Chapter Thirty-One

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Cara Cara was gone, the clubs funding is officially pulled, and Jax had this bright idea that he is going to go nomad. He was avoiding my calls because he knows I don't approve and will stop him anyway that I can. Nomad can't have families, they can't have ties, they go where they are needed and can't ask questions. 

"Ma you really going to let Jax go nomad?" I asked her in her office. We were waiting for Chibbs to come home. 

"I don't like it but he's going to do what he thinks is best", she was basically quoted to me the fucking old lady handbook.

"That's bullshit mom, you and I both know that he will die if the club agrees!" I'll admit I am being pretty hysterical but I feel I have a right to be. I heard everyone come in and went out to greet them. I knew my mom was just plotting a way to make him stay, but I know she won't be able to come up with anything. We all said our hello's to a very pissed off Chibbs when I saw Jax take off. I decided I am going to follow him and make him hear what I had to say. By the time I got to Jax's house that ATF bitch was leaving. She gave me a nod and I rolled my eyes at her barging into the front door. "Jax! You are going to fucking listen to what I have to say",I yelled.

"Calm down Ana". 

"No, you can't go nomad, it will kill you and I will not sit on my ass and let you throw it all away, Jax please rethink". I begged. 

"Ana, I can't make the change with Clay at the head. I need to be away", He was already getting ready to walk out clearly not giving my words a second thought. 

"Jax, I am you little sister standing here begging you not to leave me or your family", I grabbed is arm to keep him from walking away. He just pulled me in and kissed my head then left and I started crying. I knew begging won't help, I need the club to vote no and if that doesn't work I'll have no choice to come clean about everything. Tera came out as Jax finally left and I collapsed. 

"Is this a bad thing?" she asked coming closer. 

"Tera, this is the worst thing that can happen, he won't come back". 

"What are you going to do", she asked.

"I think it's time we come clean about that night. Tera it's time, he needs all the facts before he commits to this decision". 

"I agree, let me know what what you need from me". We sat there discussing the plan for a little while before I finally left and she went to work. I went home to wait for Happy's call that the vote was over. I pulled my dads manuscript out again curling up in a ball reading it on the couch. I need to know what dad thought about going nomad. Happy finally gave me the call that the vote was over Tera was going to trick Jax into going to my moms house and Happy would meet us there. I pulled in first so I used my key to go in sitting at the table waiting for everyone to arrive. Soon Tera and Jax were there with Happy and Ma and Clay not far being. 

"Everyone have a seat", I asked. 

"What is this?" Clay asked sitting next to me. Happy held my hand under the table. 

"The night of Bobby's party I didn't get in an accident I was attacked. Mini van pulls up behind me, a girls jumps out in a panic because her baby was chocking, and I believed her. It was doll in the car seat and she hit me over the head with something knocking me out. I came to handcuffed to a chain link fence, they were wearing masks, I knew one of them but I can't tell you who the other two were. The main one I recognized the tattoo, Zobells right hand man. He told me to tell you guys a message stop selling guns to color, if I didn't they would do it again, then they raped me, all three, multiple times", I saw the tears start to fall from my moms face and Clay gripped the table so hard I thought he was going to break it. Jax looked like he was going to puke or pass out. "They came after me because they new I would hurt the club the most. I am so sorry guys", I didn't realize I was crying until Clay reached over and wiped my face. He then gave a tight hug, a hug I haven't gotten in months and sat down. Jax reached across the table and grabbed my hand kissing it. No one could say anything and I don't know what they would say. "I was trying to do my part as an old lady and keep quiet to protect the club, but honestly you guys need to know. You need to know who you are facing". I stood up form the table kissing my Ma's head and left, I said my part now they need to decided what to do with it.  Happy left his bike there and drove me home seeing as I was in no position to drive. Luckily Anita had put Harper to bed already and we could go right to sleep. "Happy, do you think I did the right thing coming clean?"

"Yes baby, you needed justice and we can give you that now". 

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