New Year Part 1

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"Teenie stop screwing your eyes up like that, it's making the eyeshadow all cakey!" Queenie complained for the eightieth time and Tina just shot her a weak glare before shutting her eyes in a more relaxed manner. In an hour she would be apparating to the ministry with the rest of their party and going back to the ballroom for the infamous New Years Eve party. The men were getting into their suits (something Newt was clearly uncomfortable in but was being forced into by his mother) and the women were sat in what was technically Queenie and Tina's room but had not been slept in by either of them yet. Queenie seemed to be set on assaulting her with a variety of powders despite Tina's protests and threats of sticking her sister to the ceiling with a well placed sticking charm. One problem with a legilimens was that they knew when threats were empty and Tina did love her-Mostly.
"Queenie, what are you even doing?" Tina asked as she felt something brush her eyelashes.
"Mascara dummy"
"That is not my mascara mines in a block"
"It's new in a tube"
"Why on earth would you want it wet? Surely it will just stick to everything, wouldn't that just be an awful bother?" Tina snapped back, her accent wavering into something almost English?
"Careful Tina your english is showing" Leta called from somewhere in the room and Tina stuck her tongue out just as Queenie finally removed her brushes from her face.
"Can I move now or are you just going to yell again?" Tina asked blankly and Queenie sounded as if she was rolling her eyes and replied
"Go ahead" Tina let her eyes flutter open to see her sister in her eye wateringly pink dress analysing her face closely. It didn't feel as if she had a lot of make-up on but the way her sister was with complexion spells she could look in the mirror and be covered in the stuff. She put on makeup on special occasions but it usually consisted of her block of mascara, a smoky eyeshadow and a pinkish lipstick that she hadn't worn in about five years. She peered over her sister's bare shoulder to see her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing a midnight blue shift dress with a diamond pattern and fringe all the way down. She wanted the plain black dress beside it but Queenie had made the point that she was still the new girl and despite the wedding making some headway, she needed to look elegant. But Tina had to give Queenie her due, the makeup looked impressive. She had mild eyeliner and Smokey eyeshadow all highlighted by a bright red lipstick.
"Wow," Tina murmured as she moved her head around to see every inch of her face.
"You're gonna knock Newt off his feet!" Nagini called from where she was finishing drawing Letas eyebrows as Leta braided her hair into a bun.
"Yeah and if he's real appreciative I put an extra setting charm on ya lipstick. Should stop it from smudging too bad" Tina felt her cheeks flush and she muttered a hurried
"Thank you" before picking up her wand and stowing it in her wand pocket she had insisted Queenie add.

The Aurors were on high alert tonight as this was one of the biggest Ministry events of the year and the invitation extended across many departments, a known target if someone wanted to wipe out all the heads of the ministry in one fair swoop.
"Tee, stop having such grey thoughts." Queenie sighed shaking her head "It'll be too obvious to just go in blastin' also it is easy to escape 'cause apparition barriers. Sadly I know how they work"
"I ain't having grey thoughts. It's my job to be cautious"
"You aren't being cautious ya being blue and you know it" Trying to roll her eyes as obviously as possible, she waved her wand to tidy the room of all the errant hairbrushes and lipsticks before ruffling the bed sheets to make them look slept in.
"Honestly Tina there's no point-" Leta called as she watched her mess the covers around "Helena didn't come down in the last rain shower she clearly knows"
"You think?" Tina asked in a panic
"You and Newt aren't as discreet as you think you are." Nagini supplied "I honestly don't know how we didn't notice for a month"
"Neither do we," Queenie remarked drily
Wanting to get the discussion that seemed to always drift to mine and Newt's relationship Tina gestured to the door. They walked downstairs with their heels clicking on the wooden floors towards the growing noise emanating from the living room. Only snippets were audible from the hallway being mostly Theseus' and Jacob's voice.
"Now this. Is going to be fun"Queenie chuckled before using her wand to slam the door open and strutting in. Tina moved swiftly after (mostly because she heard the door rebound of something and wanted to check it wasn't a person) with Nagini and Leta following. As they entered Tina didn't even look at the others gathered by the fireplace and chose to check behind the door. There was a lot of noise occurring in the room. Theseus exclaimed something or other which was greatly muffled by Letas lips while Jacob chuckled and also pecked Queenie's lips. Nagini meanwhile walked straight to her favourite chair by the fire and opened her book. Once Tina was satisfied her sister hadn't just caved a hole in the beautiful historic beams of the house she pivoted on her heel to see Newt stood there looking at her with a shy sort of wonder. His eyes were hidden partially by his gingery curls and his grin was spread widely in his signature haphazard way. He was dressed smartly in what looked like Theseus' clothes. It was close to what he usually wore with a familiar configuration of a waistcoat, trousers and bow tie but the waistcoat was an almost shimmery dark blue with a matching blue bow tie and his trousers were a black woollen fabric. His pocket watch was poking shyly out of its dedicated pocket and Pickett was sat in his hair as he continued to stare. She walked gingerly towards him and his grin somehow managed to widen with every step until she was stood in front of him.
"You look beautiful Love" He murmured eventually, now making eye contact with her in a way that made her heart rate double she gave him an exaggerated once over then mirrored his grin
"I mean I'll take it" He narrowed his eyes slightly in suspicion and she rolled her eyes again then murmured
"You look handsome" His face flushed a lovely pink colour and it deepened further as she linked her arm around his before they apparated to the ministry party after Henry waved goodbye and Helena called
"Have fun. Newton let's not have a replay of last year!"

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