chapter 8

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Abhi: not so soon...

Sid pushed abhi away and tried to run. He ran to door and tried to open it but his bad luck it was locked. Abhi grabbed his hair in his fist and pushed on the ground with a loud thud which made him hurt his knees and elbows....

Abhi: don't even think to run away from me.....

Sid was scared now and tears started its way from his eyes...

Sid: wh..what do u want....

Abhi: ur tears and screams.....u are gonna pay for ur dad's deeds siddharth....

Sid: u are my dad's only he never let me come here....I should have listened to him....

Abhi: happy realisation but it's too late huh.....

After that abhi started going towards him when sid crawled back....Sid was shocked when he saw Abhi taking out his belt.

Sid: no please.....please....I will tell dad to give u whatever u want please don't harm me.....he pleaded....

Abhi:( chukling sadly) no ur dad can't give what I want....

Sid: no he will give anything u ask...he loves me soo much ...he will give anything for me....

Abhi: yes he loves u so much.... that's the only reason u are here.....with that he started beating him.

Sid was continuously pleading him to stop and he was crying like mess....but Abhi didn't gave a damn to him...

Abhi: cry...cry how much as possible u can....I want ur tears only ...

After sometime he stopped beating and grabbed Sids cheek harshly and made him to look at him....

Sid looked straight into his eyes. All he could see was revenge and revenge.

Abhi: what did u said u dad will give what ever I want right....

Sid gulped and slightly nodded his head in a yes.

Abhi: I want my mom....can he give her back huh....tell me can he give her back.....he slapped him hard with the statement. Sid was confused on his statement and was about to say something but

Abhi: shh.....don't open ur mouth....if u are opening ur mouth means it should be only for screaming from now....again slapped him which made a cut on his lips and it started to bleed. Sid was crying more and more now.

Abhi: Ramu uncle.....he shouted and a guard came in...

Ru: yes sir ...

Abhi: from now he is ur responsibility ....don't u dare u to have any concern or sympathy on him...just one meal per day and a glass of water...if he gives any tantrums u are all free to harm him in any way....everything I want is he has to suffer....he has to pay for his father's sins.....

He left the room with that statement in anger. Ramu looked at sid who was lying nearly half concious because of the beatings curled up like a ball on the floor. Ramu really felt bad for his condition. Afterall he is also a father a 15 years old son. He went to Sid.

Sid: please no...please no more....please....

Ru: don't worry baccha I will not harm u....

Sid looked at him with tears.

Sid: please un...uncle I don't want to be here.... please help me...I want to go to dad....

Ru: sorry beta....I can't do that...if I do then my son of ur age will also end up in this situation....

Sid: who...who is he...

Ru: u really don't know them.....Sid just nodded in a no with letting another tear from his eyes

Ru: Abhishek nigam...he is the son of mafia king Manish nigam..

Sid: mafia.....he asked in shock...

Ru: yes ok now don't cry....wait I will go and get u food please eat na...I don't how much he is going to torcher u and I can't help to stop it so please eat ok....and I will not harm u...don't worry....

After that he went and came with food. He made him eat somewhat...Sid was really scared after hearing the word mafia king. The whole night he was just crying and crying with cursing himself for not listening to his dad and coming here without his he has to suffer for sure till his father finds that he is india.
To be continued

I know u guys will be really angry on more chapter and this harshness will end and then u guys will witness abhi's love soo please spare me.....

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