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Newt stood on the deck with his case clutched firmly in one hand as he practically bounced on the balls of his feet. His hand was that tightly clutched around the handle that all the tanned skin that had coloured over the past two months became white and skeletal around his knuckles. The boat was travelling horrendously slow but thankfully the dock was nearing at a steady rate, even if he'd seen snails move faster than these great steamships. As he was about to move to another bout of pacing an amused but prim accent came from behind him.
"I've seen you pace on this deck every day since we set off" He jumped slightly at the sudden intrusion then span on his heel to see himself being surveyed by an old couple. The woman who had spoken had a twinkle in her eye and a grin that reminded him eerily of his mother and Queenie combined in one. Her husband didn't appear to have even noticed her observing and was closely reading a book that when he looked closer was Dickens' work. She nodded at his stunned expression then continued
"Every day but you are not usually quite that frantic. Mostly, but I'm assuming the reason your pacing is getting closer" he moved his mouth soundlessly then moved his gaze to the floor as he rubbed his pocket nervously.
"How long has it been since you last saw her?"
How did she-
"You can't read minds can you?"
"Witchcraft? Does not exist my boy" She scoffed slightly and Newt had to restrain his own chuckle of amusement, thinking of his wand in its holster hidden under his coat, the Bowtruckle asleep in his pocket and his friend only a few miles away who quite literally could read minds.
"-but I've seen enough lovesick men in my lifetime. So how long?"
This woman is truly nosy
"Uh um over two months"
"Two months! No wonder you've been pacing!"
Despite her quite crass manner, which reminded him of the nosy purebloods who see it as their life's right to know the gossip, he found himself inexplicably drawn to her and moved to lean against the wall which the bench she and her husband were sat in was placed against.
"It hasn't been pleasant, despite loving my work, because it feels rather lonely without her"
"I have no doubt she feels the same way. This one was off in the Great War for four years as I imagine you were. Drove me half-mad just having letters" The man beside her gave her a small smile before returning to his book and Newt nodded in an attempt not to look as awkward as he felt. Then before a true silence could set in he felt yet another want to give information
"She's uh American so after the week we met I uh didn't see her for nine months. But things have changed-"
"Things always do. Nothing stays the same dear. The only thing that does is that things are always changing. But this young woman sounds lovely"
"She is. Her name is Tina, she works as an au-. In law enforcement" He quickly amended hoping it wasn't obvious. The woman didn't appear to notice his fumble and nodded
"She sounds lovely, but I'm guessing you haven't put a ring on her finger yet. It sounds like you would be rather vocal about it" he felt his features heat up in embarrassment and he swallowed the lump in his throat and muttered.
"N-No I haven't"
"Ah, well remember. The way everyone goes about these days, there isn't time like the present"
"You are rather full of advice for a woman who doesn't even know my name" Thankfully it came out more amused than awkward and insulting, it was a line he wasn't overly good at walking.
"Well I'm Elizabeth Middlestone and this is my Husband, William"
"I'm Newt Scamander" He shook her hand and she looked at him imploringly
"Like the animal?" He chuckled slightly, he often forgot how odd his name was compared to Muggle standards and received curious looks in response
"Well Newton but- yes like the animal"

She chuckled as well then asked
"And what has you travelling all over the world if you don't mind an old woman's questioning?"
Complicated question
"I'm a uh Zoologist. I study animals and write about them"
"That explains it then" She then regained her pensive look on her face and spoke steadily with a sadness prevalent in her tone.
"My oldest loved animals, horses. He trained them in the War. Saved thousands of those horses he did. Looked after his little brother too when he was with them on the front. My boys. You remind me of parts of both of them. They were off everywhere but- they never came back to their mother. I can't be angry at them but- oh I wish they wrote more. Here's some more advice! Write to your mother dear boy" She tapped her nose and nodded sagely, still with a sad smile adorning her face, before pointing towards where land had been steadily getting closer. Newt jumped a little and straightened his back at the realisation that during their conversation they had almost reached the docks.

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