Chapter 32

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A week passed by.

In this one week Abhi didn't talked with Sid. And sid also didnt took any steps to rectify the problem. But he started to go out with Nikhil. Abhi even he was so angry on him...he didn't let any chance to sid to get harmed by any means. He put guards for him without his knowledge and aslo to follow him without letting him to know. Nikhil took sid out 2 to 3 times and he always drops him home but never came inside even Sid compelled him to.

It was a wednesday

Abhi and Manish was busy in some business meeting. The trio was in college. In the lunch break sid went to meet Nikhil.

Sid: hey bhai...why u called me....

Nikhil: haa Sid are u free now....let's go somewhere for lunch...

Sid: but Avni and vaishu di is waiting for me....

Nikhil: let them eat here...we shall go....

Sid: but why...we usually go in evening na...ok wait I will come informing them....

Nikhil: no need sid....let them friends will inform them...come lets go...

Sid: but....

Nikhil: arey come na.....

Sid: ok let's go....they went to the parking and nikhil drove the car to somewhere...

Sid: bhai...they will inform na...or else they will get worried....

Nikhil: don't worry sid...they will inform....

Sid: ok where are we going now...

Nikhil: my place....

Sid: u mean ur home....

Nikhil: yeah....

Sid: ok then.....they chit chatted throughout the ride. Sid didn't realized the car is going out of the city limit. But after sometime he felt that nikhil is increasing the speed of the car.

Sid: bhai why are u going in this much speed....slow down a bit ...

Nikhil: no sid....see behind....ur body guards are following us....

Sid: what....he said and turned  to see his body guards coming behind.

Sid: it's ok...they are not disturbing us na...then why to run away from them....

Nikhil: I don't want them to follow us...he said and increasing the speed more.

Sid: but bhai...whats the need ...umm...wait a do u know that they are my body guards....because I itself don't know about them.....he asked suspiciously .....for the first time vaishu's words came in his mind. 'he is not a good guy as u think sid....stay away from him'.

Sid:'s ok if they follow us need to run....slow down or stop the car I will tell them to not to disturb....

Nikhil: No....he said sternly...

Nikhil: they should not know where are we going....

Sid noticed the change of tone and the harshness in his voice. He realised something is wrong and took his phone to message vaishu. But nikhil snatched it.

Sid: what the hell...

Nikhil: don't even think of calling ur brother....he said and threw the phone outside the window.

Sid: hey what are u doing....stop the car's not a time to play any prank....

Nikhil: who said it's a prank baby.....ohh u wanna hear from me baby bro....yes...I am kidnapping u....he said smirked at him.

Sid got shocked and he got remembered all the words of vaishu and abhi. He cursed himself for not listening. First time he didn't listened to Amar but luckily he got his family back. But this time it's definitely gonna be a wrong decision. He tried to open the door and jump but nikhil grabbed him and locked the door.

Sid: what the hell u want leave me....he noticed that the car is somewhere out of the city and his guards have lost him. They reached a abandaned fort.

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Nikhil stopped the car and pulled him out and started dragging him inside

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Nikhil stopped the car and pulled him out and started dragging him inside. Sid was struggling all the way. He pushed Sid on the floor near someone's foot. Sid looked up and saw him.

Nikhil: the work is done boss.....he said smirking.

On the other hand vaishu and avu found sid is not in the college. She immediately called Abhi.

Abhi: yeah vaishu I am in meeting....

Vaishu: Abhi it's important ...

Abhi: what happened... He asked sensing her tension.

Vaishu: Abhi sid is not in the college that nikhil also missing....I asked his one is giving correct answer ....something is wrong Abhi... Do something ...

Abhi: ok ok u calm down...if he is with him means guards will ve following them....i will look to it ...u both of them go home and call me after reaching....

Vaishu: ok but find him soon...

They hung up the call and abhi called sid's guards. They told him everything.

Abhi: what.....he shouted.

Manish: what happened Abhi...

Abhi: papa...sid...sid is missing.....
To be continued.

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