Chapter Forty

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Happy went with Clay and Jax to meet the Mayans and stayed at the club house. I didn't have anything better to do seeing as Cara Cara was gone. Harper and I just hung out around the clubhouse, I started getting really nauseous so I went to lay down, Harper was already sleepy for it didn't take long for her to curl up next to me and fall asleep. I was almost out when I heard the familiar rumble of everyone pulling in and knew I wouldn't be able to sleep with everyone here. I pulled myself out of bed slowly moving Harper to the center and putting pillows on either side of her to keep her from falling off the bed. As I got up the biggest wave of nausea hit me and I knew I had to puke, I managed to get to the toilet just in time and emptied my stomach contact, one thing I do not miss about pregnancy is the puking, especially considering I am one of the many unlucky people who doesn't just have it in the morning but I have it whenever and wherever my body decides. After a couple minutes I finally felt well enough to stand up again. I slowly made my into the front, before I got there I heard people come in shouting and when I tuned the corner I saw the members with guns pointed at them, we were being raided again. I barely made that realization before I heard someone shouting at me to "get down on the ground and don't move!" and forcing me onto my knees roughly with my hands above my head and a gun pointed at me, they pushed me to my stomach without warning and before I could get my hands down to catch myself I collided with the floor. 

"Stop!" I yelled now freaking out, all the chaos no one noticed me come out of the back. Happy's turned to face me and saw me one my stomach and the panic in my eyes. "My daughter is in the back sleeping, please don't point the guns at her!" I pleaded I saw Uncer quickly make his way to the back bedroom before any of the sheriffs could, and a minute later he came out with a crying Harper in his arms. She was reaching for me and I couldn't help but put my arm out towards her to maybe hold her hand and slightly comfort her, when suddenly there was a sharp blow to my stomach. The cop who pushed me down had just kicked me in the stomach for wanting to comfort my daughter

"I said don't move!" they yelled at me again, somehow I ended up with the violent cop. 

"She's pregnant!" Happy yelled, I was too freaked out and scared of being kicked again to move or say anything, between falling on my stomach and this cop just kicking me, I don't know if my baby can take anymore. The sheriff leading the raid call the cop down and tried to help me off the floor but I was frozen in place. 

"Ma'am can you hear me? Let's get you to an ambulance" he put his hand down to help me but I shook my head. 

"Don't touch me, I want Happy", I cried. surprisingly but also not that surprising seeing as how much shit they are all about to be in, he let Happy up, they searched him first then let him over to me.

"I'm here" I took his hand and he gently pulled me to my knees then took all my weight as I stood to my feet, I didn't want to move at all I was so scared. I like I had started to pee my self and looked down to see red starting to seep through my jeans. Happy's eyes followed mine and he saw what I was seeing. "Okay, hey look at me, let's get you to the ambulance, come on", he took a step back but I couldn't follow him. 

"I can't move" I cried out, if I don't move I won't jiggle the baby anymore and maybe they will be fine. Happy called for the medic to come in here and soon there was a gurney by my side and Happy was helping me on to it. Everyone else was sent out of the clubhouse while they continued to search everything and Happy took Harper from Uncer following me into the ambulance. 

Immediately the hospital took blood and sent me to have an ultra sound. There was already bruising on my stomach forming from the kick. Happy held my hand the entire time not letting go. 

"Okay we are going to have to do an transvaginal ultrasound to see anything so this may hurt but it is safe for the baby" I appreciated how she was talking like the baby was for sure okay. She started the ultra sound and I did my best not to squirm which just resulted in my squeezing Happy's hand really hard. After a little while she finished and had another nurse take me to a room to be admitted. 

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