Chapter Seven

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Jax and Happy came outside after a couple minutes of me crying into Opie's chest. I wiped my face and chocked back my remaining tears. 

"Whats the plan?" I asked turning to them. 

"The minute he steps a foot into this town we are going to put a bullet in his head". Happy spoke. It took me by surprise for a second seeing as that's the most words I've heard him say in one sentence. 

"Just give us his name and we will make sure everyone in town knows who he is". Jax kissed my head giving me a hug.

"His names Jacob Wilson". Jax nodded and kissed my head. 

 "You need sleep, Happy's going to take you back to the cabin. I'll be up first thing in the morning". I hugged them goodbye and got on the back of Hap's bike. I forgot how much I loved riding on a bike. Growing up I always knew I was safe when I was on the back, no matter what awful thing was happening in my life, no matter who had died, or whatever war was happening all disappeared the minute the wind hit my face and my hair blew around my face. Before I knew it we were back at the cabin and I was facing reality again. My mom met me at the door with Harper sleeping soundly in her arms. I kissed my mother goodnight, I didn't bother catching her up and just took Harper from her going straight to bed. 

Next thing I knew I was being woken up by Outlaw licking my face telling me it was time for breakfast. 

"Morning buddy", I laughed sitting up. I looked over at the bassinet and saw it was empty. "Happy?" I called out trying to not panic yet. I walked into the living room and saw Happy passed out with Harper on his chest. I reached down picking her off his chest. As I was lifting her I must have startled happy because he clutched her back to his chest. "Happy it's me". 

"Oh sorry, she was crying earlier and I didn't want her to wake you," he explained handing her to me. I took him from her and sat down in the chair across from him. she started to fuss meaning she was waking up. 

"Have you heard from the club?" I asked him. 

"No, Someone should be here soon though". I nodded and got up walking to the kitchen to find a bottle. I found one in the fridge that was half empty. "Hey, Hap?" 

"Yeah?" he mumbled walking in. 

"Did you drink this?" I asked holding up the bottle. His eyes got wide and I tried not to laugh. 

"I might have last night. It was dark and I just grabbed something. What was it?" 

"Breast milk" I started laughing. I couldn't help it, his face was priceless I honestly thought he was going to throw up. I pulled a bag of milk out of the freezer and defrosted it poring it into a bottle. There was a knock on the cabin and Happy answer gun drawn. Jax and Chibbs came in. 

"Morning darling", Jax and Chibbs kissed my cheek. 

"Morning boys, hows your day been?" I asked sitting back down after getting Outlaw some kibble. 

"Alright, still early though. How'd it go last night?" Jax responded taking the seat next to me. 

"Good, Happy got to try some breast milk" I laughed not realizing how that might of sounded. 

"What?!" Jax Jax asked turning his attention to Happy. 

"It was in the fridge not in...her". Happy defended causing me to laugh again. Jax continued to stare Happy down while I started a conversation with chibbs. 

"So uncle Cubby whats on the agenda today?" 

"Well you and your brother are going to the hospital and you going to spend the day with your lovely mother, Happy and I have some business to take care of". 

"Guess I should go get dressed then". I handed Harper to Jax and he finished feeding her while I showered and got ready. I quickly got Harper ready and put her in her seat. "Ready?" I asked Jax. Chibbs and Happy had already left. Jax hopped in the driver's seat of my car. As we were pulling into the hospital I saw a familiar man walking into the building. My face went pale and I my throat closed, I couldn't breathe. 

"Ana?" Jax looked at me concerned putting the car in park. 

"He's here". Was all I could manage to choke out. 

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