Chapter Seventeen

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I was in my own little world. Not realizing what was happening around me. Everyone was congratulating me and threatening Happy. He was laughing and smiling and all I could think is "where is Harper". I could it around me,something was coming. As the crowd around us dispersed I made my ways to her in my mothers arms. Jax walked in and kissed my cheek not acknowledging the room. I could hear talking around me but it was like I was under water. Happy was now talking to Clay about some business with the Irishman. I stopped standing nest to Clay and Happy listening to them talk about the Irishman and Cherry getting out of town safely. Jax came over just in after Clay announces that we are all clear of the ATF grabbing Harper from me. I stayed close by my sense still unnerving. I didn't hear Tig yell  that the cops were coming until they were already busting into the building. Jax forced Harper to my arms and shielding us from the cops. The cops came up to us pointing guns at our heads, forcing Jax to the ground and me to stay still. I looked around frantically hoping to catch Happy's eyes but he was also on the ground with a gun pointed at him.

"Bobby Munson you are charged with the murder of Brennen Heffner", an agent spoke cuffing Bobby.

I didn't doubt that Bobby killed him. They have all killed people at some point. The real question is why would they risk the club over somebody's murder I have never heard of. Eventually the feds and cops all left and Clay called everyone into the chapel. I looked around the building and noticed Opie was missing. Nothing was making sense here.

My phone started going off and I answered it with a frantic Lyla on the other end.

"Ana Luanne's been gone all day and no one know's what to do. We managed to get the scenes we had to get done shot. But no one is here to okay them and we are waiting on our paychecks still".

"Okay calm down. I'm on my way". I told mom where I was going leaving Harper with her. I still wasn't comfortable with Harper being around a bunch of porn stars, even if she has no idea what is happening. I was at the studio fairly quickly. "Everyone take a breath. I'll look through the scenes and get them approved. Your checks are on my desk, Ill hand them out in a minuet. As for Luanne she should be released by tomorrow. Just take the day off tomorrow." Everyone nodded in agreement. I walked into my office grabbing the checks, then passing them out. Everyone gladly took them then left. I was alone to finish my work. I started with the videos. After what felt like like eternity of watching porn, my phone went off.

"Hey baby", I greeted Happy.

"Hey what are you doing? You disappeared after the raid and your mom said you went to work".

"Yeah I've been sitting here watching porn," I chuckled.

"You don't say" I could hear the excitement in his voice.

"Oh I do say. How do you feel about leaving Harper with my mom and I try out  few of these moves tonight".


"Okay you pick up the food and I'll meet you at my place". I packed up my belongings walking out to my car. As I got in Jax called me.

"Ana where are you?"

"I'm on my way home why?"

"I don't want you alone right now".

"Don't worry Happy's meeting me at my place". I absent minded said pulling out of the parking lot.

"Why is Happy meeting you there?"

"Oh um-uh just a friendly dinner".

"Why don't I meet you there for this friendly dinner" Jax mocked.

"I mean if you really want to". I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well I have some words for Happy anyway". I just said okay and hung up. Dialing Happy again. He didn't answer my call so I left him a message. "Hey so change of plans. Jax is coming over, he thinks we are having a simple friendly dinner so I'm going to go get Harper from my mom and we can have our fun after". I hung up pulling into my moms driveway. We might as well let Jax in on our secret and in order to do that Harper needs to be there as a buffer.


I pulled into Ana's drive way. I need to speak with Happy. I need him on my side. I walked up to her door knowcking. Happy answered, surprised to see me.

"I take it Ana forgot to mention there will be three tonight" I laughed.

"Well let me check," He looked at his phone seeing a missed message. He quickly listened to it."No she did I just didn't hear it". He laughed this time. We stood together in the kitchen neither of us knowing how to start the conversation.

"Hap we need to talk" I finally said.

"Yeah we do". He sighed.

"You go first" I politely said.

"Okay well I'm Juice told you since that boy doesn't know how to keep his fucking mouth shut. But Ana and I are dating", I felt my face heat up. "And from the look on your face I'm guessing this isn't what you wanted to talk about".

"NO! What do you mean you  two are dating! This can't happen!" I yelled at him.

"Jax she's a big girl she made the decision herself".

"She has a baby! You putting my baby sister and niece in danger being with them".

"No more danger then they are in with you!" He yelled back at me.

"I came here to talk about Opie, but you tell me your fucking my baby sister!"

"Opie? Why the hell do you want to talk about that traitorous bastard!" I pushed him against the wall holding him by the collar. I was about to punch him when Ana walked through the door with Harper.

***Ana's POV***

I wish I could say I was surprised by the image I walked in on, but I'm not.

"Jax let him go" I calmly said setting Harper's car seat on the kitchen table. "I take it you told him.

"Yeah it was an accident". Happy said as Jax let him go.

"So you pinned him against the wall because we are together?"

"No". Jax just looked at Happy.

"Then Why?"

"Because I called Opie a 'traitorous bastard'". I know that isn't said in vain. They must have serious evidence to say that. "Ana Opie ratted on the club". 

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