Chapter 16

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Sid looked at Manish and abhi with teary eyes.... it's is fake...I won't beleive u....u guys are mafia and bad....I won't believe let me go please.....

Abhi:sid please....ok if u want we can take the test again....but please listen to us ....

Sid: no...I want to go to dad....leave me....let me go.. 

Abhi: shut up siddharth.....he will kill u after ur 18th birthday....after getting all the properties ......

Sid: what ....

Abhi: yes....he will kill u...I can't afford to lose u again in my life and papa need u ...please understand us....
Please believe us....

Sid:  believe...that too u....u first kidnapped me, beat me,burnt me,tortured me and now u are saying u are my brother and to believe u.....

Abhi: I am sorry for whatever I did....but please....

Sid:( chukling sadly) even if dad is a bad one like u said he was far better than will u let me go or not.....I want to go to my dad....

Abhi: DONT CALL HIM DAD SIDDHARTH.......OUR PAPA IS HERE.....he shouted at him for which sid flinched in fear....

Manish:Abhi calm down.....he needs time....sid u take rest and we will come afterwards....just think about what we said....Abhi come lets go....

Abhi: ok papa....after that they went out.

Manish: he needs time Abhi....he can't accept the truth just like let him think about it....

Abhi: ok come....u need rest.....then Abhi signed Bantu to lock the door of sid as he know sid will try to escape. Bantu then went into the room. Sid was now good with Bantu and he was not scared at all.

Sid: bhai please I want to go...

Bantu: sid ..please.....I don't know if u believe me or not....but it's true whatever they said....just think about everything and try to understand...

He then left the room locking it. Sid sighed in frustration after knowing that door is locked

Sid: again they caged me here.....believe them my this how they will treat their son where are u....please come and take me from here....he then slept crying.

3 days passed like this. Sid was still locked in the room but Manish and abhi will come to him frequently to talk. Sid was feeling ok with Manish but he was still scared of Abhi. Everytime he sees him the only thing which comes into his mind was how he beat him up and torchered him.

Sid was in his room when he heard the voice which he wanted to hear from long time....

' SID.....SID....WHERE ARE U BACCHA....' the voice called him.

Sid: dad....he quickly went down without wasting the time.

Manish: how dare u to come in my home Amar....

Amar: I am not here to talk to u....I am here for my son....SID....

Sid: dad....he said climbing down the stairs. He was about to run to amar but Manish grabbed his wrist and stopped him

Sid: leave me....let me go to my ....he said struggling to get free....

Abhi and Bantu also came there. Abhi was furious on seeing Amar there...he was about to punch him but

Manish: abhi stop not now....

Abhi: but papa he ....

Manish: I know Abhi...not now ...he said eyeing towards sid who was struggling. Amar started his acting.

Amar: sir please....please leave my son....I will give whatever u want...if u want all my property I will give it to u...but please leave my son....he said joining his hands in front him

Sid: dad no....they are not worth of ur pleadings....don't do leave me....I want to go to my dad....he said going forward but Manish pulled him towards himself and slapped him hardly which made everyone present there to get shock....sid saw him with teary eyes with his hand on his cheek and he was purely terrified on seeing this version of Manish as he was well being with him in these 3 days....

Manish: HE IS NOT UR FATHER....UR FATHER IS JUST IN FRONT OF U AND THATS ME.....he shouted at sid making him  more scared....

Manish: ROHAN.....he shouted and rohan came there and he pushed Sid towards him.

Manish: take him to his room....he should not come out till I say.....

Rohan: ok sir....he then dragged Sid from there and locked him in the room. Amar was just seeing everything and after sid went out of his sight he started to speak....

Amar: soo u got to know.....

Manish: yes u bastard....I got to know everything that u killed my wife...u took my son away from me and also u are going to kill Sid also after his 18th birthday....but I didn't know till now was what is there with Sid that u pampered him so well in these years....

Amar: that u will come to know now....
Do u know who I am..... I am sandhya's brother.....

Manish: what.....
To be continued....

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