Chapter Thirty-Six

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I sat next to harpers hospital crib, her oxygen levels were so low after we found her in the trash can that they had to admit her. My mom was on the run and I had no idea where she was, Clay made everyone promise not to tell her about the irishman or what he did to the kids. 

"How is she?" Clay asked sitting next to me, he comes a couple times a day to check on happy and I. 

"They said she should go home today, just in time for the wake". I turned around to wake Happy up from where he was sleeping In the room. I hadn't been able to sleep and I was constantly crying so I knew I looked completely terrible. 

"Im going to go get Jax I think he'll do a little better with Happy there," Clay explained picking Harper up from her crib. She cooed at her grandpa with a big smile. 

"Babe come one wake up", Happy groaned and turned over, "Happy!" I yelled shaking him a little harder. He shot up looking around the room for danger. "Clay needs you". I was so exhausted that I didn't have the patience to be sweet and lovey. I was scared that if I went to sleep she would disappear again. I went and took 

Harper from Clay, and he and Happy went to the hall to talk. Happy came back in a minute later to say goodbye. 

"I don't have to go, everyone else can handle it", he said squatting next to us in the rocking chair.

"No, Jax needs you to be there, we will be okay", It was true there's a ton of security here I doubt anything will happen and she will be released soon. 

"Okay, don't leave until I get back you are way to sleep deprived to drive, I shouldn't be long I'm just going to get Jax cleaned up and then they are all going to follow a lead on Able", This is the first lead we've gotten since this happened. 

"No I want you to follow the lead and tell me what you find out, please." 

"Are you sure, Ana you need to sleep and I know you aren't going to sleep if no one else is here, you haven't even been sleeping when I'm here". 

"I'll sleep, I promise". Happy let out a sigh and nodded, he knew I was just as worried about Able as I was Harper. 

"Okay, I'll get the lead then come right back, I'm not going to follow it with them though understood?" I nodded, "I love you".

"I love you too", he kissed me and left with Clay. I kept my promise and laid in the hospital bed in the room with Harper on my chest. Soon we were both passed out together. 

***Happy's POV***

Jax was in terrible shape when we got there, he hadn't left the nursery since he got back in. 

"Jax" Opie and I each grabbed an arm to help him up. He freaked out seeing us waking him from his sleep. "Ope give us a second" I asked, he nodded and went to the hall. "Jax we have a lead, you need to clean yourself up and we need to go". 

"He's gone Happy, my son is gone". He drunkenly cried. 

"Jax, we will find him. We found Harper and she gets to come home today, we will find your boy." Jax looked at me and gave a slight nod then let me help him into the shower. I couldn't imagine what he was feeling, I mean Harper was missing for a couple hours and I thought I was going to die, that feeling isn't something I want to feel again and Jax having to live with this feeling day in and day out, I don't think I could do it. I know Harpers not my biological but there's nothing I won't do for her. I love her and I love Ana, they have become my entire world. 

The guy we met was giving information on a passport he made for the Irishman. Clay Uncer to run the name on the passport. 

"Clay", I called out to him catching up to where he was. "I'm going to go back to Ana and Harper". 

"Absolutely, get them home safely. I will see you at the wake". He patted my shoulder and I took off to get them. When I walked in Ana was still passed out with Harper on her chest. Thank god she actually listened to me and slept. The nurse came into start Harper's discharge. 

"I feel really bad for waking ms. Teller but I need her to sign papers". 

"Can I do them?"

"Are you a legal guardian of Harper?" 

"No... Ill wake her up". I gently took Harper off Ana's chest and started playing with her hair. She stirred gently and her eyes stirred until she woke. 

"You were a lot nicer then I was this morning", she laughed. 

"Im a nicer person", I teaser her. She smacked my shoulder sitting up. 

"The nurse wants to start the discharge paperwork, I tried to do it so you can sleep but I'm not a legal guardian". 

"We can change that you know. I mean if you think your ready for that". She got off the bed and started with the large stack of papers the nurse left. 

"I mean you and Harper are my entire world now. But, things are so crazy right now, how about we wait until after we get Able home".  

"Deal", she leaned in and kissed me walking to the nurses station with the paperwork. 

***Ana's POV*** 

I finally showered and put myself together a bit for Kips wake. He sacrificed himself for my family, he deserves my effort. Happy rode with the rest of the club to the wake so Tera and I drove together. This is the first time I had seen her since that day. 

"Im glad Harper is home", she broke the silence. 

"Me too. As soon as Able is home and we figure out how to get mom off I'll feel even better".

"Jax blames me". She barely whispered. 

"You were in shock, you're not used to watching people die like that", I mean it was true she wasn't used to it but neither was I and I still fought like hell to save both of them. I didn't want to say that right now and make her feel worse considering we were on our way to a wake for the man who did die saving us. When we got there I went up to the casket, the club patched him in so he would be buried with his cut. 

"Thank you", I whispered with my hand on his cut. The tears fell from my eyes at the memory of watching his body fall to the floor. Happy guided me away from the crowd so I could cry in his shoulder while he held Harper keeping her laughing. 

"He was a good man. He fought like hell for this club and this family". Jax spoke walking up to me. I tried to pull myself together a bit, I hadn't seen him either since that day. I gave him a big hug, and he let go giving Harper a kiss on the forehead. "I'm glad she's home, I was really worried. I'm sorry I didn't come see you." He held his head down a bit. 

"Hey, I understand. Jax I am so sorry I couldn't save Able, I tired I swear". I felt the tears falling again. 

"I know sweetheart", He hugged my tightly and neither of us wanted to let go, but eventually it was time to escort the casket and the club was going to make sure it went properly. As we all walked out side Harper in my arms, holding Happy's hand with Jax and Tera on the other side of me, I looked around at everyone who had came to celebrate Kip. I didn't notice when the van pulled up and opened fire. Happy pulled me to the ground shielding Harper and I. When the bullets stoped I stood up to hear the cries of a mother holding her son. I ran to her to help when I heard the club  yelling at Jax, he had beat one of the shooters and it honestly looked like that guy was dead. I hadn't even made it to the mother when I noticed another body in the street, this one was in uniform. Hale was dead. Kip was dead. This innocent boy was dead. I locked eyes with Happy and he ran over to me checking Harper and I for injuries. I was a little bruised from how hard I hit the ground but I was fine and Harper didn't have a scratch. 

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