Chapter 10

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Bantu: Abhi I know how much u have suffered I have witnessed everything being with u....but what did he do yaar....he is just a kid what is the difference between that Amar and u....

Abhi looked at him with a teary eyes confused.....

Abhi: what...he just whispered.

Bantu: I know that amar is the culprit. He made u suffer by killing mom and ur unborn sibling. But now u are making this kid to suffer for his dad's say what's the difference between u and that Amar.

Abhi just looked down with tears in his eyes which was not stopping. He looked at sid who was lying unconcious just because of him. Then he got up and wiped his eyes.

Abhi: whatever u say he is also there in the place to suffer so he will suffer...

Bantu sighed in defeat.

Bantu: but Abhi....

Abhi: now let's see what do further.....and his father will be here na ...let's see what happens....

He left from there saying that....Bantu went to Sid don't know why he was really feeling very bad.

Bantu: sorry kiddo....I really didn't expected that Abhi will do like this....I regret telling him the idea of using u as bait....I am sorry....he said and wiped his tears and went away telling Ramu uncle to treat him.

On the other hand amar got that audio and also he got to know that who is behind this. But he didn't replied for that and also didn't take any steps to get his son back.

2 days passed and now Abhi was really furious on amar....he went to sid and started beating him again...

Abhi: u said ur father will give whatever I ask for u....but he didn't even replied for the audio of urs.....he said beating him again.

Sid was shocked to death and he really didn't believed abhis words. But after showing the phone in which they sent the audio and there was no reply. Sid was shocked but composed himself as his father will be trying to find his location.

Abhi went out of the room and he got a call from unknown num...

Abhi: hello who is it....

Amar: do u still think he is my son....

Abhi: amar.....what...what do u mean....

Amar started laughing evily and cut the phone.

Abhi: rohan.....he shouted.

Roh: yes sir.....

Abhi:  I need all the details of him which I don't know within this evening....he yelled in anger....

Roh: ok sir....

But Abhi was really furious and he went to sid and was venting his all the anger on sid. Bantu came there hearing the sound and somehow managed to stop Abhi. Sid fainted due to the beatings and fell down. Abhi was again going near him while Bantu stopped him.

Bantu: Abhi please listen to me once....

Abhi: no Bantu don't stop me....I kill him today....

Bantu: no Abhi...please calm down and listen to me once....

Abhi: WHAT THE HELL U WANT TO SAY....he shouted and

Bantu: HE IS UR BROTHER ABHISHEK...... He also shouted on his lungs making Abhi to get shocked to the core.

Abhi: what are u saying.....

Bantu: please listen to me once....

Abhi just nodded at him.

Bantu: now tell me when us ur birthday...

Abhi: sept 13th on which mom died....

Bantu: now see this....he gave him the sid's passport and showed his birthday.

Abhi: 13th sept...what's there in this....

Bantu sighed and

Bantu: what was the year when mom died...

Abhi: 2004...

Bantu: see his birth year...

Abhi: sept 13th 2004....

Bantu: yes on the day mom died....

Abhi: but this could be a co incident Bantu....this is not a proof just crap....

Bantu: ok I agree that could be a co incidence....but this will prove what I am saying...

Abhi: what is this....

Bantu: DNA test report....

Abhi: who's....

Bantu: his and Papa's and it's positive.....

Abhi: what.....he asked in utter shock and snatched the file and went through it.

Abhi: it means he is no no.....this can't be true....they are dead...they died in front of my eyes Bantu....

Bantu: but this is the truth Abhi....

Abhi: can't be true....he whispered with a tear rolling down on his cheek when he saw sid lying unconcious before him on the floor.

Abhi: but...

Bantu: I know what u will ask...see when I saw him for the 1st time itself I saw some resemblance of urself in him. But I shrugged it off. And when he said his birthday is on 13th sept something was making me restless.

And before two days when we send that audio to his dad I mean amar he didn't even gave a damn so my doubt got really strong. So only I took his blood samples and Papa's blood samples yesterday and sent to the test and now only I got the report and was coming to u....but here u have making mess again with him....

The file slipped from his hands and fell down near Sid showing the result of the report that both the DNA is matching 94.8 percent....
To be continued.

Now u guys will be happy I from now only love no harshness....and yeah also the revenge is pending....let's see what happens next....will Sid beleive that abhi is his brother....can he accept him after all these mess.....

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