Chapter 14

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Doctor: Abhi....ur papa is absolutely fine....

Abhi: doc....really...

Doc: be frank we were losing our hope day by day but it's really a miracle ...he is responding to us very well and he will be fine soon....

Abhi: when he will get concious

Doc: soon....may be 2 or 3 hours more ...

Abhi: thank u soo much doctor....

Doc: it's our duty Abhi....go and see him...

Abhi: ok doctor....

Then he went into the room and sat beside taking his hands in his.

Abhi: I know papa....u will come back...just open ur eyes...I am gonna give u the biggest surprise of ur life....

Then he looked up and

Abhi: mumma....I miss u soo much...but mumma u said sorry for not giving ur second child to papa na....but see now he is here and papa will be sooo happy after seeing him right.....

Then he sadly looked down...

Abhi: I know mumma u will be angry on me for making him suffer ....but I promise I will never hurt him ever in my life again...and I will protect him with my life....please mumma forgive me....and make him beleive us soon please....only u can do it....

Then he sat there itself in the same position for the next 2 hours. Manish slowly opened his eyes after sometime...

Manish: Abhii....

Abhi: papa...u are fine papa...u are absolutely fine....wait I will call doctor...

After that doctor came and checked Manish and said he is fine and he can be discharged after 2 days...

Manish: what happened to me Abhi.....

Abhi: u went in coma's been 7 months...but now u are alright....

Manish: what 7 months....what's today's date....

Abhi: it's sept 3 papa why....

Manish: ohh god Abhi....only 10 days left for ur birthday we have so many works to do...

Abhi: papa now my birthday is not at all important there is something I need to tell u....

Manish: I need to tell u something...that day itself I tried to tell u but before that I became unconcious....

Abhi remembered manish tried to say something before closing his eyes...

Abhi: tell me papa....

Manish: u have a brother Abhi...he is alive and he is with amar...

Abhi: ohh god papa...I know it...actually I was also about to tell u that only....

Manish: thank god Abhi...but we have to find ur brother before ur birthday orelse amar will kill him after getting his sign in the property papers.....

This was not expected by Abhi...he was surely shocked...

Abhi: papa what are u saying....but before all that we don't have to find him he is already with us only in our home.....

Manish: what are u serious....

Abhi: yes actually after u went in coma.....

He said everything he did with Sid. Manish was shocked to hear all this but apart from everything what made him relaxed was his son is safe that too with his brother but not in a good state of relationship but he is safe...

Abhi: sorry papa....I know u will not forgive me for what I did with him....

Manish: no bacha I am not angry on's my fault I should have told u that before itself....if I did means u wouldn't have done this....but it's ok...everything we want now is he should be safe ....

Abhi: but papa...what about the property papers....I don't get it....

Manish: I too don't know clearly about that abhi....for that we have to find that amar....all I know is he will surely kill Sid after getting sign from him...

Abhi: no papa....don't worry I won't let him touch my brother....

Manish: Abhi ..I want to see him...

Abhi: we will go and see him after u getting discharged's not safe for him to bring here and also he will surely try to escape from us as he still think amar as his father and I have kidnapped him.

Manish: u are right....I can wait....after all I have waited 18 years.....17 years without knowing and nearly 1 year after knowing that I have a 2nd son....

Abhi: but papa how did u found that amar is having our Sid with him....

Manish: last year I went to ur mumma's graveyard Abhi...that day I met a man...he is none other than the guy who worked in the hospital in which ur mom's post mortem was held ...he only said that amar took the baby from there...

Then I somehow found him that they are in Dubai and he is raising Sid as his son...but something bothered only I keenly watched him and got to know about the property papers and sid has the authority over that....and also I got know that amar will kill him after getting the properties....

Abhi:I am not gonna leave him papa....he has done so much things to us.....

Manish: don't worry Abhi he will get what he deserves....but now sid is important for us ....we have to protect him from amar as well as make him realize we are his family....

Abhi: sure u take rest....we will talk about this later.....

After Abhi called Bantu and said to take care of sid as his life has threat from amar....
To be continued..

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