Chapter 21

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Amar: so...u also got to know everything....

Sid: haa u can't cheat me anymore.....

Amar: it's ok what can I do if ur fate is to die on ur birthday itself....

Don't u dare amar..... A voice came from the entrance revealing manish and abhi.

Amar was shocked to see them there. It was his hideout no one can find.

Amar: did u found this place.....he asked in confuse and looked at sid who was smiling at Manish.

Manish: I will tell u that....


Abhi,Manish and Bantu was at the lounge discussing about something

Bantu: uncle what to do now....tomorrow is Sid and abhi's birthday....we have to find that amar before tonight.

Abhi: haa papa....what to do now...

Manish: I am also thinking about that only Abhi....

Sid came there and stood hesitantly...

Manish: baccha...why are u standing there come and sit here come....

Abhi made space beside him for sid. But sid didn't go there and went to bantu and sat near him. Abhi was hurted on this as sid was still scared of him. But he didn't showed it. His eyes became moist and he saw sid and  then Manish. Manish gave him a smile assuring that he will accept him soon.

Sid: if u all are ok may I tell something....

Manish: off course tell one is going to stop u....

Sid : umm....let him come and take me from here....

All except him: WHAT.......

Abhi: are u mad sid...even after knowing the truth about him u are saying to let him to take u away from us.....he shouted.

Sid got scared and leaned to bantu and hid behind him. His eyes were brimming with tears. Bantu saw that.

Bantu: Abhi stop shouting....u are scaring him see....

Abhi saw his teary eyes and composed himself....

Abhi: I am sorry Sid...but...

Manish: sid....why did u said like that....u know na...he will kill u....

Sid: no I didn't mean that...let's make a plan to reach him....

Manish: what plan...

Sid: umm...I have seen him from my childhood ...if he is determined in something he will do it for only he will surely come to me. So let him take me from here....I am sure he will not do anything to me till I sign the property papers...and also he don't know  that I came to know the only...u can track me and come there....even I want to make him pay for mom's death....

Manish: everything u say is ok sid....but I can't risk ur life....we can't afford to lose u again...what if he take u away from us again....

Sid: I am not a new born baby now to go with him....

Manish and abhi looked at him shocked and happy at the same time.

Bantu: uncle ...he is ur blood uncle....what he says is right ..wait a minute i will come.....he said and went from there...

There was akward silence among the three. Bantu came there in few minutes.

Bantu: me ur hands....

Sid: why...he asked in fear...

Bantu: a gift for u....he said and wrapped a watch around sid's wrists..

Sid: what's this for....

Bantu: for tracking u....this watch contains GPS tracker and a we can track u and also can hear what u and that amar speaks...

Sid: so u guys will come on the correct time right....

Bantu: yess....

Sid: ok....umm may I go to garden for sometime...

Manish: this is ur house also sid....u can go one is gonna stop u...

Sid: thank u....he said and left.

Abhi: when is he going to accept us papa....he is not even calling u as papa and me as bhai.

Manish: he will surely do that abhi....give him some time...

Abhi just nodded his head when a tear fell down his cheek and hugged Manish tightly.

After sometime Sid was in garden and amar came there. Sid went with him. Sid looked at the CCTV camera and winked at it and quickly turned aside. He knows that Bantu will be there and after that they started tracking them and came there at correct time.


Abhi: sooo how was the story Amar....

Amar: it's ok....I was thinking of sending him( pointing at sid) only to his u and ur dad also will go.....

Then he claps two times and in a fraction of second they were surrounded by Amar's men. Sid was startled to see those men there. He was panicked and scared. But

Manish: ohh god amar....u are new to this field....but I am the king do u remember or not....he said while Abhi was smirking at Amar.

Suddenly Manish's gurads came over and started to fight with them. Even Manish and abhi  started fighting. Sid was just watching everything happening in front of him. But suddenly one of the Amar's men hit Manish on his knees and he fell down....

Sid: papa.....he shouted and for the first time he called Manish as papa.

Manish was on cloud nine. He turned to that man.

Manish: thank u...thank u soo much...because of u only sid called me papa.....he said and hugged him tightly. That guard was standing in shock not knowing what to do...

Manish: but I am sorry if I spare u means u will try to harm Sid....that I will not allow .....he said punched him on his stomach making him fall 2 feets away.

Again he started to fight when one of the gaurd tried to stab him but Manish dodged it quickly but the knife cut the skin of his hand....

Sid: no...papa....he came running to Manish but.....
To be continued.

Sorry for the cliffhanger....but I love to give it....😝

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