Chapter Twenty- Three

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I was left on the ground like trash. My face was once again beaten and bruised. My body was frozen and broken. I doubt I even had any voice left at this point either. I can't think straight. Should I go? Should I call someone? Why can't I manage to make a fucking decision? Before I could spiral even further, I heard a voice calling my name. 

"Wayne?!" I called out. My voice was barely recognizable to even to myself. 

"Ana!" I heard him call back, before I could let out a breath of relief, another voice called out. One that could have made me feel safe if it wasn't for the scene he was about to walk into.


"Oh my god, baby" He draped a jacket over my body. "What do you need me to do?"

"We need Tara," I tried to pulled myself up but I was so stiff and sore I couldn't manage to do it.  I noticed Uncer still in the background waiting for direction.  

"Can I help you?" Happy gently asked seeing how much pain I'm in. I nodded and he carefully picked me up bridal style, taking me to Uncer's car, and laying me across the back seat. Uncer started the car waiting for the okay to drive off. Before He could pull away I spoke up. 

"Take me home" 

"Ana, you need to go to a hospital. They need to run tests and we need the DNA" Uncer tried to explain. 

"No take me home. I'll have Tara meet me there and we will figure something out. But if we go now they will run my insurance and everyone will know, no". Uncer tried to argue back but Happy cut him off ordering him to take me home. Luckily when we arrived back to my house we were met by Tara already waiting for us. 

"What happened?" She asked the second I was sat on the couch. I just gave her a look pleading for her to not make me say it. She just sighed cleaning my face up. "I need you to come in Ana, I you need stitched and x-rays and we need to make sure you didn't catch anything".

"No one can know, not even the club", I pleaded to everyone in the room. I caught Happy's eyes for the first time. He was angry, I couldn't tell if it was at me or the world though. But I knew he wanted me to go with her. "Okay but we need a cover". 

"I can take care of it" Uncer responded walking out to the door. I pulled my self up letting out a little huff bringing Happy to my side instantly. "I got it", I snapped before he could help me. I don't know why I did it. "I'm going to ride with Tara, can you get Harper from my mom please?" He just nodded heading out. 


Tara had finally finished with all her tests and x-rays. As she finished my last stitch Uncer walked in. 

"Clubs here, your mothers about to burn this place down if she doesn't see you soon". 

"You told them?!" I felt my in explainable rage fill my body. 

"No, I crashed your car so all they know is you were in an accident". 


"I'll go talk to them and calm them all down a bit", Tara volunteered. 

"Only let Happy in. No one else under any circumstance". She nodded walking out leaving me all alone for the first time in hours. The weight of last nights events hit me. Happy's never going to touch me again. He's going to leave me since I'm used and ruined now. I've been ruined since before he met me but not it's not the same this time. He was there fro the healing portion not the falling apart portion. The door opened and Happy walked in holding Harper. "I figured you'd wait until I was all done". I reached over taking Harper into my arms. 

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