Chapter Nineteen

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I made sure to leave plenty on instructions for Happy. I eventually left making my way to the club house. 

"Where's Clay?"  I asked Kip. 

"Church, I wouldn't go in there". I didn't acknowledge his warning and burst through the door. Everyone looked at me completely shocked. 

"Ana what are you doing?" Clay asked. 

"What are you thinking calling Opie a traitor?"

"Ana this is club business back down" he warned me. 

"Don't give me that bullshit! Club business is family business!" 

"Ana this is not your place" Clay was starting to clearly get annoyed with me. 

"Opie is family Clay! So this is my business!"

"Ana we have witnesses that saw him get into a black SUV willingly, all his debt was paid off, and Opie's kids are in a facility too" Tig tried to calmly explain. 

"Has the thought fucking occurred to any of you that the stupid ATF bitch is doing this on purpose?" 

"Ana I'm not going to tell you this again, leave! We will take care of this situation!" Clay was clearly angry that I, an outsider, was questioning his authority. 

"Ana go"Jax finally spoke up. I turned around slamming the door behind me. I saw Chibbs and Juice walk in. 

"Whats wrong darling?" Chibbs asked with a concern look. 

"Clay's going to get someone hurt". I couldn't control my anger anymore throwing the closest thing near me at the chapel doors. I know it and he knows it. Clay opened the door and we both just stared at each other not exchanging a single word. Jax walked out and grabbed my arm dragging me outside. 

"You have to cool it Ana". Jax said when we finally got outside. 

"He is jumping to conclusions". I was still so angry. 

"Anastasia listen to me, I will not let anything happened to him. He is my best friend and I don't care what Clay says, but you have to cool it. No more war path, I can't clean up your messes and watch Opie's back too". What he is saying makes sense. Logically I agree but emotionally I still want to continue on my war path. 

"Okay" I took a deep breath running my head through my hair. 

"What are you going to do now?" 

"I have to get some work done before I meet Happy and Harper at the hospital to see Abel". 

"Happy and Harper?" 

"Yeah Happy kept Harper for me today." 

"Wait so your saying that Happy is at home with Harper, by himself?" 

"Yeah. He volunteered."

"Wow. He must be pretty serious about you".

"I like to think so" Talking about my future with Happy made me happy. I felt my issues melt away thinking about him. 

"I know I was about to kill him last night but I like you two together". 

"Thank you". I leaned in resting my head on his shoulder. He kissed my my forehead and we said our goodbyes. I eventually pulled into Cara Cara and it was empty. I could finally get my office done. I've been working here for 3 months and have yet to be able to get ahead off her books and legal documents. After hours of work I could finally use my desk and I can tell you exact;y where all the paper work is. I had just enough time to get to the hospital to meet Happy.  When I pulled in he was already in the parking lot. My mom had picked him and Harper up since he only had the bike. 

"Hey Ma" I smiled kissing her cheek and giving Happy a kiss on the lips. We made our way into the hospital. When we got to Abel's room I saw a face I honestly didn't think I'd ever see again, Wendy. Jax was with her and honestly they looked like they could be a cute family, but I would never let that happen. I heard my mom talking to Jax about hr but I never took my eyes off Wendy. 

"Ana, you can't kill her" Happy laughed.

"Watch me". I smirked at him. I made my way into the room. "Hello" I sweetly said to her. I could see the fear in her face as I walked into the room. I didn't immediately go to take Abel from her. Instead I sat across from her watching her.  


"I see you made it back to town". 

"Yeah I'm checking into a halfway house next week". 

"Where are you staying?"

"Jax said I could stay at his place."



"Yeah good, I know I was harsh the first time I met you and honestly I promise to you that if you fuck up again I will destroy you, but right now we're good".

"Fair enough". I kissed Abels head saying my goodbyes and walking back into the hall. 

"What did you say?" Jax questioned. 

"Just made her a promise. That's all, we are going to go get food, Either of you want to join?" 

"Not tonight I got a lot to figure out for the coming home party tomorrow". I nodded and we took off. Happy and I walked hand in hand with him holding Harper in her seat out to the car. We silently drove to the restaurant grabbing a table. Harper was in a high chair sitting at the end of the table in between Happy and I.  

"What are you thinking? You haven't said a word since we left the hospital". Happy asked still holding my hand from across the table. 

"I love you". I didn't even realize the words left my mouth until I saw his jaw drop. I wanted to back track but I couldn't manage to form and actual words. We just sat their in silence for a minute before he finally spoke again. 

"I love you too Anastasia Rose Teller". 

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