New Years Part 2

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The doors dinged shut.
"I thought you'd be staying. It's the most important night of the year for ministry prestige" Newt mumbled once the lift started to move, wincing at the word prestige.
"Not without you there" He shot her a small smile which wavered instantly and continued
"I'm sorry I ruined it all."
"Newt-" The lift ground to a halt and they were suddenly stood in the empty main ministry atrium. He offered his arm and they apparated away in a blink of an eye. When the world stopped swirling Tina felt cold slam into her with an unerring force that made her topple slightly in surprise. Tina was expecting them to have apparated either to Scamander manor or home but she looked around to see a quietly vicious sea. Crashing against the pebbled shoreline in an eerily silent way and drawing back before lunging once again. Looking around there was a village in the far distance, glowing faintly and the only spot in the dark coastline. Newt must have sensed her confusion as he began unevenly
"This is where I go when the world becomes too much. I must confess I spent a lot of the previous year here. Over there is the village of Hainbury St Upton, a muggle and wizarding community. Only wizarding shop in Dorset over there-" He suddenly gestured for her to follow him up the rocky footpath they had appeared on and after a mere few seconds, Tina felt a ripple of magic pass over her and a large cottage appeared to her left one hundred yards away from the cliff edge. A stone path was leading to a perfect (if not slightly worn down) grey slate cottage with fluffy hedges and various flowers lining the front in square flower beds. There was a large bell to ring beside a bright red door. Hanging proudly on the door was a slate board that read 'Cliff Cottage' and the moment they had walked through the magic, floating lanterns rose and ignited along the stone cobbles and a few were already attached to the front of the house.
"This was my Great Uncle's house on my father's side. After he died no one wanted it because it's rather out of the way, making it quite peaceful."
"Really? it's beautiful." Tina murmured while looking between the lanterns, the cosy cottage and the clear star-studded sky.
"It's always confused me as well." He sat down on the cliff edge and conjured a ball of flame that hovered just to the side of him before he beckoned her to join him.  
Tina winced as the frosted grass squelched under her dress but was quickly satisfied by the heat from the glowing orb of fire. Newt took a deep breath then muttered
"He's still embarrassed by me" It wasn't a question, more of a statement.
"N-No he isn't Sweetheart-"
"You heard him. I'm still a disappointment to him. Still little Newton who goes and gets him into stupid situations for the sake of it"
"Newt I think you both just got too carried away. I'm also annoyed at him. He shouldn't have said any of that but-"
"I know" He sighed  "I also need to apologise, it's just, difficult to live in someone's shadow. I've spent my entire life being Theseus' little brother and as foolish as it is to say I just want him to be proud. And I thought he was at least partially so but that doesn't appear to be the case-"
"Don't be foolish Fido you're an accomplished author, a great man, have a skill set that makes you highly revered and the confidence to tread your own path. Of course, I'm proud of you. I mean yes I was furious at you for almost killing yourself in New York but I was also proud of what you achieved" A voice came from behind them
"How did you know I was here, Theseus?" Newt stated as he continued to look out to sea. Tina turned around to see Leta, Theseus, Jacob and Queenie all stood looking chilled to the bone.
"It's Uncle Albion's old cottage and Queenie said she heard something about an Uncle's cottage."
"Hmm" Tina jumped up and as she wobbled on her heels she walked towards the others leaving space for Theseus besides Newt and the warmth.
"You should have enjoyed the party, Newt and I were fine"
"Nah. I like a party but it ain't the same without us all" Queenie supplied
"Theseus was in a strop; it's better off them talking to each other now than them sulking for several days," Leta answered and Jacob responded to her tones
"You're gonna make a great mother Leta" she inclined her head in thanks but Tina maintained one eye on the brothers.


