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A loud sneeze followed by poorly muffled coughing roused Newt from his sleep. Blinking the sleep from his eyes he rolled over to see Tina reaching for the tissues that despite her insistence she wasn't ill, He had brought it up for her anyway. The sky was resolutely dark outside but that could mean the time ranged from midnight to seven-thirty in the morning.

"Tina?" Newt asked with his voice still thick from sleep. She jumped about a foot in the air before whispering

"You're awake?" He chuckled sleepily and replied

"You aren't a quiet sneezer" In the low light she looked mildly embarrassed

"Sorry, I think the dust is getting to me".Her voice was hoarse and slightly nasal

"No Miss Goldstein I think you have a cold" He chided as he shuffled closer to her. Feeling her shiver slightly against him he moved to pull the blanket back over her only for her to refuse

"I-I'm feeling rather warm" Was her only explanation. He checked the clock and saw it was approaching half-past four. Rolling back over he placed the back of his hand on her forehead, it was startlingly hot.

"Tina you're burning up"

"Honestly Newt I'm just hot"

"You young lady are not going into work today-"

"Newt!" It came out rather loud in the silent house and Tina reduced her voice to a whisper "Newt I am not ill and I certainly can't-ACHOO" she paused to regain her composure "I certainly can't take time off"

This is starting to look like a losing battle

"Why not?"

"Because I can't" He shuffled so they were both sitting, leaning against the headboard and he looked her directly in the eye.

"Fine but please wear layers" The auror rolled her eyes before sniffing and saying

"Newt I'm doing paperwork not going up Everest"

The amount of paperwork she has sometimes is comparable to Everest

"Please?" He shot her his best pleading look and Tina huffed

"Fine, I'll wear a sweater-"

"Jumper" He corrected and Tina narrowed her eyes

"I'll wear a sweater"


Tina checked the clock and noticed hopelessly that it was only ten minutes since she last looked at it.


Not even bothering to suppress a groan she buried her head in her hands and rubbed her eyes with the heel of her palms.

"Tina are you alright?" A masculine voice called from beside her. She looked up to see Ree peering over her currently solid desk partitions. There was then a rustle of paper and a second head, this time a woman's, appeared over the partition in front of her.

"What's wrong?"Abi asked

"I'm fine. Just feeling a little off"

"You haven't caught Bens cold, have you? I know you were both in the rain together yesterday"

God Dammit Ben


"Tina you should be at home!" Ree chided

"Newt said the same thing this morning" Tina grumbled

"You should listen to us Brits! Working until you collapse is just going to make a mess and frankly, I'm too busy to pry your unconscious body off of the floor and Patronus your boyfriend" Abi lectured, the bun on top of her head bobbing slightly as she talked. As another coughing fit racked her body she looked at her two desk mates and sighed.

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