Chapter Two

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I felt safe in my mom's arms, I stood up and looked around, Clay was the first to approach me,

"Hey sweetheart", he pulled me close and I could tell he never wanted to let go. Clay raised me, JT may be my father but Clay was my dad. He kissed my head and I heard a small cry. Everyone looked around confused and I tried not to laugh when Tig walked into the room and quickly backed out, his eyes wide.

"Scary dog in the room with a crying baby" He said. Everyone looked at me and I just pushed my way through the crowd into my room.

"Outlaw heel", he walked by my side to pick up Harper. When she felt my presence she snuggled into me. I walked outside with Harper and Outlaw. Everyone watched my every move as I handed Harper to my mom. "Ma, Clay, meet your granddaughter Harper Quinn Teller." My mom looked at me wide eyed and for the first time I locked eyes with my brother. I felt every memory of the past rush towards me and I felt overwhelmed. "Guys can we have a minute ?" I asked everyone around us. They all went to the bikes and I walked into my room with my family following me, Jax wrapped his arms around my shoulder and kissed my head.

"I've missed you darlin"

"I missed you too," I tuned and faced my parents. "I know you guys want to know what happened". My mom sat on the bed and I sat on the couch next to Jax. Clay just watched my every move. "After out fight that night, I chose to go to Florida State University. I started college and got a part time job and everything was good. I graduated with a Bachelors in Political Science and planned on continuing on to complete a business law degree when I met my ex. He knew all the right things to say. I fell in love with him, I quit my job for him, and decided against continuing in school for him. I didn't even realize I was doing these things for him until it was all gone and I had no one but him. It was good for about year then the abuse started I wanted to leave but he scared me into believing it was my fault. I didn't know what to do, then I found out I was pregnant and he stopped I thought, or more I hoped, it was behind us. Until last night, I honestly thought he was going to kill me. So in the middle of the night I ran. Took Harper and Outlaw and ran." I didn't realize I was crying until Jax wiped my tears.

"What's his name?" Clay asked. I knew they'd want blood and part of me did too, but the other part knew he was my child's father and I couldn't do that.

"Please, I just want to move on and forget him. If he contacts me again I will tell you, I promise." That wasn't the answer they wanted but it was the only answer I had. We walked back out and my mom passed Harper around everyone cooed and welcomed me back. It was nice being with my uncles Tig, Chibbs, and Bobby again I missed them all so much. We sat around for a minute talking when Jax got a phone call. He excused himself and took the call. I spotted a man I didn't recognize in the crowd, he was tall, bald, and had darker skin. Something about him interested me. Jax came back, his anger was clear on his face.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Club business," I may have been away for a while but I knew what those words meant. Tig who had Harper handed her to me and everyone walked away while Ma and I sat in the room.

"Hey ma can you watch Harper so I can shower?" I asked. I knew I needed a shower and food before we got back on the road.

"Of course baby" She held her arms out and I passed her off. My muscles relaxed as I felt the hot water bounce off them, I just sat there for what felt like an hour. I could hear talking but couldn't make out the words. I rinsed and realized I didn't have any clothes with me in here. I listened through the door and didn't hear anyone so I figured the coast was clear. I wrapped the towel around my body and walked out. I quickly realized I was wrong when I looked around the room. My mom was still on the couch but next to her was Clay and Jax and by the door stood the man from outside. I felt so exposed, I couldn't move they were all staring at me. I made eye contact with the stranger and he had a hint of a smirk on his lips that I knew he was trying to hide.

"I forgot my clothes" I mumbled. I grabbed the bag off the bed running back into the bathroom. I pulled on an off the shoulder sweater and leggings. I knew once I got home I would have to get more clothes. I walked back and saw Clay and Jax were gone.

"You'd have a nice show?" I asked the guy in front of the door he gave me the slightest nod with a smirk creeping onto his lips.

"Ana this is Happy, the club had some important business and had to go. Happy's your body guard until Clay and Jax think you don't need one," typical, I didn't give them what they wanted and now I have a babysitter.

"Hope you can handle a crying baby at all hours" I laughed. I grabbed Outlaws leash to take him for a short walk before we left. I looked up at Happy, "you coming?"

We walked down the road a bit in silence until I decided to try and break it.

"So we will probably spend a lot of time together, anything interesting you would like to share?" I asked looking up at him. He just shrugged. "Okay anything you'd like to know?" I was trying desperately to get him to say something anything. He thought for a minute, I was expecting something about my face being so beaten, but instead I was surprised.

"Why'd you get your tattoos?" I hadn't realized he saw them. I had a few, one on each wrist, ones a mountain the others a forest, they reminded me of home. I also had the word Bullet in a Bonfire on my bicep, a tiny H for Harper under my thumb, and roses covering the top of my thigh.

"Why'd you get yours?" I asked him.

"I liked the look of them"

"Well the H is for Harper, the roses are because of my middle name and  thought they were cute, my wrists are for home and the quote is the best way to describe me." I answered,  we had walked far enough and decided it was time to turn around. I was about to ask another question when my phone started ringing. 


"You really thought you could take my daughter, and my dog and just leave? I will find you Anastasia and I will have my family with or without you." My phone fell from my hand and my knees collapsed as everything went black. 

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