Chapter 20

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Guys go and follow richa1512 and make her 400 followers soon.....and also check out her books u will surely gonna love it ....if she gets 400 followers soon means I will give thriple update of brotherhood and the 1st chapter of THE please guys.....go and follow her.

Amar mindvoice: happy journey to heaven siddharth....

Siddharth signed the papers and gave to him. Amar was about to take the gun from his back,but his eyes fell on the property papers and he was shocked to the core.

Amar: baccha.....what have u done...

Sid: what happened dad....

Amar: why have u signed as Siddharth nigam instead of Siddharth malhothra....

Sid: ohhh...that's my name na real name....he asked.

Amar: sid....what are u talking about....

Sid: about the truth...Daaaaddd.....he said stretching the word dad.

Amar: sid...did they told u something....if yes means they are lying baccha....they are just trying to separate us....

Sid: why do they want to separate us dad....

Amar: sid...u itself told me na...they are mafia people and bad...then how could u believe them over me....

Sid: yeah dad....they mafia and bad...but they are not acting like u.....( Smiling sadly) how could u act as loving me for 18 years....u really deserve an Oscar award u know....

Amar: sid....please don't trust their words....believe me....

Sid: haa dad....I believe u only....the truth told by ur own mouth...

Amar: what....he tried to touch him.

Sid: no...don't u dare to touch me....he said taking 2 steps back from amar.

Amar: sid...what are u talking about.....

Sid: the truth u confessed.....


After sedating Sid both Abhi and Manish sat beside him holding his hands. The time flews away and sid slowly gained concious.

Abhi prayed for sid to listen to them. Sid opened his eyes and saw Manish and abhi on his either sides and he got scared even from Manish this time.

Manish: baccha....he tried to touch him...

Sid: no please no....he said leaning back.

Abhi: sid please don't be scared of us....we are ur family....

Sid: wh..where is dad....

Abhi sighed in frustration.

Abhi: sid please try to understand what we are saying and believe us.....amar is not ur father....he killed our mom and took u away from us. Our papa is him and I am ur brother.

Sid: no...u are lying....why should I believe u....

Bantu entered the room.

Bantu: ok u don't need to believe us...but u believe ur dad na...I am mean that amar.....

Sid nodded in a yes at him.

Bantu: then see this.....he said and went to the tv and put a pendrive on it and played a vedio.


Amar was standing before the screen in their living room.

Amar:   I never thought her as my father dumped me and my mom when i was 4 and married Sandhya's mother. But after nearly 20 years only I got know that my dad has became super powerfull and a big business man and his each and every property was in Sandhya's name only.....
.so only I became ur friend...on that day I came to get her sign on the paper but she refused to sign the paper. So only I shot her and made the house to explode. But after that only I got to know that her child is alive in her womb so I bribed the doctor to operate and took sid from u ...I will get my properties after he turns 18....and I will send him to his he will be safe....

Manish: don't u dare to touch my son again....

Amar: I will take him from here on or before his birthday.....then he left.

Vedio ended.

Sid was looking at the tv numb. He couldn't digest what he saw and what he heard. He wished everything to be a bad dream and wanted to wake up in his bedroom in Dubai. But no...the reality and truth is always bitter to believe....

Bantu: now u will believe na....

Sid looked at Manish with teary eyes

Sid: I am sorry....

Manish: no need to say sorry baccha...u are my son...don't cry now....

Abhi: but papa.....he will surely come na for sid....

Manish: haa Abhi don't worry I won't let him harm our Sid....he said hugging Sid who hugged back. But he was not at all looking at Abhi which hurted him. But for now his brother's safety is important for him.


Amar: so...u also got to know everything....

Sid: haa u can't cheat me anymore.....

Amar: it's ok what can I do if ur fate is to die on ur birthday itself....

Don't u dare amar..... A voice came from the entrance revealing manish and abhi....but before they could do something.......
To be continued.

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