Chapter Eleven

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I ended up sleeping until the next morning, Happy was passed out next to me with his arms still wrapped around me. Harper was on the other side of me wide awake chewing on her hands.

I felt a smile creeping across my face watching her play by herself. I just sat there taking in the small moments, when Outlaw started barking alerting me that someone else was here.

"Happy", I reached over shaking him. He opened his eyes while mumbling something incoherent. "Hap someone's here". That got him up. He grabbed his gun putting it in his waistband and slowly walking out to the front room. I heard the front door open and then my mother's voice filling the cabin. It was then that I realized I was still in the towel and nothing else. I reached for the first article of clothing I could find that happened to be Happy's shirt. I pulled on a pair of underwear just in time for my mom to burst into the room.

"Hey, baby girl". She came over and wrapped her arms around me tightly. I noticed Clay, Happy and Jax talking in the living room.

"Hey, ma", I gave her a peck on the cheek and she pulled away. She had moved over to the bed with Harper and holding her. "What are you up to today?"

"We are all going to the Carnival", she gave me a look when she realized what I was wearing. "You and Happy didn't...?"

"No, it was just comfortable. I really need to get some new clothes and start getting my life together". I ran my fingers through my hair letting a big sigh out.

"Luann was mentioning that she needs a bookkeeper for CaraCara".

"I'll call her later and talk to her. Do you mind feeding her and getting her dressed while I shower?" I asked.

"No problem". She got up walking out to the kitchen.

****Happy's POV****
I stood in the living room talking to Clay and Jax.

"When do you go back to Seattle?" Clay asked.

"Tomorrow..." I looked towards the back room where I saw Gemma shut the door with Harper in her arms.

"What happened last night?" Gamma asked me when she was close enough tot he group.

"Nothing" I doubt Ana would want anyone else to know about their break down last night.

"Really because she was in one of your shirts and their was clearly two people on that bed last night". I could feel the two men behind me burn holes into my head with their eyes.

"Nothing happened. She had a nightmare so I comforted her" I lied.

"You sure?" Jax finally spoke up.

"Of course!" No one seemed 100% convinced by my words but the went along with it anyway.

"Well if Ana doesn't hurry up Juice is going to get pissed. He's been waiting all week for today" Jax laughed. I had completely forgotten we were going to the Carnival today.

"That boy is 7 years old I swear" Gemma rolled her eyes.

****Ana's POV****
After a long but fun day at the fair mom and I went to get some lemonade at a food booth when we heard mrs.Oswald calling out for her daughter.

"TRISTAN" she cried out. Mom and I ran over to her.

"What's wrong?" Mom asked.

"I don't know where she went".

"Okay we'll go look over here. Did you call the police?" She nodded and mom and I took off to find her. I started walking towards a wooded area when I saw what looked like a person laying on the ground. When I got closer I realized the person wasn't moving. I hand Harper to my mom and took off running towards the body. Mom started yelling for help. As I got closer the sight horrified me. There laid Tristan bleeding on the ground her legs were spread and her clothing torn. Her eyes were open and she was silently crying.

"Tristan I'm not going to hurt you" I whispered slowly approaching her. She gave me a look of understanding and I took the jacket I was wearing off and draped it over her body. I sat behind her resting her head on my lap and petting her hair. I was too scared to move her in fear that she'll become even more injured. "You'll be okay, I promise". I heard many more sets for footprints running towards us. Their voices shouting, scaring Tristan. As I made eye contact with deputy Hale I put my hand in the air motioning for them to stop. Hale listened to my warning and took a few steps back. "Tristan these men are here to help you. You mom is right behind them. Do you want me to get her before they come over?" I spoke softly. She barely nodded her head and I slowly got up walking over to the crowd. "Mrs. Oswald she wants you first" as she got closer to me I leaned into her and whispered "be careful she's in bad shape". She nodded and continued to her daughter. I stepped back towards my mom and let the authorities handle the rest. I grabbed Harper and held her tightly. I couldn't imagine what that mother was going through and it broke my heart to think about the possibility of that happening to my babygirl. We waited a while before I gave my statement to the police and were finally able to go home. Happy was waiting for us at the cabin when we arrived. Mom just dropped us off so she could get home to clay. I walked through the door met with and excited Outlaw jumping all over for. Happy was sat in the couch drinking a beer.

"How'd tour night go?" I asked him.

"Ehhh hit and miss yours?"

"Fucking awful" I sat next to him.

"How are you doing?"  I leaned my head on the back of the couch. I was in so much pain. I hadn't realized until now because of all the adrenaline running through my body from looking for Tristan to finding her.

"I hurt but I'm fine" I looked at him and smiled.

"Hey so... um... I'm going back to Tacoma tomorrow". He told me.

"Oh" I admit I was pretty attached to him. He had seen me at my worst and stayed with me. I know he didn't have a choice because Clay had ordered him too but still. You'd think after losing as many people as I have I would stop letting myself become attached yet here we are.

"Yeah" we got really quiet for a while before I decided it was time for sleep.

"I'm gonna head to bed. Thank you for all your help with everything and protecting my family". He gave me a nod and off I went to bed. I tossed and turned all night long. I couldn't get my mind off Happy. Before I knew it the sun was coming up and Harper and Outlaw were ready to start the day. I got up and into the shower. I didn't want to leave the room until Happy did. I didn't want to say goodbye again. As I was getting out I heard the front door open and shut and more voices coming in. Whoever is relieving Happy must have shown up. I waited until I heard the door open and shut again before heading out to the living room. I walked out and saw the prospect. Happy was gone and who knows when I'll see him again or if I'll ever see him again.

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