Chapter Thirty-Five

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We all sat outside the jail waiting to hear anything about when the Zobelle would be released. Under finally came out to tell us they had no information. 

"Sac take Tera and Ana back to the clubhouse with my mom", Jax ordered. We nodded and said our goodbye heading back. The guys were going to continue to follow Zobelle and Weston until they are dead. 

"Do you have the list?."Tera said as we drove out of the club house, Ma, sat in the front with Tera and I sat in the back between the carseats. 

"Yup". I answered staring off. We got everything we needed from the store and were loading it into the truck when I saw mom whispering to Tera, "Whats up?" I asked when Tera came to the back. 

"Get in the car" She ushered. I finally saw where mom was walking, she was following the blonde, Zobelles daughter. 

"No! I told her she was mine!" I tried to run after her but Kip grabbed my by the waist holding me back. "MOM!" I called out hoping to turn her around. 

"Ana stop, your mom isn't going to let you do this she is going to take care of it, the blonde won't get away with it, but you have a baby you need to get in this car right now and we need to go". I couldn't see my mom anymore so I got in the car looking for my phone. "Don't call, they can't stop her." 

I knew she was right and I knew that everything was in motion, there was no way to stop anything. Tera and I unloaded all the groceries then went to our houses to get baby supplies. We had been out and about for most of the day and I hadn't even realized what time it was until Kip comes running into Jax's in a sweat. 

"The cops raided the house so fast, there was no way I could help her. I don't even know if she got out", I had barely taken a second breath when the irishman comes in with his gun pointed. Tera was on the phone with Jax to update him when he pushed her into a seat. Both the babies were in their carriers sleeping, but the yelling woke Able up. 

"Kille me!"I spoke as he walked towards the babies. 

"Ah here we are, son for a son", he pulled a knife from the block Kip saw a chance and took it, unfortunately the Irishman was faster and kip fell to the floor dead with the knife in his gut. The Irishman started to take Able out of his carrier and I took chances with the knife gone to make my move I slammed my body against his causing him to stumble back but he didn't let got of the carrier, he slapped me in the face with the gun in his hand  but I didn't let go of the carrier, Tera was still crying over Kips body to in shock to move. I tried to reach for the gun the in the irishman hand and we struggled with both having one hand on the carrier and one hand not he gun. It only lasted a few seconds before he swept my leg out causing me to go crashing to the floor and on the way dow my head hit the corner of something causing me to loose all vision and blackout. 

The next thing I heard was Jax yelling for Tera as the door flew open, Chibbs and Happy running into the kitchen. 

"Ana"Happy yelled, kneeling next to me.

"Harper, where Harper. I looked around not seeing her carrier. Happy started running around the house looking for her. Jax came running out after finding Tera. 

"Ables missing". 

"Harper too", Those words sent my entire world crashing. Both babies were missing. He wanted a son for a son, but two babies would be too hard to run with. 

"Why would the Irishman take both? It doesn't make sense" I tried to get the pieces to fir my the throbbing in my head wasn't making it easy. 

"What if he took one as a distraction so we'd have to split up"? Chibbs connected for me. 

"Yes, he said a son for a  son, he'd want to hide Harper so wed have to slow down. Jax go Able is the one in trouble". Jax ran and I tried to sit up but the world was spinning way too fast. Happy helped me up and went to get Tera, the three of us sat on the couch waiting to see if they catch up to him in time. If we can catch the Irishman and Able then they can get the information about where Harper is. 

"Tera can you check out Ana?" She nodded and did a quick test. 

"She probably has a concussion, when the paramedics get here they will tell you for sure". 

Soon the house was flooded with paramedics taking our statements and looking for evidence. Happy's phone started ringing and I answered. 

"Tell me you found them", I asked immediately. 

"No, the Irishman was on a boat with Able before we could get him. We don't see any sign of Harper, but she has to be near, we were right behind him he couldn't of had much time to hide her". I let out a little sigh of relief. No they didn't have my daughter and no my nephew wasn't safe, but my daughter wasn't far. 

"Okay, thanks Juice." I hung up and told everyone else. We finally had the okay to leave so I started searching the neighborhood on foot. Happy and the rest of the club were searching the roads and all stops along the way. She was near, I could feel it.  I finally decided to walk back towards Jaxs house to wait for a ride when I noticed a shred of pink hanging out of the the dumpster at the neighbors. I ran towards it ripping the lid off, there she was laying in a pile of trash, still in her carrier. The pink was her reaper hat that was stuck under the lid. I grabbed her out as fast as I can and notice that he mouth was duct taped to keep her from being found too soon. I heard Happy and Clay pull in and I cried out to them. "Call 9-1-1". 

Happy came running to see Harper with Clay close behind on the phone. 

"Should I remove it, She's barely breathing", I cried removing her from her carrier. 

"I don't know the paramedics will be here soon". 

"Happy she's turning blue we have to do something". He took her from me and laid her on her back feeling her pulse through her wrist. Clay kneeled down next to me wrapped around my shoulder holding me out of Happy's way. We heard the sirens getting closer and the paramedics finally came running over. 

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