Chapter 33

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Abhi: what.....he shouted.

Manish: what happened Abhi...

Abhi: papa...sid...sid is missing.....

Manish: what....but how....

Abhi: this is done by that Arjun papa.....I will not spare him....i was waiting for an opportunity but he crossed his limits....he was the one who attacked u one year and half years ago and on that day when me and sid was returning home...

Manish: ok lets find sid first....he is only important now ....

Bantu: haa uncle...I already started to trace his mobile...

Abhi: no Bantu....nikhil threw the phone out of the car on the way itself.....guards have found his phone on the road....u do one thing....trace the gps tracker in his watch....

Bantu: yes good idea...I will start tracing now itself....he said and went to the work.

Manish was tackling the business meeting when Abhi got a message.

Come to this place if u want sid alive. Don't u dare Abhi to take anyone's help....
Xyz place.

Abhi quickly took his key and went to his car. On the way he messaged Bantu that he got Sid's location and instructed them to come after 30 minutes after he reaches there.

With Sid.

Nikhil pushed Sid on the ground. He fell down near a pair of foot. He looked up and saw

 He looked up and saw

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Ajaygehi as Arjun.

The biggest rival of Manish and abhi. Always wanted to kill them and take manish's position.

Sid: who are u.....he asked looking at him....

Arj: don't worry sid....I won't harm u....all I want is ur brother to be dead....

Sid: don't u dare to touch him....he said grabbing Arjun's collar.

Arjun made himself free from his grip and slapped him. Then he pushed him towards nikhil.

Arj: I said u na....I won't harm u....then why are u making me to do....take him inside....he ordered and nikhil dragged him inside the fort.

Sid: how could u do this to me.......I trusted u over my di and bhai's words....he asked nikhil.

Nikhil: who told u to trust me... He just smirked at him.

After sometime.

Then they heard a car sound. They knew who is was abhi. Sid tried to come out but nikhil stopped him.

With Abhi.

He came to the place in just 15 minutes. He stopped the car with a great skit showing how furious he is. Arjun looked at him and smirked evily. There was nearly a 20 feet distance between Abhi amd arjun.

Abhi: where is my brother u bastard.....he shouted and stopped a goon who was about to punch. He twisted his hand and punched on his back and pushed aside. And he started to walk.

Abhi: Arjun....where is Siddharth.....he shouted in anger when one of the goon hit him from his back with a wooden log. Abhi's hand started bleeding but he didn't gave a damn to that.

Abhi: leave him arjun if u lay a finger on him means I will kill u in such a way that u will not forget it even after the death .....he said and caught a wooden log which was about to hit his head and he hit the goon back with the same wooden log.

H was fighting nearly 6 to 7 minutes. He was also bleeding from his hand ,his forehead. The blood was oozing from the wounds non stop. But Abhi didn't cared about that and wiped the blood from his cheek and strated to fight when he heard a voice.

' if u lay one more finger on my men ur brother will be dead Abhishek...' Arjun's voice echoed all over the fort. Abhi turned angrily and saw sid in the holds of Nikhil and he was holding him with knife on his neck. Abhi saw that got struck. He saw sid crying in guilt and nikhil smirking at him and he understood the reason behind it.
He tried to  reach them.

Nikhil: stop right there Abhi....don't u love ur brother.....

Abhi just stopped where he was. Nikhil looked at Arjun and arjun signalled to his men and they surrounded Abhi.
To be continued.

What will happen next....

Sorry for the late update guys....I was not well in the morning and now I am in hospital. I will give the next update in next 10 or 20 minutes.....And also only 3 more chapters are there ....

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