Chapter Forty-Two

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 Tera is missing and I am still stuck in this bed. Lyla has been spending most of her time with me trying to help me. 

"What do you want to do today?" Lyla asked. I kinda laughed at her and gave her a really? look. 

"Does Tig still have a prospect looking after that cop?" 

"I'll go ask". There is supposed to be someone watching the cop so he can't disappear. We haven't decided what will happen yet but just incase we can't lose him. The county wrote me a million dollar settlement check, they made sure everything was swift dealt with, something felt off. I don't know why they wouldn't fight me harder, I mean they were running a legal search and seizure, but they settled high and fired the cop within a week of the incident, I didn't get into law school but I do have a degree in political science and I know this isn't normal. They have something up their sleeve, something they don't want the rest of the community to hear. I found my laptop a started researching the cop and the entire San Juan sheriff's department. I couldn't find anything that would signal to me that something was brewing. Lyla finally came back. 

"There is a prospect on the cop. They don't plan on taking him off", I nodded still trying to connect the pieces here. "What are you thinking?" 

"Why was this so easy?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"This was all handled within a week and they could have gotten away with way less. It doesn't make sense". 

"Ana they killed your baby, you deserve way more". She clearly didn't see what I was seeing, so I just shrugged and closed my laptop. "Why don't we look at some houses, you need a bigger place anyway". I nodded and pulled my laptop again pulling up new listings in the area. I found a cute 3 bedroom house with a 3 car garage and a nice yard that I fell in love with. I saved the page to show Happy when he got back. I started making a plan for the money. I budgeted how much I would need to pay off all mine, and Happy's debt, then set some aside for two college funds. with the leftover which would roughly be 750K we could easily buy the house in full and make it perfect for us. I know I want to do something with the left over though that will help the club. 

"What do you think about me opening my own bar?" I asked Lyla. 

"You would be amazing at it, you ran cara cara. Is that what you want to do?" 

"I want to help the club, if I took part of the money and had the clubs help, I could have the bar up and running pretty quickly. They would have more legitimate revenue coming in which they need and this town loves to drink". 

"If anyone can do it, it's you", I leaned my head on her shoulder. When Happy gets home, we have a ton to talk about in the short time before he is sent to prison. I thought I was going to puke at that thought. I hadn't really let myself think about it until right now. Happy is going to prison when he gets home. It started to get late so Lyla took off to get the kids in bed, I decided to lay down and see how much sleep I'll get. 

I woke up and realized Uncer probably had more insight on what the sheriff's would be up to, I gave him a call but I was too late. He told me how there was a vote last night meaning there would no longer be Charming PD. Which explains why everything was handled so fast, if the town found out before the vote that a sheriff caused me to miscarriage before out unnecessary force, the vote would never have passed. Things were about to get really bad and there was nothing the club can do to stop it. Tig was keeping me updated about Tera, Alvarez agreed to play dead, but now ATF wants to help and that is always a dangerous game. The more information I get about the world around me the more stir crazy I am getting. Right at 9 am my phone stated ringing with my daily call from Happy. 

"Hey baby" I greeted. 

"Hey, I need you to listen to everything I say before you say anything okay?"

"Okay?" I was worried. 

"I am going to be fully transparent because I think you can help but, Jax found Abel", I sighed with relief but knew it was premature seeing as he kept talking. "But he let him go, Jax has it in his head that Abel is better with this new adoptive family. He doesn't think he is good enough for Abel, you need to talk to him". 

"Give him the phone", I heard some footsteps and arguing and finally Jax come on the line. 


"What did that priest say to you?" 

"Ana he didn't want this life for us, he wanted out, the manuscript and everything was his way of trying to leave and take us somewhere else. I can't lead Abel onto the path I am on, this isn't what I want for my son". 

"Jax you have something dad didn't have, a crazy sister who will help you with anything you can ever need. Dad wasn't strong enough to make change, he was weak and scared, you aren't dad. Abel is your son and he needs to be home with you, the fact you are considering this shows how much you love him, but leaving him in Ireland is not what is best for him. He needs to be home with his family and cousins. You also need to remember you have enemies even in Ireland and these new parents are not equipped to protect him." 

"Clearly we can't protect him either Ana!" 

"The kidnapping was different, at least we know the dangerous and are prepared to fight, this family doesn't and it only takes one person finding them and they won't know what hit them Jax, they don't deserve that". He was quiet. 

"You're right". 

"So you are going to go get out boy right?"

"Yes ma'am, I love you". 

"I love you too." He handed the phone back to Happy. I told him about the house, and the sheriffs and all the things we need to discuss when he gets home, seeing as it looks like it will be soon, now that Jax is on board with actually bringing Abel home. I had just hung up with Happy, when Tig came in and told me they were going to make the drop for Tera. Now we wait and see if Tera makes it home before the boys. 


Starting the new year off right! I am currently moving and with my new living situation I will be able to write more! So I have a schedule to update every Saturday, however I have been rereading chapters and they need editing, so I will also be going through and editing the chapters and making a few changes to help the flow and being consistent. Thank you all for being patient and loyal to this book! 

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