Chapter Nine

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Happy helped me sit up and I saw Clay and Jax running towards us. 

"He really was stupid enough to stay in charming" I chuckled. Happy took his shirt off and pressed it against my lower stomach where there was the deepest cut. 

"You literally just got your ass handed to you. Yet you still keep you sassy and stubborn attitude", Jax laughed while wrapping his arms around me holding me tight. 

"Jax ow", I gasped. He let go and I laid back on the ground. "Fuck me". 

"We need to get you to the hospital. Happy take care of that piece of shit", Clay spoke. Jax picked me up bridal style and carried me out to the van. 

***At the Hospital***

"Tara Knowles please", Jax asked the receptionist. 

"Over my dead body will that skank come anyway near me". 

"Anastasia", Jax scolded me. I just sat back in the wheelchair and kept quiet. 

"Jax" I hear Tara's voice call from down the hall. 

"Tara, We need your help", she looked between the two of us and found an empty room. 

"What the hell happened?" She asked.

"Can you just stitch me up?" I sighed, all I could think about was getting out of her and cuddling us with Harper and Outlaw. 

"Uh yeah, Jax can you wait outside?" He nodded and left me with Tara. She examined my cuts and face. "A few of the lower ones need stitching and you need some X-rays to make sure you don't have any internal bleeding". I nodded and laid back letting her stitch me up.  "Ana I need to know how this happened". 

"No you don't", I pulled my shirt down and she sighed. 

"To think I almost felt sorry for you". She rolled her eyes and opened the door leading to me to the x-ray, as I passed by her I leaned in and whispered in her ear. 

"I suggest you remember who the fuck your talking too". 

A couple of hours later she confirmed that I had broken four ribs but there was no internal damage so we packed up and left. 

"You know you could be nice to her" Jax spoke. 


"Ana we broke up years ago, it's time to leave what happened in the past". I just rolled my eyes, it had been an exhausting week and all I wanted was a shower, some food, and to sleep peacefully knowing no one is coming after me. 

"Ill stop hating her when mom does", I gave him a smirk. If there's one thing I'm sure of is Gemma Teller does forgive. We finally pulled into the parking lot of TM. Everyone was waiting outside for our arrival. I saw Happy sitting on the top of the table watching the car. Jax finally parked it. Slowly but surely I managed to pull my self out of the car. Almost immediately my mom was by my side. 

"Oh baby" She pulled me into her crushing me. 

"Ow", I cried. Seh let go and apologized repeatedly. I just wrapped my ar around her side and used her as a crutch and walked over to the guys. Outlaw ran up to me with his tail wagging. "Hey buddy" I patted his head. I was in too much pain to bend over and give him loves, so I had to settle for head pats for a bit. I looked around for Harper and found her in Opie's arms. I started to make my way towards them but kept getting stopped by people asking if I'm okay. I felt my chest tightening. I was closest to Happy and he must have noticed My panic starting to set in. 

"Everyone inside" He ordered. the club just looked at him then looked at me. Clay noticed what was happening and gave the same order as Happy, this time everyone listened and shuffled inside. Opie handed Harper to me on his way in and I sat next to Hap at the table. 

"Thank you", I looked up at him. He nodded and sat with me. He didn't ask if I was okay or say anything ,  he just let me sit there and calm down. after about 10 minutes he finally spoke. 

"Do you want to go inside or go to the cabin?" I thought about it. I knew everyone was worried but I didn't have the energy to handle everyone rigth now. 

"Can we go to the cabin please?" He nodded and walked into the clubhouse. He came back out a minute later with the diaper bag and Outlaws leash. "Look at you looking all demosicated". He let out a laugh and I looked at him amazed. "You laughed". 

"Come on lets go". He piled us up in my car and pulled out of the parking lot. 

"Thank you", I said again. 

"You know you say thank you a lot". 

"You know this is the most I've heard you talk since I met you". He gave me a small smile. "and you seem to be in a great mood". 

"Well, I am". 

"Oh yeah, what got you so happy on this fine day?"

"I'm happy that your safe... and that I was the one to put the bullet in that cocksucker's head". That response took me by surprise. I'm I'd understand it coming from any of the guys but I had just met Happy, Why did he care? Or was it just a moral thing and it didn't have anything to do with me? Why am I putting so much thought into this? 

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