Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up to a loud banging on my front door of my new apartment. It's been a couple weeks since Happy left and I find myself missing him more and more. Partially because with all the crazy club shit that's happening with ATF and patching over Nevada, I really wish he was here so I'd have someone I trusted to have my back and my daughters. 

"Ana!" I heard a voice yell from the other side of the front door. I grabbed my robe groggily walking towards the front door. 

"What?" I opened it to find Jax and Opie. 

"Get dressed  we are on high alert!" They ordered pushing their way in. 

"What? What's happening?" 

"Clay was attacked last night. I dont want you two out here alone. Get ready," Jax barked again.

"Is he okay?" 

"Ana just get ready!" Jax yelled at me. I flinched away from him walking into my room and throwing on a t-shirt and pair of shorts and boots. I started packing a bag of clothes when there was a knock on my bedroom door. "Ana?" 


"I'm sorry for yelling". Jax walked in. I've always hated him yelling at me, I don't know why but I can handle almost anyone else yelling at me except him. 

"If your in such a rush why don't you go pack up Outlaw's stuff while I grab Harper". I pushed past him and gave my bag to Opie to put in my car. I dressed Harper and packed her a bag then met the boys at my car. The sun wasn't even awake yet. I pulled out of my parking spot and started the familiar drive to TM. When we arrived I was immediately met with screams from someone.  Ma and CLay were sat at the bar. "You're okay". I let out a sigh of relief while hugging both of them. 

"I put your stuff in your room"Jax said. I nodded to him ignoring him. 

"Jax!" Chibbs called for him. He disappears into the chapel where all the screaming was coming from.

"What's going on Ma?" 

"All we know is the Myan's tried to put a bullet into Clay's head last night and accidently got the irishman. Clay called all the charters down they should be here before noon". My heart stopped, all the charters? does that mean Happy's on his way? Does he miss me too? God why am I thinking so much about this? 

"Oh" Was all I managed to get out before Jax came back out. 

"I'm going to Tara's we need medical supplies". I rolled my eyes and walked to my room in the back to try and get a couple more hours of sleep. 

When I woke up again after hours of tossing and turning and trying to get Harper to go back to sleep, I walked to the front and found that the house was full of all different charters and Clay was nowhere to be found. I found Tig and Jax sitting at the bar. 

"Where's Clay?" 

"Uncer picked him up", Tig answered.

"For what?"

"They think he has something to do with the shootings". I rolled my eyes. Why would he think that? 

"Fuck I need a drink" I walked around the back of the bar and poured myself a drink. I haven't been breastfeeding because of my broken ribs so I've been using formula instead. 

"Thats classy" Jax laughed at me holding Harper with one hand and pouring myself a drink with the other. 

"Fuck off Jax" I growled at him. I'm still mad at him for yelling at me this morning like I was some crow eater. I took the shot I just poured myself. Chibbs walked to the bar reaching over to take Harper from me. "Aren't you supposed to be saving the irishman?"

"Tara's here". I looked directly at Jax.

"Why is that skank doing here?" 

"Don't call her that"

"Why that exactly what she is!" 

"I could say the same about you!" Jax stood from his chair leaning towards me. 

"Look at yourself! You let that stupid bitch under you skin again! She's just going to leave you again!"  

"Shut your fucking mouth!" we were screaming at eachother and drawing attention. 

"Or what Jax? I'm not a fucking Crow water you can boss around and yell at!" We stood about and inch from each other both of us steaming with anger. 

"Ana come on back off", a familiar voice spoke grabbing my arm and pulling me away. 

"No, he needs to remember who I am. I have done the same shit you all have and I'm still that person!"  

"You don't get to yell at me and tell me who you were. You are not that person. The person that left here would have never let herself get beat by some nobody!" He yelled. I could tell he hadn't forgiven me for leaving no matter how much he tried to hide it. The familiar person who was holding me back was now in between us. 

"Too far Jax" Happy spoke deeply and calmly. 

"This is family business Hap".

"I'm telling you two to knock this hit off then!" Our mother's voice told us sternly from the other side of the room. The sea of people parted and she made her way to us. "Walk away both of you."I walked to my room and slammed the door. I feel like I'm 15 again being sent to my room. within minutes Happy was walking through my door.

"Are you okay?" 

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?" 

"Don't play that game with me Ana". 

"I'm fine Happy just go party with the rest". 

"I don't want to go party. I want you to talk to me". 

"Why your just going to leave again anyway". 

"That's not my fault!"

"Look Happy I don't want to fight with you too today. Please just get out". 

"Ana I'm not walking away from you". 

"Happy I said go" I shoved him towards the door but he didn't budge. I pushed him again and again still not budging. 

"And I said no" he grabbed my arms holding me in place. 

"Don't touch me!" I yelled pulling away from him. Go I'm such a mess today, what the hell is happening. I felt Happy grab my arm again and pull me towards him. Before I even said anything his lips were on mine. His hands slid down to my waist lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. His lips matched mine perfectly. I melted into the kiss more and more with each passing second, my heart was beating harder than ever before. I finally felt at ease and happy with his lips on mine. There was no more physical pain or emotional. We finally pulled away to catch our breaths.

"I've wanted to do that since I saw you in that towl the first day we met" He whispered into my ear. "Leaving you was the hardest thing I've done in a long time".

"Please don't leave me again". 

"I don't plan to". Those words were enough to make me lose my breath. This man managed to make me feel whole again and I don't think I'll survive another heartbreak. 

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