Newt felt Tina move away only to be replaced by a body distinctly larger and much more in a similar proportion to his own.
"Theseus" He stated in as cold a way as possible instead, training his eye on a buoy illuminated by the moonlight, bobbing hopelessly in the waves.
"Newton please look at me" He ignored his brother "Arty?"
Merlin's Beard he hasn't used that one for a while
Trying to suppress the tears that always seemed to appear he moved to look in his elder brothers direction, training his eyes on one of his brothers elaborate suit buttons with the Scamander family crest on it.
"I'm sorry" seeing no reaction his brother continued "I really am Fido I didn't truly mean any of it"
"I know" Newt huffed, ruffling his hair in annoyance.
"I wouldn't have anyone else for a little brother Fido and I refuse to not have a brother at all" this time Newt let out a small laugh
Doubt it
"I wouldn't. I got dangerously close to it a few times and I wouldn't wish to risk it"
"No, and I suppose not having you would be a rather catastrophic loss as-" Newt suddenly found himself incapacitated by one of Theseus' hugs. He sort of awkwardly remained there with his arms stuck to his sides before slowly resting his head on Theseus' shoulder.
"Friends?" He asked almost playfully and Newt rolled his eyes and muttered
"Friends." He slowly released Newt before clapping his hands together and stating jovially
"Brilliant. Now what? We can no longer return to the ball as it's approaching nine and we appear to be on a random coastline in the middle of Dorset" Newt stared out at the sea which now seemed a lot calmer than before as he pondered the question. The wizarding shop in the village after eight was ran by a house-elf and as he turned this idea in his head he was struck by inspiration.
"I have the key to the cottage and Uncle Al always had a surplus of fireworks. The shop in the village is run by a house-elf and open until twelve and I'm sure we can find some blankets or something"
"You have a key?" Theseus asked with his eyebrow raised. Newt rolled his eyes and lowered his tone several decibels, he had practically forgotten his mother sly suggestion the day after his brother's wedding. Now he knew it was most likely prompted by what she walked in on that morning but once again that tiny key was burning a hole in his pocket.
"Mum gave it to me while you were on your honeymoon. It must have come up at the wedding while she was talking to all the relatives and apparently no one wanted it so she gave me the keys saying 'In case you want to get moving as well'" Theseus laughed slightly and nodded
"Ah, Mum. Annoyingly correct as usual"
Newt just shook his head and huffed as he stood up, Theseus followed and continued, far too loudly.
"Does Tina know?"
"Does Tina know what?" A suspicious sounding voice asked from a few feet away. He turned around then winced at Tinas posture. Arms crossed, eyebrows raised and lips pursed. He winced in response, the rest of the group quieting their discussion to watch in equal parts worry and intrigue.
"Mr Scamander."
Oh Dear Merlin
"It's uh not important" he stammered lowering his gaze to his shoes as Tina scoffed in response
"It's important enough for you to retract back to New York Newt."
"Newton just tell her" Theseus sighed from beside him. He snaked his hand up to his breast pocket and nudged a sleeping Pickett aside to grasp the old brass key. He pulled it out and showed it to her at arm's length.
"Newt?" She didn't seem to understand so he took a deep breath and began to stammer
"M-My mother consulted the um family at Leta and Theseus' wedding and no one wanted it so Mum gave me the keys. Th-This is technically mine but I haven't been since we returned from Paris"
"So this beautiful cottage is yours?" Tina murmured and Newt nodded jerkily
"Wow." She mumbled
"Yes and as this is probably going to be your future home so let's see what state it's in then!" Queenie giggled as she ran to the door and began to bounce on her heels.
"QUEENIE!" Tina cried in annoyance but Newt just shot her an awkward reaffirming grin. They all walked to the door and Newt slipped the heavy key in the door. As the key turned there was a sudden wave of magic from protective spells then the door swung open to reveal a medium-sized hallway. The floor was warm oak boards and along the wall, there were coat hooks and a boot shelf. Up one side of the hallway was a staircase leading to a wooden landing and there were three doors leading off. One was at the base of the stairs and the other two were alongside the coat hooks.
"Right I am going to the shop in the village, care to join me, darling?" Theseus asked from the doorway, looking at Leta with a hidden look.
"Aren't we rather overdressed for a village shop" She stated, swishing her glamorous ballroom dress
"It's a house-elf at this time in the evening" Leta looked around at the group as if pondering something then said
"I'd love to then-We shan't be long" She affirmed then they were back out the door.
"We looking for blankets then Newt?" Queenie called from where she was poking her head through one of the doors.
"There's almost certainly fireworks hidden here somewhere so those and blankets I feel"
"Gotta have a look round though, haven't we? I mean even the hallways nice, gotta look at the rest of it"
"Definitely" Tina murmured and they set off through the first door at the base of the stairs.

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