Chapter 17

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Guys anyone know what's vaishu's father's name....please tell me here....

Amar: I am her brother.....

Manish: what....

Amar: yes she was my sister my step sister....

Manish: how could u kill ur own sister....u bastard....

Amar: I never thought her as my father dumped me and my mom when i was 4 and married Sandhya's mother. But after nearly 20 years only I got know that my dad has became super powerfull and a big business man and his each and every property was in Sandhya's name only.....
.so only I became ur friend...on that day I came to get her sign on the paper but she......


After Manish went to pick up Abhi Sandhya was sitting in the living hall.
Amar came there and killed all the guards. Then he rang the bell of the door....

Sandhya: they came...? But it's only 15 minutes after he left....

She went and opened the door....and saw amar with gun in his on hand and some papers in another hand and the guards are lying lifeless....

Sandhya: amar bhaiya what have u done....

But he pushed her backside and went in.

Sandhya: amar what the hell are u doing.....

Amar: see don't make me angry more....just sign these papers and I will go from here....

Sandhya: what....what are u talking about.....

Amar: see i have to go soon...I have lots of works to do....after all I have the important work to kill ur husband....

Sandhya: don't u dare u touch him amar....then u will regret it badly ...

Amar: I will now will u sign this or not.....

Sandhya: what is this....

Amar: this is ur fathers property papers....I mean he is my father too....

Sandhya: what.....

Then he explained her everything.....

Sandhya: so u killed my mom and dad too....

Amar: yes I killed I will kill u and ur husband sign this damn papers.....

Sandhya: no I will not sign it...and yes u will not get a single rupee and   don't even dream of getting my husband's position.....

Amar got furious and suddenly shot her in her chest near heart....

Amar: Sandhya why my dear I will take my sign....

But suddenly he heard Manish voice and the door opening sound..

Amar: see now ur husband is also going to die with u.....

He said and went into the kitchen and turned on the gas cylinder. Then he put a piece of cloth inside the micro wave oven and turned it on to the full heat and went away. Sandhya saw this and pushed Manish towards the door when the house exploded....

After some time amar was waiting in the hospital in which Sandhya's post mortem was done....he went there to take Sandhya's finger prints on the papers but his bad luck her hand was fully burnt in fire.

Amar: shit....I want her finger prints...

Doc: sorry sir but her hands are fully burnt.....

Then they noticed that the child in her womb was still moving...

Doc: sir see here the child is still's really a miracle u know....

Amar: can we take out the child now and will it survive....

Doc: I can't say for sure but we can try....afterall we can't let the child die....

Amar: ok do the operation now....

Then the doctor took out the child from dead Sandhya...

Doc: it's a boy...he have to treated now...wait I will call Manish sir....he has to know this....

Amar: hey no...dont tell him about this child....

Doc: what but why..he is the father of the child he has to know....

Amar: no  he is not....then he shot the doctor on his head and he died on the spot...

Amar: from now I am his father and I will get the property from him now...but I have to wait 18 years....
But don't worry baccha I will take care of u nicely till u turn 18....after that I will get the property from u and will send u to ur beloved we shall go....

Then he took sid from there and went to Dubai before Manish could find out. But he didn't know that one of the helper saw everything whom told Manish about it a year ago....


Amar: if she would have signed it when I asked she would have been alive now....

Abhi: u bastard.....he went to punch him.

Manish: Abhi no....stop....

Till now sid was shouting to let him out of the room by banging on the door.

Amar looked at the direction of the room and smirked.

Manish: don't even think of to touch my son again.....

But amar smirked at him.

Abhi:  papa...I will kill him now itself....

Manish: no Abhi not now...if we kill him now then Sid will never beleive us and accept us as his family....

Amar: I  will surely take him from here before or on his birthday....get ready to hold one more dead body on ur birthday Abhi....he said smirking....

Abhi: don't u dare to touch my brother.....

Amar: lets see who wins.....

Then he left from there. Manish and abhi went to Sid's room and
To be continued.

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