Chapter 26.

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Sid and Abhi was on the way back home. The ride was silent. Sid was just sitting with his eyes on the outside view. Abhi saw him and smiled.

Abhi mindvoice: I know sid u will accept me one day and u will talk to me like other brothers do....I hope that day comes soon...

Sid was thinking about something and he slowly turned to see Abhi who was smiling and driving. He saw a drop of tear on his face even he was smiling.

Sid mindvoice: why is he smiling and  crying at the same time. Is he thinking about me...he is just looking like me...we have lots of old is he....vaishu di is 3 years older than me...if he is gonna marry her means he will be elder than her....I have to talk with di about this....

Both of them were drowned in their own thoughts which was broken by a loud sound. Yes....their car was hit from back. Abhi and Sid got a jerk and  sid was about to hit his head on the dashboard when Abhi caught him and prevented from hitting his head. Then he looked back and shocked to see some goons surrounding their car.

Abhi: sid...stay inside don't come outside ok....

Sid: please no....let's go home...please...

Abhi: no sid...everything will be one thing call Bantu and inform him....he said and got down of the car. Sid quickly called Bantu and told him about the attack. Then he also got down of the car and looked for Abhi.

Abhi was fighting with the goons. He was punching all of them making them weak and they got scared and started to run for their life. Abhi got furious...

Abhi: U IDIOTS.....IF U ARE SCARED OF ME MEANS THEN WHY ARE U ALL EVEN TRY TO ATTACK....he shouted at them and started chasing them.

Sid also went behind them to stop Abhi. But Abhi was not in a state to stop. He was chasing and beating those goons. He was beating one of the goons and he didn't noticed that another one was coming from his behind with a knife.

Sid saw that and quickly ran to him. Before that goon can stab Abhi, sid pushed the goon aside which made him to fall. Sid quickly sat on his belly and held his hand with knife.

Sid: hey...see here....he shouted grabbing abhi's attention.

Abhi turned to see Sid on the goon and the knife in his hand. Abhi got shocked and happy at the same time. He saw the fear of losing something in sid's eyes. He was happy that actually Sid saved him from the goon.

Sid: hey...can't u see I am struggling here...I can't hold him for long....he again shouted at Abhi...

Abhi came out of his thoughts and went to them. He held the goon with his collar and made him to stand. He held his collar tightly and punched him hard. His nose started bleeding.

Abhi: next time come with proper plan ok....don't waste my time like this....I was spending my time with my brother u idiots spoilled it.....  he said in frustration and again punched him making fall far from them.

Bantu came there with their men and those goons ran from there catching their life. Sid quickly went and hugged Bantu.

Bantu: it's ok sid...calm down...we are here....

Abhi: let's go home...

After they left to home. Manish was really furious on those goons and also he was angry on Abhi.

Abhi: papa...what did I do...they only came and started the fight....

Manish: whatever Abhi....u should have left from there silently....what if they hurted sid...

Abhi: u think I will let them harm him in my presence....

Manish: not like that abhi...why are u not understanding....he is just a kid...and already he is scared of u....what I said show him love but what u did...u have scared him more by fighting in front of him....then how will he come closer to u....

Abhi: haaa papa... now only I remember something....Bantu do u know what sid did ...when I was fighting with one of them an idiot came from my behind to stab me...I didn't noticed that...but sid...OUR SID...he just came from no where and pushed that goon away from me and held him tightly and saved me from him.

Papa today I got the hope that he will surely accept me oneday and will show his love for me.....

Manish: it's ok...I am happy for this...but please na...take care of everything  and don't fight in front of him again....

Abhi: ok papa....
To be continued.

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