Chapter 12

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Abhi: I don't deserve his love....

Bantu: it's not like that abhi.....

Abhi: he will never forgive me Bantu....when he sees me only the demon side of mine will come to his mind....and...and he will never call me bhai....

Bantu: he will Abhi...please

Abhi: no...he will I burnt his hand as he called me bhai....Bantu he will never forgive me...never.....he broke down completely...

Bantu: now it's not the time for this and all abhi...we have to find what really happened to mom and also how did sid end up with that amar in these years....

Abhi: yes u are right ....I have to take my revenge dare he to kill my mom and  separate my brother from me...I will not leave him....come lets go....let him sleep....

Then they left the room. He went to his dad.

Abhi: papa....papa I have a very good news for u papa.....ur 2nd son is here papa.....he is here....but....I really made him suffer a lot...I don't know whether u will forgive me or not  for what I did....but papa I promise u from now I will not let him suffer in any way in his life ....

I am really sorry papa.....I promise u now I will always protect him from all the bad....and now I have to find that amar....I am not gonna leave him.....he said wiping his tears and went out of the room when Bantu was waiting for him outside ...

Bantu: Abhi....

Abhi: yes....

Bantu: that guy u asked for he is dead....

Abhi: what ...

Bantu: yes ...but not recently....on the day of mom died itself....

Abhi: what do u mean means amar killed that person and took sid away from us....if it's true surely there will be some reason behind.

Bantu: yeah and if there is any bad reason he will come for sid again.....

Abhi: no...I will never let him take sid  from me again....

Bantu: but Sid thinks he is his father....

Abhi: let him get well...I will make him understand....

Bantu: ok lets u go and sleep for sometime....u really need to sleep now....

Abhi just nodded in yes. After Bantu left from there Abhi directly went to Sid's room and sat beside him on the floor and he slept there itself by holding sids hand in his.

In the morning Sid slowly wakeup and saw new bandage on his hand. He remembered 2 day before Abhi stopped Ramu uncle from bandaging his wound. Then he felt someone beside him and turned to see Abhi and Bantu sitting beside him . He was purely terrified to see both of them there.

Even Bantu was not harming him in anyways he was still scared of him too.

Sid: bh....sir.....please I really don't know why dad is not responding to ur call please let me go sir please.....

Abhi felt like someone stabbing him continuously when sid called him as sir....his eyes became moist immediately.....

He quickly went to hug him but sid leaned back in fear. Abhi stopped for a second but he couldn't stop himself from hugging him.

Abhi: I am sorry....I am really sorry chote.....I really did very wrong with u....please forgive me....

But sid was still in fear and he was sitting still not knowing what to do. Bantu understood his condition and went to them. Abhi broke the hug and cupped Sids face and spoke....

Abhi: I am really sorry Sid....please forgive me....

Sid: sir...what are u saying....

Abhi: no no...don't say me bhai....please Sid ..please ...

Sid just remembered his words when he said while burning his hands....he became terrified and shook his head in a no quickly....

Bantu: Abhi...leave him...let him take rest we will come afterwards.....

He said and called Ramu uncle to help him get fresh and told give him breakfast. Sid was shocked to hear what he said.

After that Ramu uncle came and gave him breakfast. He was not ready to eat as he was not ready to beleive what happened just now. He was not ready to trust Abhi. Then Ramu made him take medicines and made him to sleep. 

Abhi: will he beleive us Bantu....

Bantu: he will not beleive in first step itself....we have to make him realise the truth slowly....

Abhi just nodded in yes kept silent ....
To be continued

Will Sid beleive them.....

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