Chapter 6

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In Dubai.

In this 7 months nothing changed for sid. The same school,same friends,same body guards. But he really forgot about the lottery ticket he got and he didn't said anything about that to amar also.

Sid was in his room getting ready when his mobile made a sound.

Sid was in his room getting ready when his mobile made a sound

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He took it and read the message.

' Hello Mr.siddharth malhothra...hope u have a nice morning. We are happy to inform u that the lottery ticket numbered 139 which u bought 5 months ago has been sanctioned for a vacation trip for india for 5 days....we hope u will be pleased to visit India. Click the link below and download the flight ticket and other details will be sent to u after u downloaded the flight ticket.

Thank u, have a nice day'

Sid's eyes widened in shock and excitement.

Sid: wohoooo.....I got it....yayyyyy.......I really can't beleive this....I won it....actually I totally forgot about it....let's download the flight ticket first

Then he downloaded the flight ticket and went through the other details.

Sid: ok sid...let's enjoy...but first we have to plan wisely to get dads permission for vacation trip and also to get rid of those body guards of mine....definitely Dad will not allow me if I say india....umm what should I will work for sure...

After that he went to amar who was in his study room.

Amar: haha...see who is here in study room...the great siddharth malhothra,the only son of mine ...

Sid: dad please.....

Amar: ok tell me...what brings u here that too in this early morning....

Sid: dad....I am planning on a trip Dad....

Amar: where....don't tell me that's india...

Sid: dad...not india....I am thinking of Venice this time....

Amar: hmmm...not bad....a good place to spend time....but not ur guards buddy....

Sid: yeah yeah I all I need is ur permission to book flight ticket.

Amar: ok go on and enjoy....

Sid: thank u dad....he went from there in happiness that he won.

After sometime he came again.

Amar: now what....

Sid: umm dad....

Amar: say baccha....

Sid: nothing dad I booked tickets but I got only one business class tickets and others are economy class tickets.

Amar: so what....

Sid: no dad...what I mean is...even they are my body guards they are like brothers to me na...they feel bad if I sent them to economy class and I alone in business class....

Amar mindvoice: u are just like ur mother.....

Amar: it's ok baccha....if u don't want to leave them alone means book ur ticket also in economy class....problem solved...

Sid: no dad....I thought it already but I went back to booking site all the other economy class seats are booked....he said sadly....

Amar: ohh kk...then we can't do anything....don't worry I will tell to them to adjust..they will it feel bad....

Sid: u sure dad....

Amar: yes offcourse....actually I can send u in our private jet itself but it will get u unnecessary attention on only I am allowing u on the other flights....but be carefull ok....

Sid: ok dad I will.....

After that he went away jumping inside him as he succeeded in his plan.

Sid: ok sid....1st plan is time to execute the 2nd plan....if it gets successfull I will be in Indi tomorrow this time....

At airport.

Sid and his guards were on the checking point. Sid booked the ticket for Venice because the boarding time was as same as india. So now they are going towards the flight when sid started his plan....

Sid: bhai...u go this way I have to go this way as my ticket is on business class....don't worry i will be safe no one can do anything to me in the flight....see u all at Venice.....

He said and started walking towards the way to flight for india without giving chance to say anything. They sighed and went to their flight not knowing sid's plan.

Sid was happy that he boarded the flight for india...but he didn't noticed everything done by him is watched by someone.... he was on his seat when sm1 was talking on phone 2 seats back if him

Sm1: Abhi....plan successfull....he boarded the flight....I am behind him..2 seats back...

Abhi: very good Bantu....let him come here....

They hung up the call.

With Sid.

He was really excited for going to India without knowing how his life is gonna change after that....

Sid: woohoooo....india here I come....

With Abhi...

Abhi: I am waiting siddharth....come....lots of things are waiting for u....happy journey but it's not going to be really a happy vacation for u.....he said with a smirk on his face....
To be continued.

What do u think Abhi is gonna do with Sid ...

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