Chapter Twenty

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It's crazy how timing works out. Normally I would liked to wait until things calmed down before taking these giant leaps with Happy. But, it's becoming very clear that if I wait for the perfect moment I will be stuck in the same spot forever. The club life means always being bust, and honestly I'm okay with that. As long as Happy is by my side Ill be okay, my family will be okay. I felt like I was air when Happy said those three words back. I went through the rest of my night like that, smiling and laughing. Even when I woke up in the morning I was happy. Opie came back and explained what has happened and as far as I'm aware the club trusted him, and Abel comes home today. Maybe once Bobby gets released it may all be perfect. 

"Earth to Ana," I heard my mom's voice break through my trance, 


"Tape", she laughed holding a welcome home banner up. 

"Oh yeah sorry", I handed her the tape. Wendy was finally back from seeing Abel, she clearly looked like she needed to have a conversation with my mother so I handed her the tape and made my way into the kitchen to prep the food. I  didn't bother listening to their conversation. I figured it would take my perfect mood away so I stayed in my own world. It's kinda funny how Happy can make me so happy. 

Before I knew it people were showing up. I was leaning against the counter talking with Tig when I saw a familiar long haired giant and short woman walk in. 

"Opie! Donna!" I laughed wrapping my arms around both of them.  They both hugged me back and I pulled Donna into the kitchen so it was just me and her. Her and I always had a special bond. I tried to keep in touch with her when I left just so someone back home knew I was alive. 

"God I'm so happy that your hear" she laughed. 

"What the hell happened?" She explained everything to me. From Stahl ambushing her at their home to Opie's talk with Clay. "God hun, I'm so sorry. I know you aren't the biggest fan of this life, but you did the right thing fro your family". I rested my hand on her shoulder. 

"I know I did. I think this is what I needed to put my family back together". We continued to chat about Happy and I. I didn't even notice Jax come home with Abel until I saw Tara storm out. 

"Looks like the party can finally begin" I laughed walking into the living room to find Harper and Happy. I found Harper in Chibb's arms and Happy sitting next to them laughing. I took a seat on his lap. "Hey baby" . 

"I haven't seen you all night", he gently took my hand. 

"Sorry I was catching up with Donna" I took the beer from his hand taking a sip. I felt him squeeze my hand while giving me a fake glare. Everyone continued to laugh and party.  Juice was telling some stupid story that had the entire room laughing. 

"We are going to head out Ana" Donna smiled hugging goodbye. She leaned down kissing Harper's head. 

"I'll call you tomorrow and we will have a mommy spa day". 

"Deal!" She laughed. I hugged Kenny and Ellie goodbye. Like usual when one person leaves it's not long until more fallow. Soon it was just club members left. 

"You about ready to go?" Happy asked giving my butt a little pat. 

"Yeah, it's getting pretty late", I stood up looking for Harper. Chibbs had walked off with her and I  haven't seen them in a bit. I tuned the corner to the nursery seeing Jax on the phone. I could tell by his face it wasn't good. "Jax?" He turned to look at me tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "Who is it?" 

"Donna". My world stopped. I backed out of the room clutching my stomach. Jax started towards me to comfort me. 

"No," I put my hands up stopping him, "Go get Opie". He nodded running to the front. I slid down the wall not being able to hold myself anymore. I heard the house empty out, leaving the house scarily quiet. I knew this going to happen. I knew someone was going to get hurt, now two children are without their mother and Opie lost his wife. Opie, the man who's been a bother to me is now a widower. The women who was like a sister to me is dead, and I know one way or another it was the clubs fault. 

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