Chapter Eighteen

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I felt the air leave my lungs. How the hell could they think Opie would ever rat. He was raised in this life just like Jax and I. We have all been inseparable from a young age. He wouldn't turn on his family. 

"Ana, can you hear us?" Happy asked me gently.

"Opie's not a rat," I said firmly. 

"Ana, he was the only one who could have identified Bobby as the killer" Happy slowly approached me like I was a stray dog and he wasn't sure if I was friendly or dangerous. 

"Opie is not a rat!" I growled. Happy stopped moving towards me. "That man has grown up in this life, it's all he know. If I ever hear you say he is a rat again it'll be the last thing you ever say. Do you fucking understand me". 

"Yes ma'am". 

"Good. Now lets sit down enjoy a nice meal and discuss how we are going to help Opie". I calmed down. We all sat around enjoying the food listening to Jax tell us how he was going to try and find Opie before someone else does. Soon after he left I was able to get Harper down for the night. Happy was waiting patiently for me to meet him in the bedroom. 

"I take it we aren't going to try those porn moves tonight," He signed wrapping his arms around me pulling me into his chest. 

"Not tonight, I'm sorry". 

"You don't have any reason to be sorry. There's a lot going on". 

"Yeah. It seems I'm going to need to have a little talk with my father and uncles about this Opie nonsense". 

"Baby you need to prepare your self for the worst outcome". 

"The worse out come is somebody jumps to conclusions and gets an innocent person killed and I'm going to have to hurt someone I care about." I meant everyone that I said. No matter how  much I cared for everyone in this club, I will not tolerate anyone hurting someone I care about. 

"Anastasia will you just listen to me" Happy angrily said at me. I have never heard him get angry with me. "The signs are pointing to him being a traitor okay? I don't want him to be just as much as you but this is the reality. Please, just prepare your self". 

"Okay" I quietly said walking back into Harper's room. Something about his tone made me scared. As ridiculous as it sounds to be scared of the man who has done nothing but protect me. I sat in the chair that was in her room just watching her. I didn't even realize but I drifted off to sleep. When I woke back up, Happy was asleep on floor next to me and Outlaw snuggled up in his bed in the corner. I had a blanket on me that wasn't there before and the sun was creeping up. 

"Happy" I slightly shook him. Neither of us had received much sleep in a long time. "Happy, go sleep in my room". He was like a zombie getting up and going to my room. I quietly walked out of the room looking for my phone. It was barely 5 am. I wanted nothing more then to crawl into my bed and get some more sleep but I knew now that I was up my head would be spinning for answers. I might as well get a start on my day. Getting the laundry going and the house picked up, I managed to get the apartment decent looking just in time for Harper to wake up. I got her fed and dressed and grabbed her some toys. Now that Harper was almost five months old and sitting up all she was so aware of everything going on around her. Grabbing her stroller and leaving a note for Happy in case he woke up. Harper, Outlaw, and I took a nice jog to our favorite coffee house that was a 30 minute jog away. Harper and I were sat enjoying out breakfast when a familiar blond bitch walked up to our table. '

"Anastasia Teller, what a coincidence seeing you here," Stahl said. 

"Agent Stahl, what can I do for you on this fine morning", I sweetly said. 

"Nothing, I just couldn't help but notice this adorable baby", she went to touch her but I moved the stroller away from her. Stahl gave me a slight smirk, "is she yours?" 


"Well, isn't that interesting. Both the Teller children are parents. Even the precious princess". 

"If you have something to say, say it. We need to get home". I smiled pushing past her. 

"We'll see each other soon", was the last words I heard her say before I walked away from her. We quickly arrived back home. I set Harper up in her rocker with a baby monitor so I could shower. My first order of business today is to have a conversation with Clay. I let the warm water relax my muscles with all the tension that is constantly being built up started to melt away, until I heard Harper started crying. I reached out and grabbed my towel. Trying to dry off as quickly as I could. Just as I managed to get my robe on I heard Happy's voice on the other end. 

"Hey sweetheart...shhh...mommy's just in the other room, I got you". I sat back down on the toilet listening to him comfort her and I could physically feel my heart grow. I could feel myself falling more and more in love with him everyday. Even if we have disagreements with the club stuff that doesn't affect my feelings. I know how I feel. I managed to finish getting dressed meting Happy in the living room. Harper was sitting on his stomach laughing at the faces he was making at her. He caught me standing in the door way watching them. "Told you mommy was going to be right back". She looked at me smiling. 

"She loves you". 

"Well that's good" he chuckled standing up and coming over to me. 

"Yeah it is". 

"How are you feeling?" 

"I'm good. What's your plan today?" 

"Don't have one. Thought maybe we could spend the day together?" My heart ached wanting nothing more to spend the day with him. 

"I would love to..."


"I really need to figure out what going on with Opie and I need to finish some stuff at Cara Cara. I was also hoping to go see Abel. I haven't seen him in a couple days and they are saying her may get released soon". 

"Okay. Well, how about I stay with Harper and you go take care of what you need too, and later we will meet you at the hospital and then we'll get some dinner". I stood there astound by his offer to stay with Harper. 

"Your saying you want to stay with  Harper all day... by yourself...for the first time". 

"Yeah, if your okay with it". 

"Of course  I'm okay with it". 

"Then it's settled" he smiled down at me giving me a quick kiss. Today should be interesting. 

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