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His eyes flickered open to an almost painfully bright room and Tina stumbling out of bed to collide with her bedside table. She appeared to have gotten her leg stuck in the bed covers and was now swearing under her breath as she yanked her leg.

"Good morning?" Newt mumbled, voice hoarse and eyes bleary. Tina jumped at his voice and flicked her head around with her eyes slightly wide.

"Newt! Sorry, I meant to be... quieter" She was still whispering as she finally freed her leg and began to stare bashfully at the floor.

She spends far too much time with me

"It's fine, those potions Madeline forced down my throat have more or less solved the problems yesterday brought on"

It was true. His head was no longer fogged over and his chest was still burnt but it was nothing a quick pain-killing potion couldn't fix. She gave him a quick bashful grin and he asked

"Can't you come back to bed?"

"It's 6:30"

"Merlin's Beard!" Newt exclaimed, jumping out of bed and pulling off his pyjama shirt.

"Newton Scamander you almost died yesterday sit your ass down"

Her tone of voice made him hesitate but he still shoved down his pyjama trousers and reached for his woollen ones, distracting her substantially before she also began to change.

"As I said before Tina I'm a little sore but there are creatures to feed, and I'm rather hungry" He added the last bit as an afterthought but she could see by Tina's softening eyes that he'd won.

She rolled her eyes daintily then muttered

"You are gonna be the death of me Mr Scamander" as she walked over and batted his hands out of the way of his bow tie. His shaky fumbling was replaced by her sureness as she threaded the pieces through and pulled them tight and he suddenly realised why his father still insisted his mother tied his own. He gazed into her eyes intently and she smiled up at him, both relishing the intimacy they could still share. Her lips graced his and he leant in to connect further when someone came clattering up the stairs and shoved their door open with a crash. Standing in the doorway was Theseus Scamander, far too chipper looking for the hour, with his hand jokingly covering his eyes as he called

"You two better be decent! I know what surviving can do to the libido!" Newt sighed audibly then yelled back

"I swear to Merlin you're an utter prat!" He stepped away from Tina and turned to look more firmly at his older brother. Theseus merely shrugged and replied

"I'm just saying everyone else is downstairs and eating yank pancakes"

"The good kind then" Tina interrupted drily

"Hilarious. Come on, we lived to see another day let's not waste it!"

"You don't even live here what the hell are you doing in my house?" Newt muttered and he watched his brother grin widely

"I wouldn't be a very good auror if I couldn't disable a couple locking charms" before he pivoted on his heel and went bounding down the stairs two at a time.

More than slightly put out he and Tina went stomping after him but both seemingly remembering their new houseguest they dropped the scowls and instead walked into the kitchen where, as usual, far too many people were crammed around the table designed to seat six. Nearest the door two seats had been saved, a mug of tea and a mug of coffee sitting waiting in their preferred mugs. Next to Tina's awaiting seat sat Credence with Nagini sat beside him rubbing his hand comfortingly. On the other side of Nagini were two empty chairs, evidently belonging to Queenie and Jacob who were talking jovially and flipping food by the stove. Besides Newt's chair was Theseus who was now sitting down smugly sipping a cup of tea as Cepheus sucked slightly on his finger from Letas arms beside him. Overall it almost felt like yesterday had never happened and the chatter didn't cease as they sat down.

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