Chapter 2

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Abhi was with Manish when he was trying hard to say something.

Abhi: papa please take rest papa....we will talk later...

Manish: no Abhi u have to know about this now itself I can't hide it from u anymore.....

Abhi: ok papa tell me....

Manish: Abhi before I tell the truth please forgive me 1st....

Abhi: papa why are u saying like this papa....

Manish: u are thinking that ur mom died because of accident na....

Abhi: yes....

Manish: but was not the truth...she...she was killed ...

Abhi: papa what are u saying....but the accident took place before our eyes only na papa ...when I came home from hostel the house exploded and u were also injured.

Manish: yes Abhi but before that itself she was shot......

Abhi: u mean someone killed mom and framed it as an accident.

Manish: yes....

Abhi: who was that dad....

Manish: none other friend Amar malhothra....

Abhi: what dad but he was ur friend na...and also he is dead right....

Manish: no Abhi he is not dead...he is still alive and now he is in Dubai now....he wanted to take my mafia king position so he wanted to kill me and take it...but before he can kill me ur mom came to know about it and he killed and escaped to Dubai.

Abhi: papa I won't leave him papa....I will kill him for sure....he will regret for doing it....

Manish: wait Abhi as I said ur mom was killed and also....

Abhi: also....

Manish: she....she was pregnant with ur baby brother/sister of 8 months.

Abhi: what are u saying papa.....he said purely full of shock of his father's words.

Manish: yes abhi u was in the hostel we couldnt tell that good news to u...and also we wanted to surprise with the news on the day u return from the hostel...

Abhi: this all true....

Manish: yes abhi and one more thing...that is ......but before he could say more he started to breath heavily....he started panting and slowly he closed his eyes.

Abhi: nurse look what happened to papa....

Nurse checked him.

Nurse: sir...his pulse is getting down let's get him to the hospital....

Then they got him to hospital and and doctor checked him and came out.

Abhi:'s papa....he is fine na....

Doc: Abhi....I am sorry..he is......

In Dubai.

Sid was in his room getting ready to go for shopping. He got ready and came down.

Sid: dad I am ready....shall we go....he shouted climbing down the stairs....

Amar: off course bacca....let's go....

Sid: yaayyy.....

After that both of them went to mall off course with their body guards.
Sid was roaming through all the shops to get a single dress for the party he is gonna attend the next week. Finally he got one for him and for amar.
After they left for the mansion and they did noticed that someone was spying on them from the starting.

After going home at dinner .

Sid: ummm dad...I wanna ask u something....

Amar: what Sid....

Sid: why are u not allowing me to go to india ...I agree why u always insist me to go out with  body guards as u are a big businessman and ur rivals will take advantage with me and harm me....but u never said no to me to go anywhere....I really couldn't say exactly how many countries I have visited till now off course with bodyguards....but why u always refuse when I ask u to go to India....

Amar was looking little bit tensed now. He didn't know what to  answer him now.

Amar:'s complecated...I can't tell u now....when u are big enough to understand everything I will tell u for sure....

Sid: dad...what do u mean by big enough....I am 17 dad....soon to be 18 um....nearly 8 months more but still I am big guy na....then why....

Amar: ok then when u turn 18 I will answer all of ur questions on that day itself ok now....

Sid: umm ok but still I had to wait 8 months.....he said with a cute pout.

Amar: ok go and sleep....

Sid: ok dad gud night...he said and ran to his room.

Amar mindvoice: I think I can't hid the truth from him anymore...get ready for knowing the truth siddharth .....a evil smirk came on his face which faded instantly....
To be continued.

Actually I have decided to give double update of this book daily as it will finish I already said it's a small story only.....only 20-25 chapters....may be more than that....

Ok now tell me how was the chapter.....

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