Chapter Thirty-Four

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Within the next couple days the club had a plan. Knowing this plan would probably lead to innocents getting hurt they decided we are going on lock down.

"Baby we need to get going" Happy said walking into our room with Harper in her car seat.

"Yeah let's go" I shoved the last thing I needed in the duffles slinging it over my shoulder. Happy put Harper in the back and drove us to TM. I saw Tera pull up behind us and Opie and Lyla behind them. We we got through the gate arm guards locked it behind us. I haven't seen ya this locked down since my dad died. I got out and hugged Jax and Opie. I grabbed Harpers car seat and walked into the clubhouse. My mom was sitting at the bar and I leaned in kissing her Cheek, Clay then did the same to me. It was packed, everyone who means a nothing to the club was here, including Wayne. I took a seat next to Tera, I could feel the anxiety radiating off her, she was scared and she had a right to be. I'll admit I am a little scared too. Without thinking I reached over and grabbed her hand I then noticed Lyla on my other side and did the same to her. These two are still fairly new to this game and needed comfort and they weren't going to get it from their men right now. They both relaxed a little squeezing my hands begging me to not let go. Jax gave the signal to cut the noise and Clay started his speech. He explained that everyone under this roof was considered family and we are protecting our family. He explained who to go to with concerns and everyone cheered. Most of us have been down this road. Mom is the queen therefore it's her job to be a host, and Piney being too old to really ride is in charge of grounds security. All the crows know what they have to do to keep this running, they know their spot. Eventually it cleared out a bit. Everyone going to their sleeping arrangements, kids started chasing each other around playing tag and I let out a little laugh watch Kenny chase another little boy. I got up and went to the bar after Anita came and took the babies for their nap. I just wanted coffee. My Tera and I each sat on one side of my mom and crow brought us out coffee. She asked Tera is she wanted some but she declined at first.

"They need to do that" my mom commented when Tera finally gave into the crow.

"It shows respect, your not a crow, Tera you're Jax Tellers old lady" I finished for my mom.

"They need to show you respect. You can't take any shit from any of them". My mom set her coffee down. Tera made eye contact with me raising her eyebrow as in to say stop disrespecting me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh honey you don't out rank me yet" I took another drink. "Right now the hierarchy goes ma, me, then you. You really shouldn't disrespect anyone above you". Mom chucked a bit too and so did Tera. We all new we were just joking. It was true though, Tera didn't our rank me. She will eventually be number one and mom will move to number three, I will always be stuck just out of reach of the all powerful queen position. Queen was for the old lady of the president. Technically Jax being VP should make Tera the princess. But that is my title and I will kill to keep my title. I'm the one who grew up in this shit I am the daughter of John Teller, the step daughter of Clay Marrow and the sister of Jax Teller. Not to mention Happy Lowman's old lady. There is one person who may take over my spot, one person who has more ties to the club then me and that is Harper. She will eventually take her spot as the Princess of Charming and I hope I will have prepared her enough for what that entitles. I know if something happens to me my mom will know how to teach her and I'm sure Tera could even fulfill the role but she will have to have a mother figure. Princess isn't something the club can teach her, it has to be taught by the old lady's. I'm not the perfect Charming Princess seeing as I question authority loudly. Maybe Tera would be better then my mom to raise Harper if I die. She questions just as much as I do, and I want Harper to push the club for change. I know I give Tera a hard time but that's the protective part of me, a side she also has.

I hadn't realized I was staring at Tera until she snapped her fingers in front of my face.

"Earth to Ana?" She asked.

"Sorry I was just thinking".

"What has you so zoned out?"

"If I die Harper needs someone to teach her how to live in this world, live in our world. I think you would be the best person to show her that". I told her honestly, she looked completely shocked.

"What are you talking about? Why me? You mom is better at this world".

"My mom doesn't question the authority like you and I. Harper needs to question it. She needs to speak her mind or she won't survive this world. These are conversations we have to have Tera. I mean I could have almost died so many times in the past few months. I'm not saying I want you to have custody is I die. I can't take her away from Happy," my eyes drifted over to him, "but I need you to keep her on the right path". 

"I really don't like this conversation Ana". 

"Tera, look around the probability that we all get out alive is very low, I'm just planning" She took a deep breath nodding. I gave her a pat on her back as I got up from the bar. 

I hadn't even notice that the club had gone behind the oak doors until they came back out. 

"We are going after to talk to Weston" Happy said. 

"Be safe". I kissed him. 

"Always". The plan was in action. 

The boys were out all day doing what was needed, Ma and Tera went out to run errands leaving me with the the babies. I played with them while waiting for Happy to come home, I missed him. Eventually he walked into my room but it was clear he would be leaving again soon. I held him close for the little time he was with me before he left again. When he came back everyone was bloody and beaten and it was very late. 

"Do you feel better?" I asked as we laid in bed with Harper between us snoring. 

"Not yet, but soon". 

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