Chapter Twenty Nine

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Two of my family members are now in the hospital, I spent most of my day going back and forth between the studio, Chibbs room, and Juices. I try to keep Happy by my side or Harpers as much as I possibly can. I had just pulled into the studios parking lot where I found Lyla crying. 

"What happened?" 

"Ana, honey someone broke in last night". Luanne comforted, I could tell by her voice something wasn't right. I walked in and saw what the tears were for. I let out a blood curdling scream and fell to my knees, right in front of me was my perfect baby boy, Outlaw. He was on the floor dead, blood pooling all arounf his body. My baby who saved my life and protected my daughter was shot and killed. 

"Holy shit", Jax said behind me. I turned around and looked at him straight in the face.

"I am going with you this time, I am going to kill the man who shot my boy", Jax could tell by the look on my face that even if he said no, I wouldn't listen. Soon Bobby, Happy, and Jax were all there. Happy pulled me to the side while Jax made a plan. 

"Babe you shouldn't come. This can be dangerous". 

"Happy my dog was shot and killed last night, he was my baby boy and I am going to kill who ever pulled the trigger. You can not stop me". He nodded and grabbed my hand walking outside with me. We went straight to Georgies studio. Chucky went in first as a distraction, when he ran out we all went in. We marched into Georgies office and Guns were pulled immediately. Happy pushed me behind him until Georgie was subdued. I then walked out from behind him and made my move. I kicked Georgie in the face and again and again until Jax said to stop. I then puled out a gun I had hidden and pointed it at Georgie. 

"You shot my dog, you psycho piece of shit". He let out a laught. 

"You won't shoot me", I didn't even think twice and shot him in the foot. 

"If I have to come back here, I will put a bullet in you're head". I then went and grabbed the Cara Cara laptop and his and walked out. Happy followed me closely behind. Something felt good about shooting him. I can't describe the feeling but I am over being defenseless. 

"Ana are you okay?" Happy asked taking the gun from my hands. I knew what he was doing, he was going to get rid of any evidence that I shot someone. 

"Actually, I am. I just wish I would have put a bullet in his head not his foot". 

"Baby you're not a killer". 

"I don't think I can live this life much longer without being one". He kissed my head and we drove off. We needed to get cleaned up and get Harper before getting to my moms. 

A couple hours later we pulled into her drive way Tara and Lyla's cars were in the drive way. 

"Hey Ma", I shouted walking in. We walked in just in time for Lyla to storm out. "What the fuck did you do?" I asked the two women in the kitchen. 

"Sorry I don't want to eat with a bunch of dick sucking porn stars", Tera grumbled. 

"Tera take the stick out of your ass and stop being a bitch", I said setting the mashed potatoes on the table. Soon the house was full and sure enough Jax and Clay were going at it. I noticed Hale appear in the door way. 

"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt. I wanted to tell you in person, we just found Luanne in a ditch off county 18 beaten to death". Everyone fell silent. 

"Did you cause this?" Clay accused Jax. 


"Did you cause this?" 

"No he didn't I'm the one who wanted payback," I spoke up. Everything quickly escalated until my mom through the plate of meat on to the table getting everyone attention. "I think dinner is over". Happy and I left without another word.

"Ana we need to get protection, you're probably next on his list". 

"Gerogie is a dick but hes not stupid. He knows I'm untouchable that is why he went after Luanne, he couldn't get to me. Beside, Clay wont spare any of you guys to protect me, not that way this shit has been going". Happy sat there thinking. 

"Fine but you need to have a gun on you at all times and I'm putting Kip on Harper. Clay wont fight us on that", We both nodded knowing that as much as Clay hates me, he still loves his granddaughter. 

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