightly before asking

"When's your brother going to grace us with his presence?"

"I'm going to go with at least another half hour. So we might as well eat" She nodded and soon they were seated with two plates with a variety of pastries, fruit and something called a bagel which was strangely chewy in Newts opinion but Tina insisted he try it.

"So how long have you been up?"

"Oh only since six. I think some of the creatures are starting to prefer you to me. The occamy's now get ever so huffy if they see I'm not you"

"Really?" Tina giggled and Newt nodded

"I've-I've actually- Well I think they do it because-" He could feel his cheeks grow warmer as he stumbled to continue but Tina just waited patiently with a small smile

"I've started to call you their mother. Well-All of them actually and I've-I've started saying 'Daddy' instead of 'Mummy'. I think they now just get put out that I'm not-not-"

"Their Ma" Tina finished with a small smile and oddly wet eyes.

"Are you alright love? I'm sorry if-"

"Newt I love the fact I'm their Ma. I never thought I'd ever be anyone's Ma but-" She faltered and Newt took the hand not currently holding an apple

"I know" She then chuckled and said

"I'm gonna have to have a word with 'em about behaving for their Pa when you go away"

"Yeah" Newt sighed sadly, entwining their fingers more. They had mostly avoided the conversation about Newts travels that were planned to stretch two months and eleven different countries but he was planning on leaving the day after his birthday after Queenie, then his mother, making an ironclad statement that he wasn't missing out on another birthday.

"I wish I could come with you but I just couldn't get two months" Tina murmured

"No, but as I've said we could go wherever you want for a week. There are creatures on every continent"

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