Chapter 23.

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Nearly a week passed by after that incident. Sid was fine now and he was getting along with Manish and Bantu very well. But he was not ready to go to Abhi. Everytime he sees Abhi he goes from there not even giving a glance. It doesn't means that he hates him but he was still scared of him even knowing that abhi will not hurt him again ever.

But our Abhi never missed to please Sid. Everyday he showered him with lots and lots of chocolates and gifts. Sid wondered how Abhi came to know about that he loves chocolates.

Sid was sitting in his balcony thinking about something. Bantu came inside with something.

Bantu: hey sid...what are u doing...

Sid: nothing bhai...just sitting simply ..

Bantu: ok...I have something for u....

Sid: again gifts....ok what's there today...

Bantu: see by urself....

Bantu: see by urself

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Sid: Chocolates......thank u bhai.....he exclaimed..

Then Bantu took one chocolate and gave him to eat.

Sid: he gave this right....

Bantu: who....

Sid: ur friend...

Bantu: yeah he gave this...but why u not calling him as bhai sid....u know now na...he is ur brother....

Sid just smiled sadly and sat silently.

Bantu: ok leave it.

Sid: but I want to know one thing...

Bantu: what....

Sid: how do u guys know that I love chocolates the most....did u guys stalked me that much....

Bantu laughed at him.

Bantu: no no....I met u on that party do u remember....

Sid: haan....

Bantu: that day I noticed u that u were eating lots and lots of chocolate.
So only I came to know that u love chocolates.

Sid: hmm smart....

Then Manish came inside the room.

Manish: sid...

Sid: haa papa....

Manish: beta I need to discuss something with's important...

Sid: tell papa....

Manish: Amar's whole business and all the properties in Dubai is in ur name only sid...what should we do with that....

Sid: I don't want to go there again papa....just give the properties to any wellfare trusts and u itself take care of the business or else give the business to other shareholders....I don't want anything which will remind me of him....he said when a tear rolled down his cheek

Manish: it's ok baccha...don't become sad. I will do as u said....

Sid: thank u papa....he said and hugged him while Manish kissed on his head.

Abhi came there and saw them. A smile came on his face when his eyes fell on the chocolate in his hand which he gave to him.

Abhi mindvoice: I hope he will hug me also like this oneday....please god...make that day to come soon.

Manish saw Abhi standing there.

Manish : Abhi...why are u standing there...come here....

Abhi went to them hesitantly and sid also felt some unknown emotions. But he didn't showed it off.

Then all of them went for the dinner and slept.

The next day Sid was getting ready in his room when Rohan came there.

Roh: is the application u asked for....

Sid: thank u bhaiya....he said taking the application from him.

Roh: sir....he said hesitantly...

Sid: what happened bhaiya....

Roh: actually I am sorry if I have been rude and harsh to u before....

Sid: it's ok...u did ur work only na....I have no problem with that bhaiya....don't worry...

Rohan smiled at him.

Roh: and I will be happy if u accept Abhi sir soon and call him bhaiya like u call me.....he said happily.

Sid face expression changed but didn't showed. He gave him a weak smile. And rohan left from there. This was watched by Abhi and Bantu but sid didn't noticed them.

Inside the room

Sid: am I hurting him by ignoring him. But what can I do yaar ..everytime I saw him only those terrible things comes to my mind. I cant forget them in a fraction of second....I need time....

He said to himself and got ready. Then he filled the application letter for the new college which he selected. After filling the application letter he went down and saw someone and got shocked....
To be continued.

Who it will be.....

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