Chapter 13

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With amar....

Amar: did u guys found the location or not.....

Guard: sir we are trying but we couldn't....

Amar: I don't know what u guys will do....I want him before 13th sept only 10 days are left go and search him....

Guard: ok sir....

They left and amar went to his room and took out some papers....

Amar: so u managed to go to ur family back....but I am not letting u go that easily siddharth.....I want u to sign in this paper by any means.....for this....for your single sign on this paper only I was looking after u for the last 18 when my mission going to finish but u managed to run from will not leave u that so soon......

In the mansion.

Sid slowly opened his eyes only to find himself alone in the room. He sat up and tried to recall everything....

Sid: what happened to him suddenly.....he was beating me and torchering me continuously for the last one week but today suddenly he he hugged me and said sorry.....

And also he called me they planning something terrible against me....why dad didnt responded to their call....whatever i have to escape from here somehow....

He then got down from the bed and slowly went towards the door. For his surprise the door was not locked. He silently opened the door and went out. He went through the hallways when something got his attention.

Some sound was coming from the room when he was crossing it. He slowly opened it and saw Manish was breathing really heavy fighting between life and death. Sid quickly ran to him and saw what was happening. He didnt know what to do....

He just hold Manish's hands and he noticed tears rolling down from manish's eyes. Sid felt some unknown emotions with him but he couldnt conclude what was that. he wiped his face and held his hand again. Then he was about to go out of the room for calling help but Bantu came in the room suddenly. Sid got scared seeing him.

Bantu: Sid...what are u doing here....

Sid: sorry please don't harm me....I won't try to run again please don't harm me sir....

Bantu: no one is going to harm u sid now calm down what happened to uncle.....ABHI.....ABHI come here.....he shouted and went to Manish.

Sid was just standing on the corner of the room seeing them. Abhi came in the room running along with the doctor and Ramu uncle.

Abhi: Bantu what happened to papa....

Then he saw sid there....

Abhi: Sid what are u doing here....

Sid: I didn't do anything...I saw him breathing heavily so only I came inside sir please....sorry....

Abhi: it's ok's nothing...papa will be fine....  now u go to ur room and take rest....uncle take sid to his room....

Ramu: ok sir....them he took Sid from there...

Abhi and Bantu took Manish to the hospital for further treatment. Abhi Was really scared for his father.

Abhi: Bantu papa will be fine na....I want him with me Bantu....he can only make sid to beleive us...

Bantu: don't worry Abhi papa will be fine....he will come back to us....

Abhi: he should come back Bantu for me ,for sid.....

Bantu: don't worry Abhi...

Abhi: Bantu u go home I will be here...if that amar got to know where is Sid means he surely try to come there....u go home....

Bantu:ok....but keep me updated ok....

Abhi: hmm ok....

Then he left and abhi was waiting for the doctor and he came out of the ICU after sometime....

Doc: Abhi ur father is......
To be continued

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