Chapter Forty-Three

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Just like we all suspected the ATF ruined the drop and we still have no idea where Tera is. Tig had to call and tell Jax now, we had no choice. I have my 6-week appointment today to see if I can finally come off bed rest. Lyla and Piney escorted me there making sure I stayed in the wheelchair, I felt my anxiety rising as waited for the doctor. In best case scenario I get the all-clear, worst-case scenario I lost the baby. I keep trying to convince myself that I lost the baby, If I expect the worse then I can't be disappointed. However, that hope of happiness and my future with Happy is stuck hard. 

"Goodmorning, Mrs. Teller, how are you feeling this morning?" The doctor asked entering the room. I had my blood work done when I first got in so hopefully, this will all go fast now. 

"Anxious, I need to know what's going on, bed rest was miserable and I can't take this waiting anymore", she nodded understanding my frustration, she had me lay back and put my feet into the stirrups for the Transvaginal Ultrasound. I took a deep breath as she tried to get a good spot then suddenly she clicked a button the room was filled with the sound of the heartbeat. 

"Your baby is healthy, all your labs are great, and from that sound, you are both out of the woods" I didn't even try to hide the tears that fell freely down my face, our baby is safe. Happy is on his way home, Abel is on his way home, everyone is safe. The doctor printed a few copies of the ultrasound and I was on my way. As we pulled back into TM I notice the van pulling in behind us meaning the guys are back. I jumped out as the car parked and looked for Happy to get out. When I finally see him step out my feet were moving before I could register and I was jumping into his arms. 

"Hey baby", he chuckled into my neck. I pulled back a bit and kissed him. 

"I love you so much" I couldn't help but cry again. He set me down looking at me. 

"Are these happy tears?" I nodded not being able to speak anymore. I handed him the pictures that the doctor took and handed them to him. He was seeing our healthy baby. I finally managed to choke out a few words. 

"I heard the heartbeat today", I cried even harder. "These damn hormones won't let me stop crying". He laughed at me and kissed me again then took my hand and led me to the rest of the crowd to greet them. I took Abel from my mom excited to hold my sweet nephew again and watched Harper's face light up when she saw Happy.  


Hey guys, here is a short chapter with some sweet moments. I am having some blocks but I will try and get a longer and more action-packed chapter up soon!!! I appreciate all of you more than you will ever know. 

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