Chapter 35

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Then she went and stood before the OT rooms door and saw him through the circular window on it. She saw him fully covered with wires attached to machines.

Vaishu: sorry Abhi...I can't break down now...I have to be strong for others....but I am also scared of loosing u...please came back....she said while a tear escaped from her eyes.

After sometime the doc came out.
All went to him worriedly. All of them bombered the doc with their questions. But sid was just standing looking at the doc for answer.

Doc: see he is not in a good state...but I can assure u he will be fine....but now we want A1 negative blood. He has lost so much of blood.

Sid: I...I will give blood....

Vaishu: siddharth....

Sid: blood group is also the same as Dada....I will give ...

Vaishu: but u itself so weak now....

Sid:please di let me give.... He asked with teary eyes....

Doc: u are above 18 right....

Sid: yes...

Doc: then u can give come....he took sid  inside and he donated blood to Abhi.

As he was already weak and also donated blood he became unconcious making Manish to worry more. Doctor stated that he will be fine after sometime.

Everyone was waiting outside the OT.

Vaishu: I shouldnt have allowed him to give blood....see now he is also unconcious....

Bantu: no's good only....actually I personally suggested the doctor to sedate him but he itself became unconcious...but it's not much to be worried he will be fine...

Avu: but bhaiya why u said to sedate him....

Bantu: u itself watched he was crying out of control and moreover he was shivering soo much. He didn't cried this much and shivered even when  Abhi torchered him. So only I suggested the doctor but it's ok...let him sleep for sometime.....he will be okay....

Vaishu: u are right bhai....I also felt so bad for slapping him. He was emotionally hurt and scared. So only he started to shiver like that....when we were in Dubai he used to get like these when the bullies of the school teases him with his mothers sake. So only I consoled him quickly..or else he would got an seizure.

Bantu: yeah I noticed how u calmed him....let him sleep...I think he will be fine when Abhi's treatment finishes.

After sometime doc came out OT.

Doc: he is ok now Mr.Manish....he will be concious in 2 or 3 hours. Thank god the bullet didn't hit near the heart. It just damaged his one of the rib cage. The other wounds are also fine. Some of them are deep. But its ok....just take care of him. And don't let him do those stunts I mean fights again atleast for a month or two.....

Manish: ok doc we will take care of him....thank u soo much....

After 2 hours vaishu was sitting beside Abhi holding his hands tightly and a smile was coming on her face when she saw him opening his eyes slowly....

Vaishu: Abhi.....

Abhi slowly opened his eyes fully and adjusted his sight to the bright lights of the room.

Abhi: va..vaishu.....he said tightening his hold on her hand.

Abhi: I am ok....I am fine ...

Vaishu: I know u will be fine....u are my hero na....she said kissing his hand.

Manish, Bantu and avu came inside.

Manish: are u now...

Abhi: I am fine papa....

Manish: u just scared me a shit Abhi...why u went there alone...idiot....

Abhi: it's ok papa....sid's life was important for me that time....wait wait...papa where is he ok....he asked getting tensed

Vaishu: Abhi Abhi calm down....he is sleeping in the next room...I will get him here after he wakes up....

Abhi: what sleeping....did he got hurt....they harmed him??

Bantu: na....he was crying and crying badly so only I said the doc to sedate him....and also he gave u blood...obviously he will be tired na....

Abhi: he gave me blood....he said looked at his hand with drips and the blood bag hanging near his bed.

Slowly he smiled remembering something....

Abhi: vaishu, papa....u know something...he..he called me bhaiya....he said 2 to 3 times vaishu....and also he said Dada....I dont get whats that....but he called me bhaiya to 2 to 3 times....

Avu: ohh god bhai....u are saying u heard him 2 to 3 times....but after we came here I am hearing only the word bhai from his mouth.....

Abhi: really Avni......

Vaishu: haa....she is telling truth only....and that Dada thing....I suggested him to call u as Dada instead of bhai so he can come over the fear of u....but I really didn't thought that he will call u both bhai and Dada in this situation.

Abhi: it's ok....I am happy vaishu....I am so happy....

Then a nurse came in.

Nur: excuse me mam...can anyone of u come over to that room. That guy is making a mess there...he is not listening to us....

Vaishu: I think is he is awake....u go.... I am coming there....

Nur: please come fast....

Vaishu: ok Abhi wait....I will go and get ur baby brother to u....

Abhi just smiled at him and nodded in a yes. Vaishu left to Sid's room when others went to Abhi and showered their love...
To be continued.

Ok guys I tried to finish the book in this chap only....but it will take another chap so enjoy.....

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