Chapter Three

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Happy POV-
Something about this girl intrigued me. Maybe it was that I knew she was off-limits or maybe it was her beautiful looks, I could tell even with the bruises that she was breathtaking. Jax and Clay put me on her protection detail while they went to deal with the warehouse explosion. We were making small talk when she got a call, the look on her face made it obvious that something was seriously wrong. I watched her carefully, looking for any hint of who was on the other line.  Her phone slipped from her hand and she collapsed. I reached out and grabbed her making sure she didn't hit her head. I grabbed her phone and listened to the other end.

"I will find you" a man's voice threatened. I hung it up and picked Ana up carrying her back to the room. Outlaw followed in my footsteps knowing something was wrong. When I got back to the room I laid her down on the bed.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Gemma rushed over checking Ana's pulse.

"She got a call and collapsed. I think it was the same guy who did that to her", I motioned to her face. 

"We have to get her out of here. We will catch the club up when we get back". Gemma barked her orders and we both got the shit together. She started grabbing bags and packing up. Harper started to fuss she Gemma handed her to me to rock her to sleep, ignoring my protest. I had never held a baby before and was too terrified to move. "Hap can you put her in her car seat?" Gemma asked I shook my head no, so she took her and did it herself. I loaded the bags up in the trunk of Ana's car and got Outlaw in the back seat, Gemma put Harper in her spot making sure she was secure. I made sure we had everything then carefully picked Ana back up and put her in the passenger seat. Gemma already started the engine and was ready to go, I pulled out in front of her and escorted them back to charming. 

Ana's POV-
I screamed out in pain, begging him to stop.

"You fucking whore! You're worthless, you think you can start over without me? With my kid? No one will love you, you'll die alone". He spat in my face. He knew all my weak points and was playing them. He grabbed my hair lifting me off the ground and shoving me against a wall wrapping his hand around my throat. "The only way you are getting out of here is a body bag" he whispered in my ear. He removed his hand and I collapsed to the ground again. He walked out of the house, probably going to the bar. I wept into my arms.

Someone shook me awake. 

"Ana, baby, wake up", my mom called out. I slowly opened my eyes. We were still driving but I could tell we were home. The familiar roads aren't something I'd ever forget. Charming, home of SAMCRO, my home. I smiled as we approached TM. I saw all the bikes sitting in the same place they were when I left. I was happy to be back, I didn't leave because I was ashamed of the life, I loved the life. I was untouchable, I was respected, but I craved new. New scenes, new roads, and new adventures. However, after Thomas and my dad, my mom refused to let go causing a big fight and me leaving without saying goodbye.  I don't blame her for wanting me to stay here, where the club would always watch me, but I needed to discover who I was on my own. We parked and I got out letting Outlaw jump out and getting Harper's seat out. The club must have seen us pulling in because they were standing around the front door waiting to greet us.  

"The princess of Charming has returned to her kingdom", Bobby laughed hugging me. 

"What's a princess without her kingdom?" I continued to greet everyone. I finally made my way into the clubhouse and sat Harper's seat on the bar getting her out of it. 

"Look at this gorgeous girl" Chibbs came over. He put his hands out asking to hold her. 

"Meet uncle Chibbs", I cooed handing her over. Jax walked over wrapping his arms around me. 

"My baby sister has a baby. How the hell did that happen?" 

"Do you need me to explain to you how babies are made? When a mo-"

"Good to see you're still a smartass".  We laughed and walked to the couch. 

"What's new with you? You find your old lady yet?"

"Thought I did, then we split up now she's pregnant with my kid". 

"I'm going to be an auntie!" I squealed. We laughed and chatted about what I've missed. I noticed Happy standing by the door chatting with Juice. "What's his story?" I asked nodding in his direction. 

"Who Happy?" I nodded, "Sis, stay away from anyone associated in the club, no dating and no sleeping with any one of them", I just rolled my eyes. 

"I didn't say I was going to spread my legs for him, I asked his story". 

"You're not allowed to spread your legs ever". He growled. 

"Baby you do know she has a baby, them legs have spread open and there's no reclosing them". Our mom laughed walking over and sitting across from us. We both made disgusted faces hearing our mom talk about my sex life. 

"I'm going to go shower". I excused myself to the back rooms. I found the same room I went to growing up praying it was still mine, luckily it still was. I showered and laid down for a quick nap.  

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