Chapter Four

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----Ana POV--------

"Hello?" I called out to the empty clubhouse. The prospect popped out from behind the bar and Outlaw ran to me from beside him.

"Oh, you're awake!"

"Yeah, where is everyone?" I asked him while petting Outlaw. "Wheres my baby?"

"Oh Harpers back here with me" he lifted her up in her car seat showing me. "And You mom and Jax are at the hospital. I guess Wendy went into labor early". 

"Oh my god, I need to get over there. Can you watch Outlaw again?" I felt bad for leaving my dog with him but I needed to get to the hospital.

"No problem we're buds now. Also, I'm Kip but you can call me prospect or halfsac I answer to both".

"Nice to meet you," I laughed grabbing the car seat from him and kissing his cheek. "I'm Anastasia but I go with Ana" I waved goodbye and headed out to my car. I get to meet my niece or nephew today!

—-At the Hospital——

"I'm looking for Jackson Teller," I told the receptionist.

"Who's looking for him?" A familiar voice asked. I turned around and saw someone I never thought I'd see again. Last time I saw her I was smashing her face into the cement ground. I turned around and confirmed my suspicion. Tara Knowles stood behind me in a white coat. She clearly didn't recognize me as she gave me the side-eye.

"His sister" I crossed my arms over my chest.


"Does he have another fucking sister?" God, I hated this woman. When she left Jax he was broken and it hurt seeing him like that. So that night she officially left I followed her and made her a promise.

"If you ever so much as think about this town again, I will kill you" Then I proceeded to smash her face into the pavement she was standing on. I was 13 at the time, here we are 12 years later and I still had every intention of following through with that promise.

"Wow, it really is you", she looked at the car seat next to me and rolled her eyes. "I see you ended up like everyone expected. Who's crows on you?"

"How about you mind your own fucking business bitch". I growled at her. I saw a flash of fear in her eyes for a moment then she played it off. But, that moment of fear was all I needed to remind her who the fuck she was speaking to.

"I'm one of Abel's doctors, would you like me to show you to his room?" I nodded, of course, she's his doctor. She was going to try and weasel her way back into my brother's life. When we got to his room I only saw my mom and Clay.

"Hey baby" my mom smiled kissing my cheek.

"Hey ma," I hugged her back and gave clay a hug. Behind them was a small incubator with a teacup-sized baby boy. I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. "What happened?" I asked fighting back my tears.

"Junkie whore was shooting up while pregnant and caused him to be born early, and he has the family curse. They gave him a 20% chance". My mom explained while picking Harper up from her car seat. I reached my hand into the incubator and the little boy's hand grabbed on my finger. I noticed his name was written across the edge of his bed.

"Abel" I whispered to him, his grip tightening even more around my finger. We all sat in silence for a while before Clay spoke.

"So we had a deal. You agreed that if that jackass contacted you again you'd tell us the name so we could take care of him. Your mother told me about the phone call".

"I'll be fine. I'll get a new phone and he'll never know where to find me. Besides he's across the country what are you guys going to do?"

"I will do whatever I have to in order to protect you and that baby", he pointed to Harper.

"Clay I know you want to protect us. But I promise we are safe here. Unless he shows up in this town there's no threat".

"Fine you won't give us a name you will have 24-hour protection. You're going to be staying at the cabin", he ordered. I felt like a teenager again being ordered around and told what to do.

"I'm not a club member you can't control me".

—2 hours later—

I plopped down onto the couch of the cabin Jax and Clay bring my bags in.

"Now that's a face I haven't seen since your mom refused to let you go to some concert when you were 15", Chibbs laughed sitting next to me. He pulled me into his side hugging me. I wrapped my arms around him, other than my brother and parents, I'd have to say I missed Chibbs the most.

"If I do recall I ended up at that concert anyways". I laughed.

"Yeah well, this time I'm not covering for you when you sneak out" I gave him the pouty lip.

"Aww come on uncle Cubby" I wined using my nickname for him from when I was young. I have one for him and Tig, whenever I wanted to get my way I would just pout my lip and call him uncle Tiger and he was putty in my hands.

"Oh no, she's using the nickname" Tig laughed sitting at my other side. By this time the entire club was in the house.

"Okay, Ana everything's good to go. Happy's staying with you tonight and we'll be back in the morning" Jax kisses my head goodbye and everyone got up to leave, hugging and kissing my cheek on their way out. Soon enough got was just me, the baby, Outlaw, and Happy. This should be interesting.

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